Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Levels of Questions toward Language Testing Using Based on Barrett’s Taxonomy

In t hi s chapter, the background of the study , probl ems of the study , obj ect ives of the study , significances of the study , scope and limi t ati on o f the study
, and defini t i on o f the key term s are discussed cl ear ly as f o ll ows: 1.1 Background of the Study In daily live,
language is needed by peopl e as
means o f communicat i on.
Communicat i on contains of many
aspects of language such as
sentences, expressi o ns, and gestures.
It means that peopl e have to concern t
o these aspects when they want to communicate well. In addi t i on, a
misunderstanding or miscommunicat i on
is most ly happened in the soci
ety because peopl e are careless wi th these aspects. Thus, understanding these
aspects i s necessary f or humans being, especially f or
l anguage l earners.
From all o f
the aspects of l anguage above,
sentences become the main important aspects in a communicat i on. It can be known f rom the use of sentences that become the maj or i t y aspect in communicat i on whereas the expressi o ns
and gestures are most ly used to em phasize the use of sentences. Sentence i s a means that is used f or delivering our opi ni o n
and expressing our em ot i on, f eeling, and mind. Theref ore, when we arranged our
sentence well, our communicat i on will be cl early
interpreted and easy to be
Sentence is a combinati on o f several
words that at least cont ains subject and predicate. Indeed, there are five kinds
of sentence based on the f unct i on (Hartant o, dkk., 2003: 36). Those are affi
rmat ive, negat ive, interrogat ive,
negat ive interrogat ive and imperative
sentence. The use of those sentences
depends on the context and the purpose of the conversat i on. Thus, using the sentence appropriately , which is rel ated to the context and purposes, will make our conversati on
becomes more int eractive and communicat ive.
In daily communicat i on, the use
of the kinds of those sentences is variat
i on especially interrogat ive sentence.
Generally , affirmat ive sentence is a sentence used f or giving informat i on
to someone, while negat ive
sentence is a sentence used f or ref using the informati on
about something to someone.
Interrogat ive is a sentence used
f or asking quest i ons and ended by quest i on mark whereas negative interrogat ive sentence is a sentence used f or asking quest i ons that is negative. Both of them are ended by quest i on mark (?).
Meanwhile, imperat ive sentence is used f or asking someone to do something
and ended by exclamat i on mark (!)
(Hartanto, dkk., 2003: 36). The example f or those sentences: I have only a dollar right now . (Affirmative sentence) I do not recognize that man (Negative sentence) Is John sleeping right now ? (Interrogative sentence) Does she not go to campus? (Negative interrogative sentence) Try to do the
best! (Imperative sentence) This research
is f ocused on interrogat ive
sentence that is commo nly called
by quest i ons. During t his t ime, a
quest i on is most ly understood by the soci et y
as a means f or asking quest i
ons. As a result, we rarely know or even we do not know about the quest i on classificat i
on. It influences to our understanding about
the aims o f quest i ons. In daily life, unfortunately, we of ten find many quest i ons ty pes such as in communicat i on, newspaper, books,
magazines, t el evisi o n, and parti
cularly in a tes t . Consequent ly, we do not know what the funct i on of
the quest i ons asked, why the quest i ons are asked, and what the aspects that wants to
be measured in the quest i ons.
Interrogat ive sentence has
many f orms. There are seven f orms of quest i ons that are usually used in
interrogat ive sentence; those are yes/no, al ternat ive, open­ended, mul t iple­choice,
true­false, cl oze, matching quest i ons (Day
and Park, 2005: 21). This will
be more interest ing t o be di scussed since each f orm of
quest i ons has different
characters and f unct i ons. Indeed, the example f or those f orms of quest i ons: Do you like this article? (Yes/no) John looked at Marry w ith great interest
because? (Alternative) What is the topic of the first paragraph? (Open­ended) When was Maria born? a. 1940 b. 1945 c. 1990
d. 1954 (Multiple­choice) Is this statement true? Why? Explain your
choice! (Cloze) Unhappy →
sad (Matching) This descript i on l eads us to deep understanding about the f orms of quest i ons generally .
Related to this discussi o n, there are some theori es
that are applied by experts about quest
i ons that can be classified int o several
levels of quest i ons according
to thei r content . Many experts
try to
make the classificat i on of the quest i ons according t o thei r content (Aryati , 2007: 19). One of the quest i on taxonomies, and probably the best
known, i s published by a) Bl oom et al . in 1956.
He cl assifies his system
into six levels. Those are knowl
edge, comprehensi o n, applicat i on,
analys is, synthesis, evaluat i on. (Swaby , 1984: 95). In the same way, b) Aschner­Gallagher al so publishes the quest
i ons cl assificat i on (Scal es and Shen, 2001: 24). Aschner­Gallagher system invo lves cogni t ive­memory , convergent , divergent , and evaluat ive ty pes of t hinking. In addit i on, c) Pearson and
Johnson also publish the classificat i
on of the quest i ons (Scales and Shen,
2001: 26). Thei r system invo lves the tasks with nine l evels and taxonomy o f proport i onal comprehensi on tasks also con taining nine
In addi t i on, d) Barrett also
publishes the quest i ons taxonomy t hat divides quest i ons become f our main categori es
(Aryat i , 2007: 20­21). Those are li teral recogni t i on, inference, evaluat i on, and appreciat i on.
Each l evel contains between f our and eight categori es. As a resul t , t his taxonomy is
more detail than the others.
Li teral recogni t i on is t o read between the lines
to understand what is explici t ly stat ed in the next . Inference is the process of understanding a wri t ten text that requi res the reader to read between the lines t o consi der what
is implied but not explici t ly
st ated. Evaluati on is t y pe comprehensi o n which requi res the
readers to give j udgment about some aspect of the text. And the last , appreci at i on is
ty pe of comprehensi on which requi res
the readers to respond wi th his
feeling f or the text and subject
Compared t o Barrett ’s taxonomy,
Bl oom’s taxonomy refers specifically to reading comprehensi o n. Besides that, f or
the new learners of levels of quest i ons, bl oom’s taxonomy is more complicat ed than Barrett’s taxonomy because he uses many ty pes of quest i on classification. Compared t o other
taxonomies above, those categories seem
t oo general f or the purpose of cl assifying the quest i ons int o taxonomy. It is different f rom Barrett’s taxonomy which
is more specific and is able to be interpreted and understood easily.
language phenomenon can be analyzed f rom many aspects of
language so that i t i s necessary to s tat e the scope of the study . To get at a more preci se defini t i on o f the field we need to be more specific (Cook, 2003: 7). The
research bel o ngs to the scope of applied linguist i cs, exact ly on language test ing. This research analyzes the l evels o f quest i ons that are incl uded on evaluati on
o f language. Cook (2003: 7) defined
that l anguage test ing is the assessment
and evaluat i on of language achievement and proficiency , both in first
and addi t i onal languages, and
f or both general and specific purposes.

English Literature:An Analysis of Levels of Questions toward Language Testing Using Based on Barrett’s Taxonomy

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