Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Surface Structure Analysis in Kangguru Magazine by using Diane D. Bornstein's Tree Diagram Theory

This section includes background
of the study, research problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope
and limitation of the study, and definition
of the key terms. Each of the items is clearly discussed clearly as the following.
1.1 Background of the Study Language is the most important means of
communication for human beings. By using
language, people are able to communicate and cooperate with others. Language is also used as the medium of
expressing feeling, ideas, and thoughts.
Therefore, people have to master languagein order to avoid misunderstanding between the speaker and the
listener, between the writer and the reader.
It has been explained in Surah Ibrahim verse (4) below: ! Þ Ο‹Å 3y sø 9$ #
Artinya: "Kami tidak mengutus seorang rasulpun, melainkan dengan bahasa kaumnya supaya ia dapat memberi penjelasan
dengan terang kepada mereka. Maka Allah
menyesatkan siapa yang dia kehendaki, dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang dia
kehendaki. dan Dia-lah Tuhan yang Maha
Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana (Q.S. Ibrahim: 4) Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies
the rules, or "patterned relations”
that govern the way words combine to form phrases and phrases 13 combine
to form sentences. Bornstein (1977:48) states that a sentence is the basic unit of syntactic analysis. It is
easier to see the parts (phrases) and subparts
(parts of speech) of the sentence in a tree diagram. Finch (1998:107) states that the advantage of tree diagrams is
that they enable us to see at a glance the
hierarchical structure of sentences. Moreover, the sentence is represented by category symbols (S, NP, VP, Aux) and
formatives; the formatives are divided into
lexical items (beautiful, girl, etc) and grammatical items (they include markers for perfect, progressive, etc.).
Syntax basically refers to the
rules for the arrangement of words into phrases
and phrases into sentences. It is a part ofthe science of linguistics and deals with the sentence structure. Therefore,
to get understanding words into phrases
and phrases into sentences, we should use syntax to analyze it.
There are two types and ways in
syntax analysis that are used to analyze sentences. The two types are tree diagram and
chinese boxes while two ways are surface
and deep structure. Tree diagram and chinese boxes are used to analyze a sentence and the position of sentence
(subject, noun, verb, adverb, adjective, noun phrase,etc). Tree diagram is a sentence
analysis byusing internal hierarchical structure
of sentences as generates by set of rulesand Chinese boxes is the explanation unit by enclosing each ultimate
constituent of a larger unit. Surface structure
is one of the way to analyze sentence based on the form while deep structure is one of the way to analyze a
sentence based on the content or meaning.
In line with that, the researcher
analyzes sentences by using tree diagram and surface structure analysis in Kangguru
14 The tree diagrams provide a precise means of
defining syntactic relations.
An NP immediately dominated by an
S is the subject of that sentence. An NP immediately dominated by a VP is the object or
complement of the sentence containing
the verb phrase. The tree diagram also show which words are constituents of a sentence (Bornstein, 1977) Sometimes you find that a sentence is an
ambiguous one and the meaning is not
clear. A syntax tree diagram can help you understand these ambiguous sentences too. A syntax tree diagram consists
of a number of nodes. The nodes are "daughter
node" and "sister node"(Bornstein, 1977:44). A daughter node is
one node immediately dominated by
another. A sister node is two nodes immediately dominated by the same node. Nodes in a tree
diagram are connected to each other,
either directly or indirectly, with branches.
In this context, the writer
analyzes the structuresof the sentences in Kangguru Magazine because most of the readers
of Kangguru magazine are students, it
can be proved by reading Listener Letter Rubric(one of rubric in Kangguru magazine that contain letters from
the student). Because there are many students
who read Kangguru magazine, the writer decide to analyze the structure of the sentence by using theory of tree
diagrams tomake easier understanding the structure of the sentence.There are many
English magazines one of them is Kangguru
magazine. In Kangguru magazine there are many rubrics, such as contents: welcome letter from Kelvin,
Listener's letters, English idioms, technology
and inventions, Wow Wow Whiz, Ausaid in Indonesia, the world around us, Oz-Indo connections, Kang guru
connection club, Kang Guru in the 15 classroom, Entertainment – Dewi Lestari,
Anggun, and Tommy Tjokro, different pond
different fish, KGRE Radio schedules.
Kangguru magazine is published in
March, June, September and December.
Here the researcher uses Kangguru magazine on June 2006 and he takes all rubrics in Kangguru magazine as his
Kangguru magazine is one of
English magazine. It isdesigned for the students
to increase their English skill. The sentences in kangguru magazine are different with other English magazine. The
sentences in Kangguru magazine are easily
to be understood and read. Therefore, it canhelp the beginner getting better in studying English. Because of those reasons,
the writer uses Kangguru magazine as his
data source.
Actually, the previous researcher
have already conducted the study in the same
field, such as Nani Triana Sari (2004), who conducts his study on A syntactic Analysis on westlife’s song
lyricsand Siti Subaidah Trias Ningrum (2003)
who investigate his thesis under the title A Syntactic Analysis on Edgar Allan poes’s Poems Based on the theory of
Diane D. Bornstein.
There are similarity and
difference in research problems between this research and the previous research. The
similarity between this research and the previous research are about what syntactic
patternsused in the sentences. The difference
between the researcher and the previous study are the previous study used how syntactic pattern are used in the
sentences while the writer takes the syntactic
patterns are used in nominal and verbal sentences as the second research problem. Here the researcher arranges the
result ofsentence patterns that have analyzed
and divided between nominal and verbal sentence that want to be 16 analyzed
in order to know sentence pattern in nominal and sentence patterns in verbal sentences.
Based on the explanation above,
the researcher is interested in investigating a thesis under the title Surface Structure
Analysis In Kangguru Magazine by Using Diane Bornstein’s Tree Diagram Theory (
Syntactic Analysis) because surface
structure analysis is the basic study to get deep understanding in sentence structure analysis.
!.2 Research Problems Based on the background study above, the
researcheranalyzes the following
problems: 1. What are syntactic patterns
of the simple present used in Kangguru magazine
using Diane D. Bornstein's Tree Diagram Theory? 2. What
are syntactic patterns used in nominal and verbal sentences on Simple Present using Diane D. Bornstein's Tree
Diagram Theory in Kangguru Magazine? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Concerning with the problems mentioned above,
thereare two objectives of the study.
The first is to describe the syntactic patterns of the simple present are used in Kangguru Magazine using theory of tree
diagrams proposed by Diane Bornstein.
The second is to describe the sentence patterns in nominal and verbal sentence on simple present using Diane D.
Bornstein's tree diagram Theory.

English Literature:A Surface Structure Analysis in Kangguru Magazine by using Diane D. Bornstein's Tree Diagram Theory

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