Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Semantic Analysis of Sentential Meanings Used in Mates, Dates, and Mad Mistakes” Novel by Cathy Hopkins

This chapter includes background of the study,
statements of the problems, objective of
the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Allah S.W.T said in the holy Qur’an, surah
Ar-Rum 22 that He creates the sky and
the world with the differences in languagesand colors of skin and to make human being knows about it.
“And among this signs is the
creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors;
verily in that are signs for those who
know”. (Q.S. Ar-Rum: 22) The variations
in languages and colors may be viewed from geographical aspect or from the aspect of friends of time.
And God command us to study about others
language and the meaning to know each other and get the new knowledge.
From that ayat, the researcher
interprets that we have to study other language
in order to understand the meaning or the content of it. On the contrary, we are instructed to study and understand
other language because we are instructed
to get the information and all knowledgein this word.
Language is essentially important in human
life as a means of communication. By
communication, people easily can share information to each other, express their ideas and interact with
another. Besides, in communication, comprehensive
meaning of the words is primary because between a speaker and an interlocutor who aim to know and comprehend
the mind concept, feeling and experience
of each uses a language, which is spoken.
Furthermore, we can understand a
language by means of meaning.
Everyone who knows a language can
understand what is said to him or her, and can produce string of words that conveys
meaning. In linguistic, the study that related
to meaning is called as semantics. Fromkin states that semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistics (1983:
166). While according to Goddard, semantics
is the study of meaning, stands at the very center of the linguistic quest to understand the nature of language abilities.
Semantics is one of the branches
of linguistic studying about the meaning, and it is consider as a mayor branch of
linguisticsdevoted to the study of meaning in language, Crystal (1991: 310). But what is
meaning? According to what has long been
the most widely accepted theory of semantics, meaning are ideas or concepts, that can be transferred from the
mind of the speaker to the mind of the hearer
by embodying them, as it were, in the form of one language or another, Lyons (1984: 136).
He also states in his other book
that philosophically the question “what is the meaning?” can also answered by using the
following meaning theories; first, the
referential or denotation theory describes thatthe meaning of an expression is what
refer or stand for, example “fido” means “fido”, “horse” means either the general class of horses or the essential
property that they are share; second, the ideational, or mentalist theory described that
the meaning of an expression is the ideas,
or concept, related with it in the mind of anyone who knows and understand the expression; third, the behaviorist theory,
describes that the meaning of an expression
is either the stimulus that cause it or the respond it causes, or combination of both, on particular occasions
or utterance; fourth, the meaning is use
theory describes that the meaning of an expression determined by, if not identical with, its use the language; fifth,
the verifications theory describe that the meaning of an expression, if it has one is
determined by the verifiability of the sentences
or proposition, containing it; sixth, thetruth conditional theory describes that the meaning of an expression is
its contribution on the truth condition
of the sentences containing it (Lyons, 1995: 40).
Reading a novel is very
advantageous. People can get a better view of thing that happens in people’s mind. In a
novel, the reader can find explorations of human behavior. These things can educate them
and enable the readers to know the way
to cope and understand other people’s thoughts.
By reading a novel, people may
acquire amusements that will lead them to a keen perception of beauty and make them
sensitivein artistic work in general.
Various life experiences in this
novel may give wider perspective of life, which is very useful in the growth of people
personality, integrity, and performance.
In this research, the researcher
takes literary work as the object of her research, kinds of literature that to be
studied isa fiction or novel. The novel is interpretative
literature besides drama, poetry, and short story. The choice on the novel is first based on the difficulties of
the challenge when analyzing it because of
the allusion on the implicit part of novel, and second based on the lack of the
students who are interested in
literature. The last, the researcher wants to build up and rise up the habit of reading literature.
This research focuses on the
investigation kinds ofsentential meanings used in “Mates, Dates, and Mad Mistakes” novel
by Cathy Hopkins and investigation the
messages in that novel. It is considered very powerful, and it contains many valuable lessons of life. This
novel describes about the teenager’s problems
and their delinquency. This is an interesting topic for all teenagers who still look for their self identity. In such a
way makes this novel becomes beautiful and
full color. It is depicts of the attitude of the character in achieving the meanings of life.
The researcher is interested in
this literary work because this novel is written by Cathy Hopkins, novelist from
London. Shehas had nineteen books published.
This novel is the fifth book in Mates, Dates series. The researcher chooses this novel because of some reason;
first, this novel use simple language and
can be understood quite easily; second, after reading this novel the researcher
found many sentential meanings that is
interested to be analyzed and this novel also has good messages for the readers.
Moreover, this study has relation
to the previous research conducted by first;
Dian Nur Laily (2002) who focused on the investigation of kinds of meaning used in Jon Bon Jovi’s songs and investigated
the theme of the song’s lyrics.
Second, Anita Nurmayanty (2003) who focused on
connotation and denotation meaning are
found in the poem under the title “On Foreign Shore” and investigated the message of that poem. Third,
Zamroni (2003) focused on investigating
the moral values, social values, and the religious values found in “Suharto Dalam Cerpen Indonesia”.
1.2 Statements of the Problems Based on the background of the study in the
preceding discussion, the following
research problems are: 1. What are the kinds of sentential meanings
used in “Mates, Dates, and Mad Mistakes”
novel by Cathy Hopkins? 2. What messages are found in that novel? 1.3
Objectives of the study The
objectives of this study are: 1. to understand descriptively the kinds of
sententialmeanings used in “Mates,
Dates, and Mad Mistakes” novel by Cathy Hopkins.

English Literature:Semantic Analysis of Sentential Meanings Used in Mates, Dates, and Mad Mistakes” Novel by Cathy Hopkins

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