Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Semantic Analysis on Caption of Caricatures in New York Times Newspaper

Background of the Study Language is
one of the
devices that human
being uses it
in social interaction.
In case, according
to Yule (1985:1)
that God created
Adam and “whatsoever Adam called every living creature,
which was the name thereof”. So that
Allah says ( In other words,
to convey what
she/h wants to
be, the feature
such as caricature
is one way
in delivering something,
for example; ideas,
pretensions, concept, feeling
or certain aim
(Chaer, 1995:19). Caricature
is very significant way in informing and transforming ideas. In a
case,caricature is part of medium that
is termed as thing that stands for other things (Hidayat, 2006:23 ); it means that
caricature is used
as device with
multifunction, in which
it can be
used in criticizing, anger, happiness, sadness with
continuity happen in the society issues.
According to
Jalaluddin Rahmat (2005:207)
that the function
of printed media such
as newspaper (caricature) to convey some message and kinds of information that
gives certain satisfaction
for people requirement.
In other hand,
Rahmat added (2005:2008) that
the function of
printed media or
electronic media is to fulfill a fantasy or an entertainment and an
information. In addition, according to Webster (quoted
from Wildona Zumam:200319
), that the
feature such as newspaper is
defined as a
special story, article
that often importantly
displayed that consist
of background or
analysis of a
particular concern such
as person, palace, event or some aspects of human life.
However, to recognize the
information in any cases of media, the
reader will directly catch the contents
occur within newspaper, picture or a caption in a caricature. In this case, the reader should
know firstly the meaning that at leas in the case of a lexical word, the relation or
word association within text, and toward what the word or phrase refers to. To release
the process in sending message, the writer or
creator of caricature
may use the
appropriate way of
writing such as denotative and
connotative meaning. In
other words, by using
medium for example,
book, announcement and
newspaper are often an
important aspect, it help
us very much because to a larger or lesser coverage, the medium influences and make easy toward audience’s perspective
and understanding.
In certain
case, what is
actually discussed in
this research is about
the meaning. However, related
with this research, the writer uses appropriate theory deal with the concept of meaning itself. The
object of this research is a caricature that
published in New York Times newspaper. In thisresearch, the writer does not discuss
about caricature itself,
but he is
interested in analyzing
the caption of caricatures in
the case of
word. Therefore, in analyzing
the word, phrase
or sentence, the writer uses and
focuses on semantic theory in the term of denotative meaning and connotative meaning.
In addition, the important point
of views in this research is that, first;
the writer tries to find out the
scientific or academicinformation within the caption of caricature, in which the caption of caricature
is one of the most valuable resources on
the interne through New York time newspaper. This requires simple linguistic analysis,
including searches for
linguistic clues such
as reference phrase
(“the picture above
shows”) and knowledge
of which verb
and noun in
sentence represent a depicted
object (Rowe, 1997:3). The second point,in this research, the writer
describes an implemented
study designed to
find out an
explanatory captions of
caricature by using
two lexical meaning,
denotative meaning and connotative meaning,
because, however, according
to Langacker (as cited
in Lyon, 1970:18)
that writing such
as caption of
caricature is no
more than a secondary,
graphic representation of language.
However, it is very difficult to
catch the message of text, even thought the text
is presented in
very sort form.
For example, the
following caption of caricature:
Lincoln's New Servant Girl.
(Miss grant from the west.
---I’ll have to clean this place out first, Mr. Lincoln, before I can commence to work properly). However,
to understand more about of that caption, some steps are needed, and the reader should not conclude directly the
contentof caption, but should look some
features, for example: a) what is the message form of this? b) What
is actually meant by addressor? The example
of the caption
of caricature above,
notice that the
creator (writer as publisher) has
his/her own philosophies that may set the content, values, and
attitude to be
expressed in the
newspaper he/she issues.
This indicates that creator
or writer must conform to certain a limitation and strategy was proposed by the particular medium in which his/her work
willbe published. In addition, the purpose of
that caricature is to convince
and to persuade
the reader that
the creator’s viewpoint or
opinion is correct (Winterowd & Geoffrey , 1991:41).
For further discussion, the
creator of caricature and the readers recognize the
situation happen in
the caricature illustrated. It means
that the creator
can transfer his
idea through caricature
that is followed
by words, phrases
or sentences, the reader can
catch what meant by the creator, and absolutely in this case,
they are communicable.
Based on language
function in communicating, it used to express an opinion, sensation,
experience, posture and emotional
speaker (Mubarok, 2007:95).
However, to keep
way from misunderstanding of the
in the caricature,
a reader should
knows the different
function between denotative meaning and connotative meaning
occur inthe caricatures. If not, the reader and
the listener are
capable of considering
misinterpreted the topic,
for example:“miss grant from the
west. ---I’ll have to clean this place out first, Mr.
Lincoln, before
I can commence
to work properly”.
According to Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell, that the term of
connotative is concerned with the association
which a word or expression has, and it used to refer to the association which
word or phrase
have for speaker
of a language (McCarthy and
Felicity, 2000:18). In
addition, connotative is the emotions
and various meanings associated with a word. Like the word gay. It
used to mean happy by denotative meaning. Now however, people hear the word gay
and think of homosexuals or stupidity like "oh that is gay!” etc
With the
reasons above, the
writer prefers focusing on
the study of meaning
in the case of denotative meaning and connotative meaning. The writer takes the caption of caricature, because
caption ofcaricature is used as medium in which language is manifest and written
language derives from the transference of speech to a secondary usual medium (Lyon,
1970:18).In addition, the caption of caricature
makes the whole discourse becomes more remarkable, even it is also gives a colorful variation of meaning in the
discourse. Moreover; the analysis of meaning
may assist to keep away from misinterpretation between the creator and the reader in catching the meaning of words
and languages. Study on meaning has been
done by several researchers; one of them was done by Sunarsi Isnawati with thesis entitled “Semantic Study on the Lyrics
of Britney Spear’s Songs. He focused on the
lexical meaning, discourse
meaning and the
message. Britney describes about love in almost her song.

English Literature:Semantic Analysis on Caption of Caricatures in New York Times Newspaper

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