Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Grammatical Constructions Of Noun Clauses Found In Selected Info Articles Of Hello Magazine

1.1. Background of the Study   Language plays a very important role in the
human beings life. It is one of  communication
tools that human needs to share what they are thinking about, for  example, to share ideas and express
thoughts,human’s needs, wishes, intentions and  desires. In short, language is used inorder to
communicate one with another.
 As a tool of communication, language is
structured in the form of  grammatical
construction. Grammatical construction means the way in which words  are used together and arranged to form a
sentence, phrase etc. (Hornby, 2000:279).
 Every language is built in different
grammatical construction because language is  used for different variety needs. One of the
examples of grammatical construction  can
be found in newspaper language as the part of printed media. Goumovskaya in  her posting “The Use of Language in
Newspapers”retrieved from  (http://eng.1september.ru/2007/12/eng.css)  states “Newspaper language is  recognized as a particular variety of style,
characterized by a specific communicative  purpose and its own system of language means.
It includes a system of interrelated  lexical
and grammatical that means to serve the purpose of informing, instructing and  of entertaining the reader”. The basic
characteristics of news lie in their syntactic  structure as a form of grammatical
construction.  One of these
characteristics is  complex sentences
with a developed system of clauses, e.g.

  xvii    If you have OCD, you probably recognizethat your
obsessive thoughts and  compulsive
behaviors are irrational - but even so, you feel unable to resist them and  break free. (Hello Magazine, Feb 2011)  The above sentence consists of 5 clauses:    If you have OCD.

   You
probably recognize.

   That
your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational.

   But
even so, you feel unable to resist them.

   You
feel unable to break free.

 From the above example, I can state
that language cannot be separated from  clauses
because clause is one of language elements besides phonemes, morphemes,  words, phrases and sentences. Clauses are
notonly one of the elements of language  but
also part of sentence as Wren and Martin (1990: 3) state “Clauses are a group
of  words which forms a part of a
sentence and contains a subject and predicate.” There  are many kinds of clauses; one of them is noun
 Noun clause is a kind of dependent clauses. It
is a group of words which  contains a
subject and a predicate of itsown, and does the work of a noun (Wren and  Martin, 1990: 196), for example, noun clauses
can be found in the above sentence:  If
you have OCD, you probably recognizethat your obsessive thoughts and  compulsive behaviors are iirational - but even
so, you feel unable to resist them and  break
 The noun clause is: that your obsessive
thoughts and compulsive behaviors are  irrational.
  xviii    As a part of language, a noun clause also has
its own grammatical  construction. Frank
(1972: 283) states that in a noun clause, the full subject and  predicate are retained, but the structure is
changed by the addition of a special  introductory
word, by a special word order, or by both. Therefore, the noun clause  elements simply consist of introductory wordor
can be called a subordinator, subject  and
verb because noun clause isa dependent clause that consists of a full subject
and  a predicate of its own and is
introduced by the introductory words such as that, whpronoun andif/whether, so
the simplest pattern of noun clause is:  Sub
+ S + V +…….
 That, wh- pronoun, if/whether  For examples:  1.  She
asked whether we would return.
 The noun clause in the above sentence is
whether we would return.
 She asked whether we would return.
 Sub S V  The construction of the noun clause above
isSubordinator (Sub), Subject (S), Verb  (V).
The word whether functions as Subordinator, the word we functions as Subject  and the word would return functions as Verb.
 2.  How
he will get the moneyis his own affair.
 The noun clause in the above sentence ishow he
will get the money.
 How he will get the moneyis his own affair.
 Sub S 
V  O  The elements of the noun clause above is
Subordinator (Sub), Subject (S), Verb (V)  and Object (O). The word how functions as
Subordinator, the word he functions as  Subject,
the word will get functions as Verb and the word the moneyis an Object.
  xix    3.  He
decides that he will leave for Jakarta soon.
 The noun clause in the above sentence is that
he will leave for Jakarta soon.
 He decides that he will leave for Jakarta soon.
S   V   A   The elements of the noun clause above is
Subordinator (Sub), Subject (S),Verb (V)  and Adverbial (A). The word that functions as
Subordinator, the word he functions  as
Subject, the word will leavefunctions as Verb and the word for Jakarta soon is
an  Adverbial.
clauses may be classified according to the kinds of sentences which  they are derived; those are statements,
questions, requests and exclamations. Each of  them can be used in different nominal
function, for examples, the following noun  clauses are derived from the same sentence;
that is a statement (Frank, 1972: 283).

English Literature:An Analysis Of Grammatical Constructions Of Noun Clauses Found In Selected Info Articles Of Hello Magazine

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