Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Unit Shift In 300 Movie Subtitles Into Bahasa Indonesia

1.1  Background of The Study Translating is
basically turning a form into another form. In this case, another  form means source language or target language.
The major problems of translating are  culture
and the linguistics. Linguistics here means the different characteristics  between one language and another, such as the
shifts in translation. Culture here  means
a different assumption of meaning in translation.
 If we translate a form, the translation can
consist of a word, phrases, sentence,  paragraph,
a group of paragraph, or writing an even longer. Sometimes people not pay  much attention in translation but its so
dangerous because if there are some mistakes  in translating, the products of the
translation might have the different meaning with  the source language and some wrongs assumption
might comes up.
 Catford (1969: 20) states that translation is
the replacement of textual material  in
one language by equivalent textual material in another language, whereas Munday
 (2001: 4) states that the term
translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the  general subject field, the product (the text
has been translated) or the process (the act  of producing the translation), otherwise known
as translating.
 Nida (Venuti 2000: 126) says that since no two
languages are identical, either  in
meanings given to corresponding symbols or in the ways in which such symbols  are arranged in phrases and sentences it
stands to reason that there can be no absolute  correspondence between languages.
 In summary, it is not easy for the translator
to translate with a natural  translation
and has the same meaning with the source language, because one language  and another language usually are not
identical. It can be concluded that there is no  absolutely correspondence between languages.
So the translator should concern about  the
structure and appropriate meaning for the translation to target language.
 Catford (Venuti 2000: 141) states that by
shifts we mean the departures from  formal
correspondence in the process of going from SL (Source Language) to TL  (Target Language). Catford says that there are
two major types of shifts, level shifts  and
category shifts.
 Level shifts means that a source language item
at one linguistic level has a  target
language translation equivalent at a different level. It is the shifts from
grammar  to lexis. It means that a
grammatical unit in English, such as noun, affix has a lexical  unit in Bahasa Indonesia. Here is the example,
Thierry Henry has stopped playing for  Arsenal
FC and its translation becomes Thierry Henry sudah berhenti Category shifts is
about unbounded and rank-unbounded translation. In  unbounded translation, equivalences are not
tied to a particular rank and can be find  equivalences at other levels, while in rank-unbounded
translation an equivalent in the  target
language for each word or  for each
morpheme encountered in the source  language.
These category shifts have four kinds of shifts. That are structure shifts,  class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system
 bermain untuk  Arsenal FC. The form “has” as a unit in
English Grammar is translated into Bahasa  Indonesia by lexis “sudah”.
 Unit shifts become the main focus in this
thesis. Unit shifts is the changes of  rank.
It’s also called rank shifts. It’s about departures from formal correspondence  where in the translation equivalent of a unit
at one rank in the source language is a  unit
at another rank in the target language. Rank here refers to the hierarchical  linguistic units of sentence, clause, group,
word and morpheme. For example, “That  girl
is boyish“(word). In target language becomes “Cewek itu kelaki-lakian Shifts
become the solution for the translator. By using shifts, the translator is  expected to get the natural meaning of the
translation. It is also used to produce  equivalent
and exact meaning and structure. Translator use shifts to refer the changes  which may occur in process of translation.
Sometimes translating the text is very  difficult
and every language has it own rules and make 
the translator faces the  condition
that forced him to make shifts of translation so the meaning of the source  language can be transferred well.
 The word “boyish” in source language is
translated into Bahasa Indonesia by phrase  “kelaki-lakian”.
 Unit shift also may occur up and down the
scale of level. The word level in  source
language can be translated into phrase or clause in target language. Also the  sentence level in source language can be translated
into clause or phrase level in target  language.
It’s necessary to use shifts to get equivalence meaning. By using shift, the  translation become more flexible and natural
because it’s translated based on source  language
and target language in order to get a good translation without losing the  meaning.
 The study is on the subtitles of 300 movie.
The shifts which occur in the  movie will
be analyzed in this thesis. The definition of subtitle as explained in  Wikipedia : “Subtitles are textual versions of
the dialog or commentary in film,  television
program, video games, and the like, usually displayed at the bottom of the  screen. They can either be a form of written
translation of dialog in a foreign  language,
or a written rendering of the dialog in the same language, with or without  added information to help viewers who are deaf
and hard of hearing to follow the  dialog,
or people who cannot understand the spoken dialogue or who have accent  recognition problems”.
 Subtitle is very important to explain about
the diversity of language in film. It  can
be used to translate dialog from a foreign language to the native language of
the  audience. The shifts may occur
between the foreign language as a source language in  the movie and native language as a target
language in movie subtitle.
 For example: This will not over be quickly.
(Source language is in English).
 “Ini tidak akan berakhir secara Shifts occur
in the subtitle of this film. The subtitle is Bahasa Indonesia.
 There are some shifts that become a problem in
translation. Consequently the study of  unit
shifts need to be done as to see the kind of unit shifts and the most dominant
unit  shifts which occur in this film.
 cepat.” (Target language is in Bahasa
 From the example above, it is clearly seen
that there is a unit shifts from morpheme “-ly” turning into word “secara”.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Unit Shift In 300 Movie Subtitles Into Bahasa Indonesia

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