Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Analyzing Verb Pattern in Reading Text of English National Examination 2008 at Senior High School Based on Hornby’s Theory

Thischapterpresents background of
thestudy,problemsof the study, objectivesof the study,significanceof
thestudy,scopeand limitationof the study,anddefinitionof thekeyterms.
A. Background of the Study A verb
is definedas a word or phrase indicatingan action,anevent, or a state.It
consists of irregularverb, modal/phrasalverbs, andtransitive/intransitive verbs
(Hornby,1995:1323). Verb is an importantpartof sentenceafter subject andalso
mostconnectionwith tense ingrammaticalformof verb. According to Frank
(1972:47),verb is the mostcomplexpartof speech.He saysthattheverb does
notonlyhave grammaticalpropertiesof personand number, properties whichrequire
agreementwith thesubject,but also severalothergrammatical propertiesthataresharedwith
no otherpart of speech.These propertiesare tense, voice,mood,andaspect.
Eachsentenceis arrangedbywords
together,ithas certainpattern,such as noun pattern,adjectivepattern,and et
cetera.Verb of each sentencehas also certainpatternbecausea
sentenceusingpatternswill beclearto understand.
Hornby(1975: v)
saysthatknowledgeof how to putwords togetherin theright orderis as importantas
a knowledgeof theirmeanings.Themostimportant patternis
verb.Grammatically,theverbs have acertainpattern,itis usuallycalled formalverb. Hornby(1975:
vi)saysthatthebeginneris moreattractedtousethe formalverbs
becausetheirpatternsare easierthan thepatternsusedinformalor colloquialstyle.The
beginneritselfis as non nativespeaker,learner,etc. Verb patternsaredividedinto
twentyfive numbers.It is identicalwith thoseusedin the thirdeditionof TheOxford
AdvancedLearner’sDictionaryof Current English (Oxford UniversityPress, 1974).
The twenty-fivepatterns arepatterns1 up to areverb used intransitively.Whilepattern6 up
to25 are verbused transitively (Hornby,1975:12-77).
Based on thecharacteristicsand
classificationof verband verb pattern above,this studywould liketo analyzeverb
patternsusedin readingtexts thatis found inEnglish nationalexaminationat
seniorhigh school. Englishnational examinationis oneof the
nationalexaminationsubjects thatareheld byIndonesia governmentoncea yearas
evaluationof thestudents’ knowledgeand capability andone of
graduationdecisivefor studyinginthe school.This studychooses readingtextsin
Englishnationalexaminationinthe 2008 academicyearbecause readingcomprehensionis
veryneededbythestudents to increasetheir knowledge.It canbe done through
understandingaboutthe verbpatternsin the sentencesin readingtexts.In doing so,
the studentscan readEnglish textseasily andtheycanimplementan
aphorism“readingis the window of theworld”.
Moreover, ifthe
studentslikereading, italso follows thefirst directrevelationof
read, whichis includedon Surah Al ‘Alaqverse 1: Meaning: “Proclaim! (Or
read!)In thename of Thy Lord and Cherisher,who crated”.
In thisstudy,it is
assumedthatthereadingtexts inEnglish national examinationuse manykinds of
formalverb patterns.In this case,Hornby(1975: vi)saysthatpatternsof formalverbs
are easierthaninformalverbs or colloquial style.
Therearesomeprevious studies
whichhave similardiscussion withthe presentstudy.The firststudyis the
studyconductedbyEiskarina(2004). She focused herstudyon analyzingverb
patternused inthe TOEFLbook byBarron (2001) inlisteningsection.Shefound out
thatfrom25 mainpatternsof Hornby’s theory,thereare 10 verb
patternsfollowHornby’stheoryand thereare 4 verb patternswhich arenot
includedinHornby’stheoryusedin the TOEFLbook in listeningsection.Whereas,verb
patternmostlyappearsis verb pattern15 (S +Vt + noun/pronoun [DO] +Adverb
[phrase]). Anotherprecedingwritersimilarto this studywas also
conductedbySusanti(2005) that analyzedverb patternused in the elementaryschoolEnglish
book 5. She found outthat verbpatternmostlyused in theelementaryschool
Englishbook 5 is verb pattern1 (S + V+ DO) becausethis formis verysimpleand
easytounderstandbyelementarystudents. Then,the otheris Mawarti(2006), who also
studiedabout verbpatternsused inCharlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. She found out
thatthereare 11 verbpatterns basedon Hornby’stheoryappearsin
CharlotteBronte’s“Jane Eyre”and verb pattern mostlyappears is verbpattern9 (S
+Vt + Clause).
Based on theprevious studyabove,moststudies
discusses about verb patternsin differenttopics. Thisstudydiscusses aboutverb
patternsusedin Englishnationalexamination,especiallyinreading
texts.It is importantto analyzesince itis veryuseful toincreasethe student’s
knowledgethrough reading.In addition,thereis no otherstudies studyaboutreading
textsin English nationalexaminationusing Hornby’stheory.Therefore,the writeris
interestedin “AnalyzingVerbPatternin Reading Textsin EnglishNationalExamination
at SeniorHigh School Based on Hornby's Theory”.
1.2 Problems of the Study Based
on thebackgroundof the studyabove,this studyis intendedto answer thefollowing
problems: 1. Whatverb patternsfound inreading textsin
Englishnationalexaminationin Indonesiain the2008 academicyearatsenior high
school? 2. Whatverb patternsaremostlyfound inreadingtexts in Englishnational examinationinIndonesia
inthe 2008 academicyearat senior highschool? 1.3 Objectivesofthe Study Concerningwith
theprevious problemsof the study,theobjectives of the studyare: 1. Todescribe theverb patternsfound
in readingtextsin Englishnational examinationinIndonesia inthe 2008
academicyearat senior highschool.
2. Toknow theverb patternswhich
aremostlyfound inreadingtexts in English nationalexaminationin Indonesiain
the2008 academicyearatsenior high school.
1.4 Significances of the Study Thisthesis
is expectedtobe ableto providecontributionboth theoretically andpractically.
expectedto be abletogive a valuable contributionto thefieldof
Practically,thisstudyis hoped to
givevaluablecontributionfor the Englishteachers,Englishstudents, and
nextresearchers. For theEnglish teacher, itis expectedthattheycan explaintothe
studentsabout verb patternsmostly appearin readingtexts.For the
Englishstudents, itis expectedthattheywill understandmoreaboutverb
patternsoftenusedin readingtexts. If they understandthe meaningof the
grammarinthe readingtexts,theycanbe more interestedin readingand theycan
applyan aphorismof “readingis the window of theworld”. Thelast, for thenext
researchers,this studyis expectedcan be used as aconsiderationin choosingthe
areaof verb patternsstudyin thefuture.
1.5 Scope and Limitation Thescope
of this studyis analyzingverb patternsin thereadingtexts of EnglishnationalexaminationbyusingHornby’theory(1975).
This studyis intendedtoidentify,classify,and analyzetheverb patternsin
readingtextsin Englishnationalexaminationof seniorhigh school.

English Literature:Analyzing Verb Pattern in Reading Text of English National Examination 2008 at Senior High School Based on Hornby’s Theory

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