Selasa, 11 November 2014



This chapter presents the
background of the study, probl ems of the study, obj ect ives of the study,
scope and limi tat i on, si gnificance of the study and defini t i on of the
key terms. The details are as foll ows: 1.1 Background of the Study One of the
cri teri a of good commentators is that they can explain clearly by using
language. Language plays an important rol e in the teaching-l earning process.
The purpose of teaching learning process cannot be reached wi t hout language
In this research, the AFI 3 commentators in the concert of AFI 3 on INDOSIAR to
make the academia (parti cipants of AFI 3) understand when they giving their
comments to the academia af ter performing and singing on the stage.

Because the academia come f rom
different areas like Menado, Makasar, Bali, Surabaya, Yogj akarta, Semarang,
Bandung, Jakarta, Medan and Palembang that have different l anguage too, so,
the commentators not only use monolingual in giving the comments but also use
mul t ilingual . They always swi tch the code when they were comment ing. The
purpose is in order that the akademia understand what the commentators
explained. If the commentators j ust use monolingual in comment ing for example
Sundanese language, the akademia who are f rom Menado, Makasar, Bali ,
Surabaya, Yogjakarta, Semarang, Jakarta, Medan and Pal embang will not
understand. The commentators change f rom one l anguage to Created by
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another l anguage in explaining their
comments. The change of code f rom one language to another l anguage can be
called code swi tching.

Code swi tching is a phenomenon
in soci olinguist ics. Code swi tching usually happens in every communicat i on
including in giving comments, provi ded the parti cipants know, understand,
master and have capabili t y to speak more than one language (Bilingual/Mul t
ilingual ).

Code Swi tching or code choice is
the use of two l anguages in the same sentence or di scourse. However, studi es
on code swi tching f rom one variet y of language to another vari et y of the
same language were equally discussed since they also reflected social , cul
tural , and individual preference (Marasigan, 1983:7).

Some reasons for code swi tching
are to quote someone, qualify message: amplify or emphasize, convey confident i
ali t y, anger, annoyance, to mark and emphasize group i dent i ty (solidari t
y), to excl ude someone f rom conversati on, to change rol e of speaker: ri se
status, add authori t y, show expertise, to continue the last l anguage used
(Grosj ean, 1982:152) AFI 3 concert i s one of the singing reali t y show
program broadcasted by INDOSIAR on every Saturday af ternoon f rom 20.00 to
22.30 PM. Thi s program consists of one presenter, three commentators to
evaluate the performances of the academia and also twent y two parti cipant or
academia Af ter doing this research the wri ter hopes that the readers
understand well and know the important of swi tching the code in the
teaching-learning process, especially in the comment ing of AFI 3 part i
cipant’s performances in the concerts on INDOSIAR.

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Based on the phenomenon above, the code used
by the AFI commentators will be invest i
gated, especially in the kind of code swi tching and how i t used by them. Code
swi tching is the interesting thing as a language phenomenon, which is of ten
used by peopl e in their communicat i on. Many factors influence peopl e to
change or swi tch the languages. Ervin Tri pp as quoted by Grosj ean
(1968:1907) menti ons that there are four factors in code choi ce; first, the setting
(time and place) and the si tuat i on; second, the parti cipant in the
interacti on (age, sex, occupati on, social economic); thi rd, the topi c; and
the last, the funct i on of interacti on. Finally the reason which encouraged
the wri ter to choose the commentators of AFI 3 on INDOSIAR as subject of
research is because most of them use mul t ilingual for instance Betawi ,
Indonesian, English, Makasar, Sunda and other l anguages in evaluat ing of
akademia (Parti cicipants). It i s ver y interest ing to research. Besides
that, the wri ter chose just the commentators because i t is impossible to
research the akademia. In foll owing the instructi ons, the academia are
passive. They only listen to the comments of the commentators in the kind of
evaluat i on of thei r performance on the stage when they sing.

AFI 3 concert i s one of the
singing reali t y show program broadcasted by INDOSIAR on every Saturday af
ternoon f rom 20.00 to 22.30 PM. Thi s program consists of one presenter, three
commentators to evaluate the performances of the academia and also twent y two
parti cipant or academia.

Furthermore, i t seems that there
been have li tt l e attenti on to research this field. However there are many
researchers who had invest i gated code swi tching phenomena such as Imron
(2001) who conducted research on code swi tching and Created by alientools PDF
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i ts social implicat i on. He found that
students and kyai of Gading pesantren usually swi tched the code in daily
communicat i on. They swi tch f rom Indonesian to Javanese, f rom Javanese to
Indonesi an or one Javanese speech level to another one. According to him there
are six factors that caused they swi tched the code.

Fi rst i s soci al status of
addressee and addressor. Second i s because of abili t y (especially for the
new students of Gading pesantren). Thi rd is the extent of cl oseness among
speakers. Fourth i s setting factor in term of where the event is si tuated in
place and t ime, and in term of the physical relat i on of the interact i ons wi
th respect to posture and gesture and the facial expressi on. Fif t h is the
purpose of conversat i on. And the l ast i s due to the other persons around
addressee during the communicat i on. Sudraj at (2002) found that there are
three kinds of code swi tching used by Clear Top 10 presenters when they guide
a music chart countdown program. They are external code swi tching is used
because the language empl oyed is Indonesian language as the l ocal language
and English as the internat i onal language, si tuat i onal code swi tching is
used where the si tuat i on of conversat i on is always different, like f rom
formal into informal or informal into formal one and metaphorical code swi
tching since in the conversat i on there is al ways deferent topi c discussed.
The topi c discussed is about music chart count down and Sudrajat (2002) says
that i t is formal , but if the topi c is out of the music chart, i t is
informal topi c. He also found that the presenters swi tched the code because
of foll owing reasons; fi rst i s the si tuat ion of formal into informal or informal
into formal and i t i s the dominant aspect of why the presenters swi tch the code
because in present ing music chart the presenters sometime change the topic Created
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