Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Hesitations Found in the Students Speeches

1.1 Background of the Study Not all people can
deliver speech very fluently for all topics in every condition and situation. Different topic and
situation may influence the degree of fluency
in delivering speech. The more difficult the topics the more pausesfound (Dardjowidjojo, 2003:142). Beside that, when
we communicate or talk with others we
often feel nervous and anxious, and thenwe find in difficult in saying something.
Feeling nervous and anxious often
lead to an error in speaking, it can be found
not only when person speaks in front of any audiences but also when he or she speaks with another person. For example,
silent or slip of the tongue can cause
misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener. One of the types of error in speaking that is often found in
delivering speech is hesitation. According to Clark and Clark (2007:262), hesitation is a
period of no speech between words or a
gap in speech delivery filled by ah, er, uh, mm, or, etc.
Hesitation will be often found
when person nervous or anxious.
According to Carroll (1986:252)
such kind of errors are common when the speakers
are nervous, or under stress. Furthermore, he says that it seems probable that these errors are more likely to occur
when we are tired, anxious, or drunk.
15 Dardjowidjojo (2003:144) says that speech
error specifically pauses are often found,
first, when we have started to speak but we have not prepared for all sentences or utterances, so we have to pause
to get the next utterances. Second, we
forget some sentences that we need then we have to pause to find the sentences. The third possibility is when we
must be careful in selecting the words in
order that what we will say will not give very great effect to the listeners, which commonly occur to public official or
Hesitation is also often found in
daily conversation made by Indonesian people.
Moreover, when they use foreign language, there will be found many mistakes they made. Carroll (1972:188) says
that people have considerable difficulty
in learning foreign language. It is because they have to think more about the structure and pronunciation. In
foreign language learning process, making
errors can not be avoided by learners to acquire the target language, the learners face new rules of target language
which are different from their native language
rules. Thisphenomenon usually can be found clearly when we listen to the students speech.
This research investigates the
students speecheswhere the hesitation happened.
Speech is one of interesting topics to be analyzed because through speech,speakers are doing more than expressing
ideas.It means that speech is more than
a means of communicating ideas which is already conceptualized; but it is theprincipal medium for creating and
formulating new ideas. This research takes
place at Pondok Pesantren Barokatu Zainil Hasanain Pajarakan Probolinggo. It is English community in East
Java. It is a great placethat is 16 supported by complete equipment such as
language laboratoryfor improving foreign
language learning such asArabic and English. Furthermore,The Pesantren has some programs of the study; new
students were trained for few weeks by the
seniors, and after two months the students must use English in daily communication both in the classroom and
outside theclass. To support that program,
the students must join weekly meeting programs. In this program every studentmust deliver an English speech.
This research is very important
to conductbecause the researcher believesthat
itwill broadenknowledge of the readers about speech production error especially hesitation which belongs to
the field of psycholinguistics.
Furthermore, it contributes to
the establishment or refinement of models of speech production.
Hesitation distinguishes fast and
slow speaker. Maclay and Osgood in Clark
and Clark (1977:262) said that fast speakers are fluent because they do not hesitate much. On the contrary, slow speakers
are notfluent because they hesitate a
great deal. Moreover, it is related to psychological factor such as the
speakers circumstances and the demand ofworking memory. Hesitationsoften happen
in our daily talks especially when we
are delivering speech. Based on this reason, this research is very important to conduct as
it is to know the kinds of hesitation and
the factors influence hesitation found in the speech presentation.
This research has relationship
with other researches which had been done by Kifli (2008). He focuses on kinds of speech
error and the dominant types of speech
error. He founds silent pause, filled pause, repeat, retraced false start, 17 unrestricted
false start and slips of the tonguein his research. The dominant types of speech error are filled pause (35
utterances) repetition (29 utterances) silent pause (15 utterances) and the last is stutter
(10 utterances) And another research on speech error has done by Hamman (2006)
who studied about "Speech errors
found in the speech delivered by the students of BAC (Basic English Course) Pare Kediri".
He finds many utterances that were done
by the students of BEC such as silent pause, filled pause, repeat, retraced false start, unrestricted false start and
slips of the tongue.
Previous researches above do not
concern with the hesitation. Therefore, to
distinguish this research with the previous researchesas mentioned before, the research
is expected to describe and identifythe types of hesitation and the factors influence hesitation as important contribution
to the refinement of speech production
error especially about hesitation. Therefore, this research is conducted to know more detail about hesitation; hence,
the research is given the title of "Hesitation
Found in the Students Speech Presentation".
1.2 Problemsof the Study Based on the background of the study in the
preceding discussion the following
research questions are formulated: 1. What are kinds of hesitation found in the
speech presentation by the students of
Pondok Pesantren Barukatu Zainil Hasanain Pajarakan Probolinggo? 18 2.
What are the factorswhichinfluence hesitation found in the speech presentation by the students of Pondok Pesantren
Barukatu Zainil Hasanain Pajarakan
Probolinggo? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Based on the problems of the study above, the
objectivesof the study are to describe
kinds of hesitation found in the speechpresentation and the factors that influence the hesitation in the speech
presentation by students of Pondok Pesantren
Barukatu Zainil Hasanain Pajarakan Probolinggo.
1.4 Significance of the Study This
research is conducted because the researcher believes that it gives more knowledge and useful information about
the kinds of hesitation. While the researcher
sure that it can be one of the sources in psycholinguistics research, especially
onthe types and factors that influencehesitation as the part of speech production errors.

English Literature:Hesitations Found in the Students Speeches

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