Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Sentence Forms as Discursive Tactics in John McCain’s Political Speeches

This chapter serves to introduce
the focus of this research. It provides: (1) background
of the study
which contains about
how important this
study to be researched
is, (2) problem statement; it presents what problems that are going to be answered within this research, (3)
objective of the study, it clarifies the aims of conducting
this research, (4)
significance of the
study that explains
what advantage, theoretically and
practically, served bythis research, (5) definition of the key terms; it explains clearly the
concepts used in this research, so there are sameness perspectives between the researcher
and the reader.
1.1 Background of the Study As a
part of social
community who produces
meaning and constantly makes sense of their worlds, people always
have necessary to convey the message among
them. Consequently, they need to communicate
to others. It could be by delivering
a speech; speech is a formal talk that aperson gives to an audience.
people with a certain purpose, speech is not merely speech. They have to consider what, when, where, why, and how
they are going to speak correctly. In accordance
to haditsfrom Bukhori, as Ainur stated, Muhammad gave the greatest example of how we should speak:Ainur Rosyidah, The Speech Styles Used by
Multilingual Speakers in Pesantren Mahasiswa IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Thesis
of English Department UIN Malang (2007), p. 3 From
Ibnu Mas’ud RA. said: The Prophet Muhammad chosen the right time to deliver Islamic preaches so we would not bring with it.
Thus, people, certainly, need a
tactic to deliver their speech. Tactic itself means the strategy
or the particular method that
people use to achieve their
goal. This fact is often used in political cases.
Politics is rooted in human’s
In this, the tactic that people used becomes the main role to achieve success. As
an example, we can see in the case of
presidential election. Everyone who is trying tobe elected for the presidency must use such tactic, especially in their
speech, to enhance their reputation so they could have many votes to reach their goal,
which isbecoming the president. In the same way,
Bennett remarks it
seems likely that
political speech is
primarily a matter of a speaker’s seeking either to inform
a hearer of something or to enjoin some
action upon him.
phenomenon happens in
USA. At present,
USA government holds presidential
election. There are two big parties are involved, they are Republican and Democrat party. Both of those parties have
their own candidates to be elected.
The only
way to promote
the candidate is
by conducting such
campaign. In campaign,
the way to
perform their vision
and mission is
usually done by delivering
a speech. The candidates have to packagetheir speech as interesting as possible
by using appropriate
tactics. This effort
has a great
influence toward USA people who has right to vote in the
Sakban Rosidi, Violence Discourse or
Discursive Violence: Toward A ReciprocalModel of Relationship between Language and Violence
(2007), p. 5 J. Bennett, Linguistic
Behaviour(Cambridge University Press, 1976), p. 5 What
seems to be
primarily tactic at
issue here, in
my opinion, is the
ability to use appropriate words,
phrases, clauses,and sentences to accomplish the interest. As like Brown and Yule stated: the speaker must monitor what it is that he or
she has just said, and determine whether it
matches his intention
while he is
uttering his current
phrase, and simultaneously
planning his next
utterance and fitting
that into the
overall pattern of
what he wants to say and
monitoring not only his own performance but also its reception by the hearer.
my study explores
the application of
sentence forms as discursive tactics
by the Republican
candidate, John Sidney
McCain III, appearing
in his political
speeches. I call
discursive tactics for
McCain uses discourse as an instrument of his political
struggle. He was born on August 29, 1936 in
Panama Canal Zone,
Panama. McCain's parents (Admiral John S.
McCain, Jr. and Roberta Wright
McCain) were U.S. citizens, in this; he has been given
American status from
birth. McCain's father
and grandfather were
both famous U.S. Navy Admirals.
Therefore, as the son and grandson of distinguished Navy
Admirals, he continued
the McCain tradition
of service his country
by attending college at the
United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and serving as a naval aviator upon his graduation. He
retired from the Navy in 1981.
He has a great number of horrible
experiences during his career as Navy.
McCain survived
many near-death experiences
during his combat
in Vietnam, including a fiery disaster aboard the USS
Forrestalthat killed 134 men, injured hundreds more
and destroyed 20
planes. Instead of
taking the option
to return home after the Forrestal disaster, Senator
McCain volunteered for more combat Gillian
Brown and George Yule, Discourse analysis(New York: Cambridge University Press,
1983), p. 4 duty - a fateful decision that stopped the
clock onhis life and separated him from his family,
and country, for
five and a
half years. During his
23rd bombing mission
on October 26,
1967, a missile
struck McCain's plane,
forcing him to eject.
He was knocked unconscious and both arms anda leg were broken in the fall.
John was then
taken as a
prisoner of war
into the now infamous
"Hanoi Hilton," where
he was denied necessary medical
treatment and often beaten by the
North Vietnamese. He
was finally released
and able to
return home years later.
Then, he continued his dedication as a politician. He was elected to the U.S.
House of Representatives in Arizona's
st District in
1982 and then to the
Senate in 1986. Now, with his
naval honors include the Silver Star,
Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple
Heart, and the Distinguished Flying Cross, he is seeking the 2008 presidential nomination. If McCain
were elected in 2008, he would be the
oldest person, 72 years old, in history to assume the presidency, surpassing Ronald Regan, who was 69 years old at his
Consequently, based on his autobiography above,
he must have
such power due
to his big
role to determine the policy in the government within
his speeches or attitudes. As van Dijk
said: Social power is based on
privileged access to socially valued resources, such as wealth,
income, position, status,
force, group membership,
education or knowledge.

English Literature:Sentence Forms as Discursive Tactics in John McCain’s Political Speeches

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