Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Connotative and denotative meanings on the lyrics of Tina Arena’s songs

This chapter presents background of study,
research problem, objectives of study,
significance of study, scope and limitation of study and definition of key terms.
1.1. Background of study We could not interpret text based only on
their true meaning, because it directly
concerns the relationship between the structure of languages and the context in which they are used. To know the
writer’s interpretation of the text, we have
to analyze them by using the lexical meaning analysis. The lexical meaning is always related to ambiguity, vaguely,
denotation, connotation, synonym, antonym,
homonym, homophone, hyponymy and polisemy.This thesis, however, focuses on analyzing the texts of song containing
connotative and denotative meaning
because lyrics are used as a means of communication in the form of the written texts between the writer and the
hearers. This research utilizes Tina Arena’s
lyrics to collect the data containing denotative and connotative meaning.
These songs mostly convey
messages to the reader about the struggle of life as human being to reach happiness, endless love
and loyalty with others. In addition the
lyrics of Tina Arena are clear and easy to understand.
According to Brinton in Nugroho (2007: 9)
denotative or conceptual meaning covers
basic essential components of meaning which are conveyed by the literal use of word. Denotation is the
literal,dictionary definitions of a word.
A denotative definition tries to
identify the extension of the term in question.
Thus, we could provide a
denotative definition of the phrase "this logic class" simply by listing all of our names. Since a
complete enumeration of the things to which
a general term applies would be cumbersome orinconvenient in many cases, though, we commonly pursue the same
goal by listing smaller groups of individuals
or by offering a few examples instead. In fact, some philosophers have held that the most primitive denotative
definitionsin any language involve no more
than pointing at a single example to which theterm properly applies (Lestari, 2002:7).
According to Yule (1985: 92) some
of the basic components of a word like needle
in English might include ‘thin, sharp, steel, instrument’. These components would be apart of the conceptual meaning of
needle.However, we may have associations
or connotations attached to a word like needle which lead us to think of ‘painful’, whenever we encounter the word.
These associations are not treated as
part of conceptual meaning of needle.
Connotative meaning, on the other
hand, is a kind of meaning whose response
has emotional values. Some of connotative meanings take place due to the speaker’s wants to get agreed feeling,
pleasantness or unpleasantness etc, to the
listeners but in another side, the speaker has the same feeling with the listeners. Goddard (1998: 21) states that
connotation is shifting an idiosyncratic association, which a word may have for some
speakers but not other (as opposed to
the fixed and generally accepted meaning of a word). Pradopo in Laily (2001:12) argues that connotations are
relatively unstable; they vary considerably as we have seen according to culture,
historical period and the individual experience.
Connotations play an important
role in language such as in song. Indeed, these various connotations maybe so powerful
that they totally replace the denotative
meaning. Moreover, for making the lyricsof song, the musician chooses words appropriately to be listened.
Good music needs good lyrics, in order
that listeners can enjoy it. Lyrics of song can be described as composer’s expression or something from musician who
tries to express their feeling, their critics
or even their massages to other listeners by meaning of language. The lyrics of song can explain the meaning but it
will be difficult to understand if we just
receive the basic ideas of song lyrics, such as speech, advice or others. People
will be bored with song if they do not
understand the purpose (massages) of the lyrics. By understanding the purposes of the
lyrics, people may enjoy that music.
All the explanations above
convince us that connotative words play an important role especially in song which may
have unique characteristic.
Therefore, the writer is
interested in analyzing connotative and denotative meaning found in Tina Arena’s song. Study of
song has been done by a number of scholars.
Laily (2001), in her study entitled “ Semantic Analysis of Bon Jovi’s Song “ discussed kinds of meaning stated in
Semantic Analysis : Lexical, sentential
and discourse meaning. She finds that Bon Jovi uses three kinds of meaning to express his ideas: emotions,
feeling andthought. In addition Bon Jovi’s
song also contains social values, which describe his own feeling. Anytime he writes the lyrics, he must have dedicated
them to certain people or thing, which is
according to him have important role or give great contribution to his live.
Nasihah (2003), in her study on
the title of “A Semantic Analysis On the lyrics of Roxette’s song, found that lexical
meaning, sentential meaning and discoursial
meaning have dominated in the song. Shealso used the three kinds of meaning in Semantic to analyze song and make
tentative conclusion that to know the
meaning of Roxette’s Semantic theory can be used. Moreover, Kurniati (2007) who studied semantic on the Cranberries’ song
concentrates on lexical meaning in general
which dominated in the song. In lexical meaning the used of connotative, denotative and figurative language are
From the studies above, they
found that three kindsof meanings: sentential meaning, lexical meaning and discoursial
meaning are used in Semantic analysis.
But, in the present study the
researcher examines some connotative meaning in specific and also describes denotative meaning
in general which dominated in the song
more detail. 1.2. Research Problem Along
with the background of the study described above the following research problem is formulated as follow, what
are connotative meanings and denotative
meanings are implied in Tina Arena’s songs? 1.3. Research Objectives In
accordance with the formulation of the problem stated above, this thesis is intended to understand the connotative and
denotative meanings which are implied on
Tina Arena’s songs.
1.4. Significance of the Study The
findings of this research will give valuable contributions on the study of semantics especially those who are
interested ininvestigating denotative and connotative meaning in songs. It is expected
to give contribution to the lectures teaching
of semantics and the students of Linguistics at UIN Malang who want to study about this specific topic. In other
words, this study will give explanation more
detail to everyone who wants to study denotative and connotative meaning found in song lyrics.

English Literature:Connotative and denotative meanings on the lyrics of Tina Arena’s songs

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