Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Syntactical Structure Analysis on the Translation of Surah ‘Abasa in the Holy Qur’an

This chapter
presents background of the study,
problem of the
study, objectives of the
study, significance of
the study, scope
and limitation, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of
the Study Syntactic analysis is
popularized by L.
Bloomfield in the
descriptive linguistic. The descriptive
linguistic is the
approach of language
study that arose from
the interest and
preoccupations of American
anthropologist, who were concerned
to establish good
descriptions of the
American Indian language and
cultures before they
disappeared (Crystal, 1987:407).
Syntactic analysis is a
method of syntactically
categorizing the constituents
of English language sentences and a scheme
showing all possible categories
to which the constituents of
any sentence could
belong. Analyzing syntactic
structure means analyzing grammar.
Chomsky recognizes
syntactic structure in his generative
grammar. He emphasized that
linguistic theory on
syntactic structures is
necessary since it can
give explanation in
different types of
analysis for linguistic
levels as constructional structures.
Moreover, there are
transformational grammar and structural grammar
in analyzing the
syntactic structure. Crystal
(1987: 232) writes that
syntactic structure analysis
developed by Chomsky
is made by devising a
set of rules
that would generate
‘tree structure’. It
is recognized in transformational grammar.
Then, in
its development, Francis (1958:292)
develops one example
of analyzing sentence structures
in structural grammar (or
structural approach). It is an
analysis of sentence
based on its
surface structure. He
states that there are
four basics syntactic
structures in English
sentences: (1) Structure
of modification; structure that
two component parts
are head and
modifier, (2) Structure of
predication; structure that
two components are
subject and predicate, (3)
Structure of complementation; structure
whose elements are verbal
element and complement,
and (4) Structure
of coordination; structure which consists
of equivalent grammatical
units joined by
a special kind
of function words. (These
four syntactic structures
are discussed in
more detailed in Chapter
II). Different from
the method applied
by Chomsky to
analyze syntactic
structures, Francis proposes
Chinese Box system
to analyze the syntactic
structures. Chinese Box
system analyses syntactic
structure by diagramming the
sentence using a
binary system boxing
into its parts
(see Chapter II for more detailed explanation).
Study on
syntactic structure has
been carried out
by several scholars.
In 2006, students of State
Islamic University of Malang (UIN
Malang) have done the syntactical analysis
that brings them
to earn MURI
award. They analyzed the
longest syntactic structure
of a sentence
consisting of 377
words. The analysis was
done on a
250 meters long
white cloth. Some
researchers have also conducted
syntactic analysis (e.g.
Natalia, 2003; Wibowo,
2005; Rohmawati; 2007 and
Syarifatin; 2007). Natalia
(2003), for example,
has studied the
syntactic structures on
some Celine Dion’s
songs using Chinese Box
Theory. She found
some variations of
those four syntactic
structures and combined those
structures into a
diagram. Then, Rohmawati
(2007) has observed the
syntactic analysis on the English
translation of Surah
Yasin by using tree
diagram theory. She
investigated the syntactic
pattern of positive, negative, and
interrogative sentences used
in the English
translation of Surah Yasin.
Moreover, she found
that most of
the positive sentences
contain complex sentences, while
most of the
negative sentences contain
compound sentences, and most
of the interrogative
sentences contain of
yes-no questions and WH
questions. The other studies that focusing on holy Qur’an
(Akustria, 2003; Suwaidah, 2005; and
Ma’arif, 2007). Ma’arif
(2007) for example, has conducted research in
semantic analysis on
the translation of
surah Al-Fath. Ma’arif
found the Lexical, sentential, and discoursal meaning in the
translation of Surah Al-Fath.
Suwaidah (2005)
also has investigated
the deixis on
the translation of
surah Al-fatihah, she found
some deixis of
time, place, and
pronoun within the translation of Surah Al-Fatihah.
Based on
the results of
those studies, this
present study investigates syntactic structure
analysis in the
translation of Surah
‘Abasa in the
Holy Qur’an by Muhammad
Taqi-Ud-Din Al Hilali
& Muhammad Muhsin
Surah ‘Abasa
is the eighteenth Surah of the
Holy Qur’an . This
Surah consists of forty two
verses. Quthb (2003:
170) says that
based on its
contents, the whole verses
of Surah ‘Abasa
can be divided
into four segments
(See Chapter II for more
detailed). In
this study, the
researcher selects the
first segment of
Surah ‘Abasa as the
object of the
study. It consists
of sixteen verses.
It contains a
story about the revealing
of this Surah.
Its verses consist of
broken short sentence
on each verse but still
have correlation with
the following verses.
That correlation makes its
verses meaningful. Furthermore,
there are some
varieties of sentences such
as statements, exclamations,
or even questions.
Such syntactical structures of
Surah Abasa are
significant to be
analyzed to find
its sentence pattern. Furthermore,
it can fill
the gaps between
the reader and
the translators that are
able to improve
the readers’ understanding
in content and meaning.
Moreover, it is
useful to know
the construction of the English sentence, especially
as the translation
of the holy
Qur’an because they
are originally religious expressions from Allah.
1.2 Problem of the Study Based on
the background stated
above, this study
is conducted to
answer the following question: How
are the syntactic
structures on the
translation of Surah
‘Abasa by Muhammad Taqi-Ud-Din
al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan? 1.3 Objective of the Study In line
with the problem
stated above, this
study intends to
explain the syntactic structures
on the translation
of surah ‘Abasa
by Muhammad TaqiUd-Din al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin
Khan 1.4
Significance of the Study The findings of this study will provide useful
inputs for: (1) The next
researchers who are
going to do
research in the
area of syntactical structure or
those whose study deal with the
translation of the Holy Quran. The
results of this
study can also
be a starting
point to do
relevant research. The findings
of this study
provide the syntactical
data which are related
to Qur’anic study;
(2) the results
of this study
can enrich the
result of the research
in this regard,
(3) and for
the readers, it
is expected to
give more knowledge about
the translation of
Surah ‘Abasa, therefore,
the translation will be
understandable better.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study This study
intends to analyze
the syntactic structures
of the translation
of Surah ‘Abasa by using Chinese
box system proposed by Nelson W. Francis
in the structural grammar.
While there are many English translations
of the Holy Qur’an, the
English translations analyzed
is translated by
Muhammad TaqiUd-Din al-Hilali&Muhammad Muhsin
Khan, which was
taken from the ‘Interpretation of the
Meaning the Noble
Qur’an in the English Language’. In addition,
it is not
the purpose in
this study to
analyze the whole
translation of Surah ‘Abasa, but
it is limited on only the st to th verses of the Surah. These verses are
considered in a
story about the
admonishment and warning
from God to His prophet, Muhammad.

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