Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Racism against American Black as Portrayed in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

In this chapter, background of the study,
statements of the problems, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms are discussed.
1.1 Background of the Study Literature as a product of human creativity in
the form of written or oral work is a
reflection of the authors’ point of view.They use literary works as a media of expressing their idea, thought and
life experience. They may also express
what they see or feel in their surrounding.Glickberg in Endraswara’s book states that all literature, however
fantastic or mystic in content, is animated by a profound social concern and this is true
of even the most flagrant nihilistic work
(2003: 77). Based on the statement above, it shows that whatever kinds of literary works (fantastic or mystic), have
more attention to the social phenomena.
Furthermore, Levin in Endraswara
(2003: 79) states that literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of
social effect. It shows that society or social
condition has an influence in many aspects including a literary work.
Therefore, literary work will be
effective if it can reflect even change social issues in any communities around the world.
Among hundreds of social
phenomena and problems, racism is the most common issue discussed not only by
sociologists andanthropologists, but also by biologists to the artists (Judith, 1999: 120).
It means racism appears as the outstanding
social- topic discussed not only in social study but also in literature.
The differences between black as
the minorities andwhite as superiorities always appear as the dominant topic in racism.
In political domain, Hess (1985:
230- 237) gives opinion that the blacks are
less likely to vote than the whites. He also mentions that the blacks also get lower income and other aspects including
education,employment, occupation and wealth.
For instance, the blacks remain disadvantaged compared to the whites.
The blacks are also likely to
have less valuable homes and less housing equality and to pay higher landing rates for home
mortgages.It is generally assumed that the
lowest kind of white man is still better than the highest kind of Blackman.
Based on those problems,
biologists, sociologists, and anthropologists begin to discuss and reexamine the idea of racism. They
givevery much attention to criticize,
deconstruct and reformulate the concept of racism.
Facing the social problem above,
some artists are also motivated to respond
to the social issues. Many works of art, including literature are produced to criticize and respond to the social problem
especially in racism (Judith, 1999: 120).
Some literary works especially written by black writer have an attempt to equalize and against racism. In this case,
literaryplays its real function to the world
in order to reflect the social phenomenon andbecomes an effective tool to absorb and transform the reality of human
life. Most of their works have great contribution
to the struggle of American blacks to establish the new world which is free from enslavement, oppression,
injustice, inequality, discrimination, exploitation
and all racism.
In this sense, there should be
mentioned one popular American black author;
Toni Morrison who struggles for American black’s freedom in her novel The Bluest Eye. The main reason, the writer
chooses The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
as the object of her thesis is caused by apowerful story of this novel.
This novel tells about racial
relation between blacks as minorities and whites as the dominant group. It is as the tragic
effects of imposing white, middle-class American
ideals of beauty on the developing female identity of a young African American (Frank, 2004).
Pecola is the central character
and an obvious metaphor for the general abuse
of black people in society both in the time the book was set (in the 41’s) and in the time it was written (in the 60’s). In
this novel, Morrison is able to use her critical
eye to expose to the reader (Kuest, 2007).Indeed, through her novel, Morrison shows an extreme example, to the
black community and to the world that
judging someone else on an outward physical appearance is definitely false.
Morrison uses Pecola and other
supporting characters in Pecola’s life to explore the dangers involving black communities and
all communities in having the idea about
black and white. Here Morrison wants to show the suffering of those beliefs.
In The Bluest Eye, Morrison wants
to explore social phenomena especially racism
which occur at that time. Morrison points out that there are strong distinctions between black community as the
inferior group and white community as
the superior group. White community thinks that black community is still in the
inferior position and this condition can
not be changed. This diversity can be from
education, economic and other social institutions. As the result they have a mental disease that is self hatred to the
white community (Kuest, 2007).
This story is constructed around
the political points. It means to be a “wake
up call” to black America at a time of political upheaval to get the civil right (Grant, 1998:185). It is enlightening to
see how Morrison approaches the subject
of racism amongst black, at time that the black movement in America was trying to bind itself together to present a
more united for basic political rights.
Therefore, we can find the
American black efforts through her novel.
Furthermore, The Bluest Eyehas a
unique characterization that includes the
description of the violent fights they had, both disturbing and humorous. By this characterization it gives more
understanding for the writer about the relationship
between black and white. The characterin general is well described and is interesting to be explored especially
Pecola’s parent (Frank, 2004).
Morrison here describes him more
as a free spirit and good-natured rogue. He was a drunker, a wife beater, and a child rapist!
Even his past and his own terrible childhood
experience can not justify his actions. The interaction between Cholly and Pecola’s mother, especially in the parts
when they met firstly is as the best time
passage in the novel. Then Morrison describes movingly how their relations changes over the years. At first they are in
love but gradually break.
In this novel, there are four
seasons: fall, winter, springs, and summer, are implied by Morrison as its setting of time.
This type of organization (setting of time)
suggests that the events described in The Bluest Eyehave occurred before, and will occur again (Kuest, 2007). This kind
of cycle suggests that there is no escaping
from the cycle of life. It means that racism can not be reduced and stopped directly.

English Literature:Racism against American Black as Portrayed in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

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