Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:Leading Characters’ Ambition In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

1.1 Background of the Study  Literature is identical with the words: the
expression of human feeling,  imaginative
process and creativity (Wellek, 1972:2). Literature is a written work and  exists in our society as a communicative means
in our ideas of literature to show and  give
such a greater understanding about this life. Taylor (1981: 1) says that
literature,  like other parts, is
essentially an imaginative act, that is, and act of the writers  imaginations is selecting, ordering, and
interpreting life-experience’. It means that  literature is an interpretation of human’s
mind that uses language as medium. It has a  large scope and fantastic. In literature,
there are three branches of literature such as  drama, poetry, and prose. Meanwhile, prose can
also be divided into novel, short story,  romance, etc.
Novel is one of the literary
works that are part of prose. Novel is a fictional prose  narrative of considerable length, typically
having a plot that is unfolded by the actions,  speech, and thoughts of the characters. Novel
contains some aspects that reflected based  on the human real life. This aspects commonly
concern with feeling, emotion, conflicts,  problem, etc. the elements that build up novel
are plot, characters, theme, setting, point  of view, and language style. One of the most
important elements of novel is characters.
Talking about the characters of a
literary work means talking about their quality of mind,  behaviors, or personalities.
 A character is any person, personal, identity,
or entity whose existence originates  from
a fictional work or performance. A character is a participant in the story, and
is  ally a person, but may be any
persona, identity, or entity whose existence originates  from a fictional work or performance.
Leading character is the centered
individual very dominant. As an individual, the  leading focused personality. Leading character
emerged as long side the extraordinary  character,
a character that might be called prototypical. The prototypical character is
not  a stereotypical but a fully rounded,
three dimensional character.
In this thesis, the writer
chooses Mary Shelley’s novel entitled Frankenstein to  be analyzed. Mary Shelley was an English
novelist, short story writer, dramatist,  essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best
known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein: or,  The Modern Prometheus (1818). She also edited
and promoted the works of her  husband,
the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. And the  Frankensteinis infused with some elements
ofthe Gothic novel and the Romantic  movement
and is also considered to be one of the earliest examples of science fiction.
Brian Aldiss has argued that it should
be considered the first true science fiction story,  because unlike in previous stories with
fantastical elements resembling those of later  science fiction, the central character
"makes a deliberate decision" and "turns to modern  experiments in the laboratory" to achieve
fantastic results. It has had a considerable  influence across literature and popular
culture and spawned a complete genre of horror  stories and films.
The writer wants to analyze two
leading characters’ ambitions and explain the  effect of its ambitions to readers found in
that novel. The leading characters in a story is   the character that built up the story which
revealed by responds to conflict, by his or her  dialogue, and through descriptions that being
majority of the plot line and the reader is  intended to identify with while reading the
story. The leading characters which will be  analyzed by the writer are Victor Frankenstein
and his creature, the monster.
The novel “Frankenstein” by Mary
Shelley tells the story of the leading character  named Victor Frankenstein who is described as
an ambitious man and a scientist that  really
wants to create a man. However, his creation failed and turned into a monster.
The  monster can be considered as the leading
character too because they two, Victor  Frankenstein
and the monster, are the main character who lead the whole story of the  novel. Victor Frankenstein is always
interested about the facts and wants to know  everything in the universe.
The writer would like to propose
an idea especially about the leading characters’  ambitions in Frankensteinnovel written by Mary
Shelley. According to Oxford (2000),  ambition
is something that you want to do or achieve very much and ambitious is  determined to be successful, rich, and
powerful by needing a lot of efforts, money or  time to succeed.
The writer chooses this novel
because this novel is very interesting to read and  can give some information about the ambitions
and its effects to the readers and the  writer
herself. In nowadays, as the reality oflife, we know that a lot of people in
this  world want to get their ambitions
by trying use many ways without to see its effect. The  reason of writer to choose this novel because
of the author’s technique in describing the  events, character acting, and style of the
novel into her literary works so the readers can   read it to be more interesting, enjoying the
story, and can get messages from the story  itself.
For analyzing this thesis, the
writer uses library research by collecting all  necessary information to support the writer
idea in the analysis. The steps used in this  thesis are started by reading the novel,
finding the related data and quotes that support  the theme, until finally making the conclusion
of the analysis.
1.2 Problem of the Study  Based on the above explanation, the writer
would like to concern the writer’s  thesis
in the lading characters’ ambitions, which formulated into :  1.  How
are the leading characters’ ambitions in Frankensteinby Mary Shelley?  2.  What
are the effects of the leading characters’ ambitions in Frankenstein  written by Mary Shelley?  1.3 Objective of the Study  The objective of this thesis tends to answer
the question or the problems of study.

English Literature:Leading Characters’ Ambition In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

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