Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:The Homeless Teenagers on the Streets of Early 21st Century England Reflected in Kevin Lewis’ Frankie

Background of the Study Literature
is an indivisible part in human’s life. Literature is the composition that contains one’s experience
that we used to express the feeling, idea,
or thought. According to Learners (in Inayati’s thesis, 2006: 1), “literature
is human experience dealing with human
thought, feeling, and attitude toward life, appealing from emotion and imagination”. It
shows that literature has a close relationship
with the reality of human’s life, especially as the result of the writer’s thought and imagination influenced by any
matter things in his surroundings.
Next, in expressing those thought
and imagination, the writer uses the media such as a novel that is analyzed in this research.
Novel is considered as a form of
literary work which looks at people in society.
Novelists frequently focus on the tensionsbetween individuals and the society in which they live, presenting
characters who are at odds with that society (Peck and Coyle, 1986:102). A novel could be
analyzed from its intrinsic and extrinsic
aspects. The intrinsic analysis can be done through the elements of the novel itself such as plot, setting, and theme,
while the extrinsic analysis can be conducted
by investigating the relationship of the content with some approaches, such as sociological approach and feminism
approach. Here, the researcher takes a novel
entitle Frankiewritten by Kevin Lewis.
Frankieis a novel by Kevin Lewis
that is published in th March 2007. It is about a homeless, streetwise girl with a
past she would rather forget, whose life spirals even further out of control when a
violent encounter leads her into terrible danger. She goes on the run, changing her
appearance and identity (http://www.kevinlewisonline.com/form.htm).
The plot of the story brings us into the
live of homeless on the streets of England withits struggle to live in this
hard community. Not only about
homelessness and hunger, but also about various crimes and conflicts happened. Frankie is a
young girl who runs away from her house
because of having some crash with her stepfather. Have becoming a homeless for about four years, now she also on
the run after tangling in a bloody quarrel
ended with a murder. In her escape, she is also hunted by the assailants who looking for an important secret brought by
Frankie, that she does not even know
about it. But next in this research, the researcher will take just the part of
the experiences of having life on the
streets of England to be analyzed.
For Kevin Lewis, Frankieis
written in accordance with his own experience
of having life on the streets. Kevin's childhood year were spent in the city's rough council estates
(http://www.kevinlewisonline.com/flash.htm). This point also causes the researcher to take the
genetic structuralism approach as the tool
of analysis in this research. Genetic structuralism is an approach in literary criticism which combined both the intrinsic
and extrinsic aspects of the work.
What means by genetic element in
genetic structuralism approach is the genesis or derivation of the work making; the certain
historical background behind the work.
The using of genetic
structuralism in analyzing a work aims to get an intact result since it combines both the intrinsic and
extrinsic aspects of the work.
The approach of genetic
structuralism has been usedby many researchers before. Here, the researcher found several
theses that used the same approach.
They are Nursyamsiyah Ayuningtyas
(UIN Malang, 2007) in Child Labour in th
Century England Reflected in Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist, Ilfa Nur Ubayya (UIN Malang, 2007) in her study Crime in the
Victorian Age in Charles Dickens’s Oliver
Twist, and Isna Ahmida (UIN Malang, 2006) with its title The Theme of the Story in William Styron’s The Confessions of
Nat TurnerNovel (Genetic Structuralism
Approach). All of the theses above are similar with this study for it is using the same approach, the genetic
The researcher is interested with
this novel, Frankie,mainly because it tells
about the life of a homeless and streetwise younger on the streets of England.
The novel portrayed the life on
the streets well. Moreover, the existence, struggle and the dark past of Frankie as the main
character in the novel also interest her to take it as the object of analysis.
The problem of homelessness
itself has becomes a serious problem in England.
The estimation of the Communities and Local Government in June 2003 states that about half of the people sleeping
roughin England were in London (http://www.homelesslondon.org/details.asp?id=LP82).
It is also said that over 2007, over 2
million men, women, and children were homeless and this number is sure to go up in coming years. However,
homelessness is not only refers to adults that there are so many teenagers and younger
also on the streets as a homeless.
Homelessness caused by many
reason, and one of themis because of running
away from home. This is mostly done by the teenagers between 13-15 years which next; it becomes one of the
caution factors in the existence of homeless
teenager. In Frankie, it is told that the main character, Frankie, becomes a homeless girl because she is running away
from her home just short of her fifteenth
birthday (p. 83). Life on the streets, especially in a big capital city of England, London, is a very hard experience for
the teens and younger. So many danger,
sexual exploitation, drug abuse and criminality are waiting for these teens who decided to runaway from their home. They
might be run away to look for what they
believed as their freedom in life, but itis possible for them that they will deal with something worse than what they
thought before. Running away from home
does not always mean that it solves a problem since it directs the children into another problem of lives.
In this study, the description of
life as a youngerhomeless interests the researcher
to find out more about the phenomenon ofhomeless teenagers on the streets. Next, she leads this study in a
literary research entitled “The Homeless Teenagers on the Streets of Early st Century England Reflected in Kevin Lewis’Frankie”.
1.2 Statement of the Problems Concerning to the background of the study
above, this research is intended to
answer the following problems: 1. What are the experiences of being homeless
teenagers on the streets as revealed in
the story of Kevin Lewis’ Frankie? 2. In what aspects does the novel reflect the
real condition about the homeless
teenagers on the streets of early st century
England? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Related
to the previous statement of the problems,the objectives of the study of this research are: 1. To
explore any experiences of being homeless teenagers as revealed in the story of Kevin Lewis’ Frankie.
2. To find out the aspects of the novel which
reflectsthe real condition about the
homeless teenagers on the streets of early 21st century England.

English Literature:The Homeless Teenagers on the Streets of Early 21st Century England Reflected in Kevin Lewis’ Frankie

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