Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on the Hierarchical Structure of Words in the Headlines News of Jakarta Post

1.1. Background of the Study Most
wonderful of all
are words, and
how they make
friends one with another.
(O.Henry) Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build
psychological connections. They
influence how the people think. Since thoughts determine actions, there is a powerful connection between the
people’swords and the results they get.
By the words people can inform,
persuade, hurt or ease pain, end war or start one, kill thousands or even millions of people. They can
get their point across, or destroy any hope
of their ideas ever being understood. According to Joseph T (2004: 1) words are
complex symbols; not only do they have
one or more meanings (semantics), they also have multiple forms including an associated
sound pattern (phonology) and, in literate
individuals, a visual form (orthography). Words that can be composed into separate components, called morphemes, also
containinternal structure 1 xv (morphology). For instance, conqueror is
composed of a stem (conquer) and affix (-or), both of which also contribute to
other words (e.g., conquering and collector).
Then, the internal structure of
word could be knownfrom semantic, phonology, orthography and morphology in order to know
the meaning of the word itself.
To know the internal structure of
word from the morphology area, we could study
about morpheme, word classes, word formation,morphological type of language and hierarchical structure of word.
First,we could know about morpheme.
Morpheme is the smallest unit in
language. The morpheme is not necessarily equivalent to a word, but may be a smaller
unit of word. For example books (it is consist
of two morphemes, book (free morpheme/stem)+ -s (plural)). Second, we could know about word classes. Word classes
are words classified into parts of speech.
For instance: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Third, we could study about word formation. Word formation
employs to put morphemes together and form
new words out of existing words. For example: compounding, acronym, back formation, blinding, clipping, coinage,
functional shift, morphological misanalysis, and proper names. Forth, we could study about
morphological type of language.
According to Elson & Pickett
(1987: 152) there are two basic types of language.
Those are analytic (isolating)
languages which signify the meanings of sentences through the use of isolated morphemes, they do
not use affixes and another one is synthetic
languages which signify the meanings of sentences by combining free and bound morphemes to make word. And the last is
the hierarchical structure of word.
2 xvi The hierarchical structure of word is the
internal structure of word from lowest unit of word (minimal free form) to the highest unit
of word. And the hierarchical structure of
word is the topic of this research.
The hierarchical structure of
word is the way to know that words affixes are not just strong together all at once, but they are
put together step by step (Elson & Pickett,
1987: 125). There is a process in the internal structure of word. For example: unlockable. This word consist of three
morphemes, (un-) + lock (stem) + (-able). This word can be analyzed in two different ways.
First, the suffix –able may join with the verb lock to form the adjective lockable, un-
may then join with this adjective to form the new adjective unlockable which means not
able to be locked. The second way of forming
unlockable is the prefix un- joins with theverb lock to form the verb unlock, the suffix –able then joins with this verb to
form the adjective unlockable which means
able to be unlock. Finally, in doing the analysis on the hierarchical structure
of word we could know the process of the
hierarchical structure of word itself. Besides, based on the example above, we could know the
different meaning in one word based on
the process of word formation.
From the explanation above, the
researcher wants toanalyze the hierarchical structure of words in the headlines news of
Jakartapost. This research is very important
because there are some unique things in the structure of word especially words that consist of more than two morphemes
and have ambiguous meaning. For example:
inconceivable, disenfranchised, unacceptable, remarkable, disappointment, unemployment, and incomparable. All those
words consist of more than two 3 xvii morphemes. And each of them has different
hierarchical structure of word and meaning.
All those examples above are
taken from the headlines news of Jakarta Post.
Therefore, the researcher decides
to analyze the hierarchical structure of words in the headline news of Jakarta Post because most of
the words in the headline news of Jakarta
Post are interesting and important to be explored. The words in the headlines news of Jakarta Post make the pages
eye-catching, balanced and attractive. The consistent use of familiar headlines styles
gives the newspaper a relatively familiar look (http://www.Ethics and Art of Headline
Writing.pdf). For those reasons the researcher
challenged to observe the hierarchical structure of words in the headlines news of Jakarta Post.
There have been several
researchers who conducted their research on morphology. First, Arifin (2009) investigated
English Compounding found in Kangguru
Radio English magazine. In his research hefound word formation process which is one of important parts of morphology.
Second, Ali (2009) focused on word formation
found in term of Microsoft Word 2007 program. He found that the word formation is mostly used in term of Microsoft
Word 2007 program.
The relationship between this
research and the previous researches is all investigate the same area of linguistics,
morphology. However, this research is different
from the previous studies above. This research investigates the hierarchical structure of word used in headlines news of
JakartaPost. By this research, the 4 xviii researcher expects to find how is the
hierarchical structure of words in the headlines news of Jakarta post. In short, this research
is very important to be analyzed in order to know the process of internal structure of
word and the word which has more than one
meaning (ambiguous meaning) which written in Jakarta Post.
1.2. Research Problem Based on the description of the background of
the study above, this study is conducted
to answer the following research problem:How is the hierarchical structure of words in the headlines news of
JakartaPost? 1.3. Objective of the Study Concerning with the problem mentioned above,
the objective of this study is to describe
the hierarchical structure of words in theheadlines news of Jakarta Post; in order to know the process of internal
structure of word and the word which has more than one meaning (ambiguous meaning) which is
written in Jakarta Post.

English Literature:An Analysis on the Hierarchical Structure of Words in the Headlines News of Jakarta Post

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