Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:Analisys Of The Main Character In Oliver Bowden’s Novel Assassin’s Creed Renaissance

1.1  Background of the study Abrams (1988 : 3)
says in a dictionary of literary terms and literary theory,  the main definition of literary term is : “of
or pertaining to, or of nature of,  literature,
polite learning, or books and written compositions; pertaining to that  kind of written composition which has value on
account of its qualities of form.
Using the literary terms as
extremely important because they are the medium  through which a reader interacts with a piece
of literature. Literature includes  play,
essay, novel, poetry, and short story.
A novel ally tells of human life
in its interaction with the environment  and
each other. In a novel, the authors make every effort to direct with the reader
 to the images of the reality of life
through the stories contained in the novel.
Characters have conversations
with each other to enable parts the reader to  learn about whom they are, what role they are
playing and about the events of the  novel.
Characters are the persons in a narrative of dramatic work of at such as  novel, play, or film. A novel can, but doesn’t
need to, has many characters. In  novel,
character can be differentiated into several kinds based on point of view of  the appellation to be done. It is true that
author can reveal character traits through  his or her literary work. Character’s
appearance in terms of how he or she acts and  what other characters in the story say is a
key point of understanding the story and  its conflict as a whole. Thus, this is the
reason as idea as the background why this  paper analysis character portrayed.
Scope of the study The writer is sure that there are many important
aspect of the novel can be  discussed. In
writing the paper the writer only focuses about one of the intrinsic  elements of novel that is character. In the
novel Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance the author would like describe about Ezio
Auditore da Firenze, Cristina Calfucci,  Leonardo
da Vinci, and Rodrigo Borgia character.
1.3  Significant of the study The finding of this
study is expected to be significant to the readers of  literature, because it can show the
inspiration, opinion and idea. From this paper, I  hope the readers will get some knowledge about
intrinsic element in the novel  Assassin’s
Creed Renaissance, especially about the main characters. Then this  paper can improve the English Diploma
Student’s interest in studying literature.
1.4  The Method of The Study The method applied in
this paper is descriptive qualitative. It focuses on  describing how the characters are portrayed in
the novel. In doing the description,  the
writer of this paper interpreted and analysed the quotations from the text of
the  novel. The quotations as data were
selected in strengthen the analysis given.

English Literature:Analisys Of The Main Character In Oliver Bowden’s Novel Assassin’s Creed Renaissance

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