Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Passive Voice Found In The Inside Sumatra Magazine

1.1  The Background of Study Language is a means
of communication. Communication can only take place  successfully if the means of communication is
agreed upon by its users. As human  beings,
we rely upon language in carrying out almost all of our activities. We know  that society could not exist without language.
Language is a human activity  performed
in time and space, and in almost constant interaction of one human being  with other. Sapir (1949 : 8) cites “language
is purely human and non instinctive  method
of communicating ideas, emotions, desires by means of systems of voluntary  produced symbols. “It means language is a
systematical means of communicating  ideas
or feeling by the used of signs, gestures, or marks having understood meaning  and it is used when we interact with other
people in social group or society.
Language is not only a means we
use, it is also a reflection of our thought,  our hopes and our values. As we play our
various roles – as student, as son or daughter, and soon – observe how people
in various occupations and situations use  English in somewhat different ways. Observe
too, that language varies according to  the
purpose for which it is being used. The users of language are constantly uttering
 new sentences that they have never
uttered before and interpreting utterances that  they have never heard before, either in spoken
or written language.
In English, we recognize two
kinds of sentences, those are active and passive  voice sentences. In this thesis, the writer
wants to analyze about the passive voice   8  because
sheconsiders that the problem in passive voice still need to be explained and  moreover, the passive voice is often used in a
daily conversation either in formal or  informal
language. The passive voice is used more frequently in written than spoken  English. It is ally found in text books,
scientific, business, technical report,  government
report and in magazines. However, in spoken language, it is used quite  frequently in television and radio news report
and in commercials. In a passive voice  sentences,
we want to emphasize the action, what happened rather than who and  what performs the action.
As we know, passive voice is ally
used in form all languages. One of the  formal
languages that we can find in our daily life is the language which is used in  magazines. In addition, magazines show
economic and social phenomenon of our  society.
They are major forces in forming public opinion of the world and this  mightily affects national and international
efforts toward economic progress and  global
There are many magazines both
English and Indonesian magazines that we  can find in Indonesia. One of them is “The
Inside sumatera”. It is a well known  magazine
which is published every month in Indonesia as the alternative English  magazine. It contains the news about Tourism
in Sumatra.
1.2 The Problems of Study The
problems of study are :  a.  The classification of the passive voice
sentences found on the magazine of The Inside Sumatra magazine.
 9  b.  The use of the passive voice sentences found
the magazine.
c.  The dominant passive sentences that are used
in the magazine.
1.3 The Objective of Study This
thesis has three objectives based on the problems, they are : a.  To classify the passive voice sentences used
in the magazine “Inside  Sumatra”.
b.  To describe the uses of passive voice found
on the magazine.
c.  To find out the dominant passive voice
sentences which are in used in the  magazine
of : The Inside Sumatra”.
1.4 The Scope of Study In this
thesis, the writer limits the discussion of the problems as specific as  possible on the title. Thus, it will be better
by making limitation to analyze the  passive
voice. Passive voice is one of the most important parts of grammar. Passive  voice is classified into two parts, they are:
agentive passive and non-agentive  passive.
Therefore, the scope of writing in this thesis is about passive voice are found
 in Inside Sumatera Magazine.
1.5 The Significance of Study To make this thesis useful for others,
some significance could be drawn as  follow
:  a. To develop the writer’s knowledge
on grammar especially about passive  voice
b.  To make the non – native speaker of English
understand passive voice especially in this regard.
c.  To be a reference for the readers who want to
learn about English  grammar especially
about passive voice.
d.  To improve
the way to study English grammar.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Passive Voice Found In The Inside Sumatra Magazine

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