Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Human Fitra Restriction Caused by Celibacy Undergone by Jim Casy in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath

1.1 Background of the Study It i s known that li t erature i s not only
some words composi t i on that funct
i ons to entert ain the readers,
moreover, li terature is the int egral
part of cul ture. Studying a
novel as one of li terary
genres is studying about the
There are some reali t ies
of life, human thoughts and ideas we f
ound in the novel and all o f
those phenomena show us that li t erature is not born f rom inani t i o n, but i t is
the reflect i on of the real life that is really happened or maybe
happened. This is why t he study
of li t erature that rel ates
to the real world becomes interest ing f or many peopl e, such as soci o l ogical study , psycho l ogi cal study , bi
ographical study and also histori cal study
on the works of li t erature.
Psy cho l ogi cal study
as one kind of the li terary study
which f ocused on the extr insic
and intr ist ic el ements of the
work of li terature is one model that i s of t en used by peopl e. It based on the assumpt i on that work of li t erature is one product of
human’s psycho l ogi cal process.
There i s cl osed rel at i on between psycho l ogy and li t erature because both of these two have the same object , i t is human
There are many concepts of
the psy cho l ogy applied in the li
terary studi es because almost
all o f authors characteri ze their novel’s
characters properly wi th the characteri
st i cs of the peopl e in the real wor l d.
15 As the psy cho l ogi cal theories have devel
oped time by t ime, the Islamic psycho l ogy
as one school of psycho l ogy
has also devel oped. But unfortunately, there are only some people who are interest ed in using i t
, especially in the li terary study , whereas, Isl amic Psycho l ogy which
is develo ped f or the fi r st t
ime by Al­ Ghazali
in 11s century is ol der than Si
gmund Freud’s psycho l ogy or al so
called psychoanalysis which is born
in 19s century and then becomes
the most f amous psycho l ogical theory .
As the moslem student , the
researcher feels apprehensive to this condi
t i on. It i s because there are many
moslem intellects who do not pay any attent
i on to the devel opment of Isl
amic studi es whereas i t is the duty
f or all moslem students. Many
of them moreover proudly use the western
theori es al though i t
act ually does not base on the
clear source because some of those theori es are only based on one’s thought or percepti o ns, and Isl amic theori es are based on the clear source or basic, i t i
s Al­Qur’an and Sunnah as the life
guidance of human being.
In the other si de, State Isl
amic Universi t y Maulana Malik Ibrahim
o f Malang as the cent er of Isl amic civilizat i on in Indonesia has the i dea t o int egrate the sci ence and religi o n. This idea
is realized by making the regul
at i on f or all students to
wri t e the final assignment or
thesis that int egrates these science and religi on. But, in applying t his regul at i
on, there are only some students who succeed t o realize t his i dea because they have been being cl osed wi
th some Western or non­mosl ems theor i
es or supposed that Islamic theor i es are not
al ways proper to be applied in
the research.
16 Because of
t hi s fact , the researcher deci
des t o do a research on li terary study by
using Isl amic theory in psycho
l ogy , called Islamic psycho l ogy . Of course because of t his research is li
terary study , so, the researcher does
not emphasize the research on the Isl
amic psycho l ogy but on the psy cho l
ogi cal aspect of the work of
li t erature. So, Isl amic psycho l ogy
is the too l used in t his
research, not the obj ect of the
As the obj ect , the researcher
chooses John Steibeck’s novel , The
Grapes of Wrath. Alt hough i t i
s regarded as non­moslem work, but t his research will prove that the theory of
Islamic psycho l ogy is not only can be applied in moslem’s works, but i n all o f
li terary works.
John Steinbeck, the author
of the novel that will be analyzed is a man of letters who got noble because his career in li
t erature. He was born in Salinas, Calif
or nia, on February 27, 1902. He
attended Stanf ord Universi t y wi t
hout graduat ing, and though he lived br
iefly in New York, he rem ained a lifel
o ng Calif or nian. St einbeck began wri
t ing novels in 1929, but he garnered li
t t l e commercial or cri t i cal success unt il t he publicat i on of Tortilla Flat in 1935.
Steinbeck f requent ly used
his fict i on to delve into the lives of soci et y's most downtrodden ci t i zens. A tri o of novels
in the late 1930s f ocused on the
lives o f migrant workers i n Califor nia: In Dubious Battle,
published in 1936, was f o ll o wed by
Of Mice and Men in 1937, and, in 1939,
St einbeck's mast erpi ece, The Grapes
of Wrath.
The Grapes of Wrath i s began
by releasing Tom Joad from an Okl ahoma stat e pri son af t er serving f our y ear
s f or a m anslaught er convict i on,
Tom Joad 17 makes his way back t o hi
s family's farm
in Oklahoma. He meets Jim Casy , a f ormer preacher who has given up his calling
out of a belief that all
life is ho ly— even the parts
that are ty pically thought to be sinful—and
that sacredness consists simply in endeavoring to be an equal
amo ng the peopl e. Jim accompanies Tom to his
home, only to find i t—and all
the surrounding farms—deserted.
Muley Graves, an ol d neighbor, wanders by and t
ells the men that every o ne has
been “tractored” off the land. Mos t families, he says, including his own, have headed to Calif or nia to l ook f or
work. The next morning, Tom and Jim set out f or Tom's Uncle John's, where Mul ey
assures them they will find the Joad cl an. Upon arrival, Tom finds Ma and Pa Joad packing up the f
amily's few possessi o ns. Having seen handbills advert i
sing f ruit ­pi cking j o bs in Calif or
nia, they envisi o n the tri p to Calif or nia as thei
r only hope of getting thei r lives back on track.
The j ourney to Calif ornia in a r i cket y
used truck is l ong and arduous.
Grampa Joad, a feist y ol d man who complains bi t terly
that he does not want to leave his
land, di es on the road short ly af t er the family's departure.
Dilapidated cars and trucks, l oaded
down with scrappy possessi o ns, cl og Hi ghway 66: i t seems the ent i re country is
in flight to the Promised Land of California. The Joads meet
Ivy and Sai ry Wilso n, a coupl e pl agued wi th car troubl
e, and invi t e them to travel wi th the f amily . Sai ry Wilson
is sick and, near the Calif or nia border, becomes unable to cont i nue the j ourney .
In t hi s research, the researcher
f ocuses on the character of Jim Casy ­
A f ormer preacher who gave up his ministry
out of a belief that all
human 18 experience is ho ly . In t his novel , Jim Casy has some psy cho l ogi cal problems af t
er f o ll owing the law of celibacy . Celibacy is is
the pract i ce in vari ous religi ous tradi
t i ons, in which clergy , mo nast i c
and those (of ei ther sex) in religi ous orders adopt a
celibate life, ref raining f rom marri age and sexual relat i onships, including masturbati on and "impure thoughts"
(such as sexual visualizat i on and f

English Literature:Human Fitra Restriction Caused by Celibacy Undergone by Jim Casy in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath

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