Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Study of Formal Links used in English Reading Texts of National Examination of Senior High School (2007 edition)

Background of the Study Human
beings are perfect creations of God because they have been created with
mind. Human beings
learn to speak
one language or more,
and as social human beings, naturally, everyone makes a
contact and cooperate each other that we
called communication. That is why language is needed to communicate with others, between countries, between nations,
and between religions. Language is a system
of oral or written expression and communication of ideas and emotions, style and vocabulary of such system with no
one language is the best or the better than
others. This argument is accordance with what Boey (1975) said: All languages are equally complex. Each
language ispart of the culture that produces it and is adequate for the needs of people who
use it.Any language, therefore, is as good as any other in that it serves the purposes of
the particular culture. Words may be created or borrowed as the need arises. No language is
intrinsically better or worse than any other.
(p. 3) The application of linguistics can be seen in
discourse which is covered in pragmatics
area, and in discourse itself Cook defines about formal links. He said that: We
can describe of the two ways of approaching language as contextual, referring
to facts outside language, and formal, referring to facts inside
language. There are some, as we shall
see, and although
language teaching and
mainstream linguistics has
traditionally concentrated only
upon those formal features which operate
within sentences. (1989, p.
14) Cook
also gives an
explanation that if
we analyze sentences
content of formal links, it means that inside sentences
there is secret thing as a fact that it will know with using formal links. In short,
formallinks are facts inside language, or
features that operates within sentence (Cook, 1989, p. 14). The formal links
are categorized into seven aspects: verb
form, parallelism, referring expression which is divided into two kinds, anaphora and
cataphora, repetition, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction.
Moreover, the writer believes
that formal links is an interesting topic to be discussed, because the first, by studying formal links as English learners
we have contact with the basic power of
language to understand sentence. For the second is because
of with studying
formal links we
can find and
know the function
of formal links so the sentence
is cohesive. Hessy, who investigated the aspects of formal links in form of spoken discourse,
debate, found many conjunctions used.
Intan also found any kinds of
formal links inside the literature work which were occurred
many repetition of
words than the
others but both
of them still
in the topic
of formal links.
In this study,
the writer uses
reading text of
National Examination in English
subject of Senior High School as the written discourse, in order to know that there are any kinds of
formal links used inside the sentences and
identify the functions.
National Examination here is
examination of Senior High School that is usually held for the students’ last period of
study, which conducted only on four subjects of
the study, Maths,
Bahasa Indonesia, English,
and Economics. The writer
focuses on English subject, specifically on reading section that is analyzed using
formal links theory
proposed by Cook.
From the eleven
texts in reading section, the writer reduces only eight texts,
because those data have represented all
aspects of formal links but in the appendices, the writer puts all the eleven
data sentences found in the reading
section texts.
The reading text of National
Examination is one example of discourse in written form, besides that the reading text
contains various kinds of formal links that
the writer thinks that it is important parts to make the reading texts are easy
to read
and to understand
by the readers.
With the formal
links that involve
in a sentence
can be support
the power of
meaning in sentence
itself based on identifying
the function. For the writer formal links is something unique if we are capable
in analyzing or
know facts inside
sentences, so we
have ability to understand
words that is related in sentence or between sentences.
The use
of formal links
is to make
the sentences or clauses
cohesive because formal link
between sentences or clauses are known as cohesive devices.
The reading texts of National
Examination that are taken from the
internet, is an early text given to the
students of Senior High School before their next education.
As an
early example of
text, the writer
believes that the
text of national examination is very important to be known by
the English learners about the true of
sentence of a language in form of written in order to avoid any mistakes in use
language itself. So
that the commonly
sentences in ambiguity
or missunderstand of sentences
can be decreased.
Finally, based
on those reasons,
the writer is
interested in analyzing
the formal links in English
reading texts used in National Examination (UN) of Senior High School 2007 edition.
1.2 Problems of the Study Based on the background above, the writer
formulates the problems of the study as
follows: 1. What
are formal links
used in English
reading texts of National Examination (2007 edition)? 2.
What are the
functions of formal
links used in English reading
text of National Examination (2007 edition)? 1.3
Objectives of the Study Concerning with
the problems mentioned
above, the objectives
of this research are as the following: 1.
To know the
kinds of formal
links used in
reading texts of
National Examination (2007
2. To
describe the function
of formal links
used in English
reading text of National
Examination (2007 edition).
1.4 Significance of the Study Theoretically,
the findings of
the study are
expected to give
clear descriptions about formal
links especially that areused in English reading texts of National Examination (2007 edition). Moreover,
it is expected that the result of the
study will make valuable contribution to: 1. The
teachers, this study is able to give information about formal links used in English reading texts of National
Examination (2007 edition), so they can
teach the students how to use the formal links.
2. For the test developers, this study is to
give information about the formal links used
in reading texts,
in English subject
of National Examination (2007 edition). Therefore, they can learn more
fromit and they expect to apply their
knowledge for their test development.
3. The last for the further researcher, this
study is expected to be a starting point in further research.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study Since there are any difficulties for the
students of Senior High School to understand
the texts, the writer emphasizes to analyze the English reading texts of National Examination of Senior High School
2007 period with formal links theory it
is including in discourse analysis area.

English Literature:Study of Formal Links used in English Reading Texts of National Examination of Senior High School (2007 edition)

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