Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:The Analysis Of Leading Character Conflict In My Sister Keeper By Jodi Picoult

1.1  Background of The Study Literature  can 
be  considered  as  a  written 
imagination  of  what 
human  thinking,  it  reflects
the result as the value of an art work. Generally, literature can be divided
into fiction  and  nonfiction. 
Novel,  short  story, 
drama,  and  tales 
included  to  the 
fiction  works.  On  the
 contrary,  the 
nonfiction  works  are 
essay,  history,  autobiography 
and  diary.  In 
this  thesis  a  novel
is used as the material of the discussion, which the novel itself belongs to
the literary work. Richard (198: 1) state that: “Literature  primarily 
refers  to  the 
written  or  printed 
word.  Literature  is  essentially  an 
imaginative  act;  that 
is  an  act 
of  the  writer’s 
imagination  in  selecting, ordering, and interpreting life
experience. The writers  build the story  by using their own life experience. Experience
about nature and social life may  emerge
the ideas of the story.
“ Novel  is  one 
of  literary  genre. 
Novel  is  a 
fictional  prose  narrative 
of  considerable  length, 
typically  having  a 
plot  that  is 
unfolded  by  the 
actions,  speech,  and 
thoughts  of  the  characters.
Novel has complicated intrigue, that present the changing of human character in
a  period of time, complex social
situation, and other action happened. Peek (1983:1) state that: “Explain
that  novel are often about the
relationship between individuals and the  society 
in  which  they 
life.  A  story 
of  the  novel  often  tells 
about  the  characters  explained 
in  his  or 
her  social  life, 
and  it  relates 
with  where  the 
story  takes  place.”  Conflict is an actual or perceived opposition
of needs, value and interest. A conflict  can 
be  internal  (within 
oneself)  and  external 
(with  another  one). 
Conflict  as  a 
concept  can  explain many aspects of social life such as
social disagreement, conflicts of interests and fight    between individuals, groups or organization.
When an interpersonal conflict does occur, its  effect can be involved more than two
individuals and can affect many associate individuals  and relationship in some case. Leading 
character  is  the 
centered  individual  very 
dominant.  As  an 
individual,  the  leading 
focused  personality.  Leading 
character  emerged  as 
long  side  the 
extraordinary  character,  a 
character  that  might 
be  called  prototypical. 
The  prototypical  character 
is  not  a  stereotypical
but a fully rounded, three dimensionanl characters.
novel  which  is 
discussed  in  thesis 
written  by  Jodi 
Picoult  entitled  My 
Sister  Keeper tells about little
girl, she is age thirteen years old, her named is Anna Fitzgerald she is  a 
youngest  Fitzgerald  child. 
She  has  undergone 
countless  surgeries,  transfusions 
to  older  sister to fight the leukemia that has to
disturb her since childhood. This story to explain from  diagnosis of preimplantation genetic, Anna was
conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate  a 
life  and  a 
role  that  she 
has  never  questioned 
until  now.  Like 
most  teenagers,  Anna 
is  beginning  to 
question  who  is  she  in 
fact.  But  unlike 
most  teenagers,  she 
has  always  been  defined  in 
terms  of  her 
sister  and  so 
Anna  makes  a 
decision  that  for 
most  would  be  impossible  a 
decision  that  will 
tear  her  family 
and  have  fatal 
consequences  for  the 
sister  which  is 
she  loves.  My 
Sister  Keeper  examines 
what  it  means 
to  be  good 
parents,  a  good  sister,
and a good person.
Jodi Picoult have a tales of
sad,humor, and love. As thirteen  year
old Anna Fitzgerald  struggles  to 
define  herself  as  a  person 
part  of  from 
her  sister  Kate, 
Picoult  exposes  the  universal  truths 
of  human  relationships.  Life 
is  full  of 
choices  and  consequences. 
Love  demands risks and sacrifice;
self-examination and sharing. As the characters unfold, in their  own words, the importance of communication
emerges as a unifying theme. Picoult addresses  the ethics of the situation. Ending of story
is very fantastic,  really interesting
the reader into    the
text. This is a cosmic tale about relationships, endurance, and the strong of
love to change  lives forever.
The  writer 
choose  this  novel 
because  after  reading 
“  My  Sister 
Keeper  “  novel,  conflict 
about  emotions  and 
actions  of  characters 
put  into  a 
family  in  which 
one  of  three  children
is battling a life threatening illness. The mother, Sara is torn between taking
care of  her cancer stricken daughter and
parenting her other two healthy children. 
Time and  energy are divided  and their children  healthy ignored. The youngest child Anna has
been a donor for  her sister since the
day she was born and the fight did not stop until he becomes mature.
For Anna, she is the sister of
Kate. She has to help Kate, to stay alive. But when Anna  realizes that she suffers too many things for Kate. When her mother ask 
her to supply one of  her
kidney for Kate. She thinks that she must do something to change her life and
her family.
Even though there must be a
conflict between them.
1.2  Problem of the Study Referring to the
explanation of the background of the analysis above, there is some  problems 
will  be  analyzed 
in  this  thesis. 
Therefore  the  writer 
finds  and  decides 
some  problems that needed to be
answer: 1.  What are the types of leading
conflict in the novel of My Sister Keeper writtenby Jodi  Picoult?  2.  What
are the dominant conflicts in the novel of My Sister Keeper written by  Jodi Picoult?    1.3 Objective of the Study  There are two objectives of the analysis can
be found in this thesis.
1.  Describe the types of conflict in the novel
of My Sister Keeper written by Jodi Picoult.
2.  Describe 
the  dominant  conflict 
in  the  novel 
of  My  Sister 
Keeper  written by  Jodi  Picoult.
1.4 Scope of the Study  Conflict 
is  struggle  between 
two  or  more 
force  that  creates 
a  tension  that 
must  be  resolved. There are two kinds of conflict
internal and external conflict. Therefore the writer  only focused on the internal and external
conflict the leading characters found in this novel.
1.5 Significance of the Study   The
analysis of this thesis is expected to be able to give significance for the
1.  This thesis will give information to the
readers about literature and understand about  this novel.
2.  This 
thesis  hope  will 
enrich  the  knowledge 
of  the  readers 
about  leading  characters  conflicts and types of conflict in this novel.

English Literature:The Analysis Of Leading Character Conflict In My Sister Keeper By Jodi Picoult

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