Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Psychological Analysis of The Main Character of It Happened To Nancy (Based on The Theory of Motivation)

A. Background of the Study Literature is a fiction resulted from the
emotivecreation that can reveal the aesthetic
aspect, whether it is based on its languge or its meaning (Fannanie, 2006:6).
However, there is other literary
works that function as the picture of the real life condition. They usually tell about the social
condition of the society. It can be seen that literature is a true picture or reflection of
human’s life. It describes what and how human
life is and it usually reflects the events that happen in a society (Wilbur,
1962: 24). According to Eugene Onegin
Pushkin (in Eagleton,1996: 3), the term literature means a permanent expression in words of some
thought or idea about life and the world.
So studying literature will challenge people’s intelligence to think deeply and
give them something to learn. Literature
helps people to understand human sentiment, interest and problems. They will not only be
provided with an enjoyment, but also be brought
into large, close and fresh relation to life. In addition, according to De
Bonald (in Wellek and Warren, 1993:
110), literature is anexpression of society. It means that literature is not only fictional work but
might also be a reality, which shows the real condition of the society where the literary
work iswritten.
In addition, literature and society cannot be
separated because literature function as
the mirror of society. Related to literature, Suyitno (1986: 3) says that literature as the product of life, cointains
socialvalues, philosophy and religion, either to retell or to offer new concepts.
Another way of defining literature is to limit
it to “great books” which, whatever
their subject, are notable for literary expression. Here the criterion is
either merely aesthetic worth or
aesthetic worth in combination with general intellectual distinct. Within lyric poetry, drama, and
fiction, the greatest works are selected based on aesthetic ground (Wellek and Warren, 1956:
According to Abrams (1986: 44), “literature is
poems, narratives, dramas, as well as
novels; all these forms as, it is proposed,are imitations, or fictive representations, of some type of natural
discourse.For example, a novel is itself a fictive utterance, in that it represents the
verbalaction of a man, reporting, describing and refering”. So literature might not only be
focused on the imagination of the author but it can be define on “great books” which
are directed to get the idea of literature.
Jatman (in Endraswara, 2003: 97) states that
literary work and psychology have close
relationship either indirectly or functionally. Indirectly, literature and psychology have the same object, that is human
being’s life. Functionally, literature and
psychology learn about human being’s psychological condition. Psychology is able to interpret the value of literary work
itself. According to Wiyatmi (2006: 106), literature talks about the character which is
created by the author in their imagination and psychology talks about the creature which
is created in the real life by God. The characters
in literary work are imaginative but they describe a traits and a soul of the men as the model of the author.
Literature is more general than history and
biography. By reading a novel, people
can a get better view of things that exist in people’s mind. Moreover, in a
novel the readers can find and explore
human behavior. These can increase their maturity them and enable the readers to know the way to
copeand understand other people’s thought.
There are three genres of literary works:
poetry,prose, and drama; all of which have
different characteristics. In this reseach thereseacher will focus on analyzing
one of the genres; that is prose. Novel
is one of literary works in the form of prose. Novel has a long story, which concists of many
pages, andis written by an author to describe the reality of life. Coyle and Peck (1984:
102) says that novels do not, however, present
a documentary picture of life. Alongside the fact that novels look at people in
society, the major characteristic of the
genre is that novels tell a story. In fact novel tends to tell the same few stories time and
time again. It means that some novels have relation with another novel.
It Happened to Nancyis a
psychologycal novel because it describes the psychologycal condition of Nancy. A Fourteen
year old Nancy thinks that she has found
true love with Collin, a handsome college student. She trusts him completely, but he rapes her and leaves her infected with
the HIV virus. Collin disappears and does not care about Nancy’s life. She gets love
from someone in her life which subtitutes her parent’s love because they have divorced.
The researcher chooses It Happened To Nancyas
her object of research (by an anonymous
teenager a true story from her diary and edited by Beatrice Sparks, Ph.D), because the reseacher has seen that the people
infected with HIV in Indonesia have been
134.389 people. It shows that there is possibility of HIV spreading because of raped by loves ones as the background (www.bkbn-ceria.comAccessed
on March,01,2008). The diary tells about
the real description of a teen girl who is infected with HIV because of doing sexual intercourse
once, and about her struggle toward the virus
which ravages her body. Although all her friends avoid her because she is infected with HIV, she can wake up to be a
better girl and she publishes her personal problem to save others from the same tragic
The researcher takes Beatrice Sparks’ novel
because almost all her novels tell about
the real life in a society; such as Go Ask Alice, Almost Lost, It Happened To Nancy, Annie’s Babyand they become best seller
novels. The books dealwith topical issues,
such as drug abuse, satanism, and teenage pregnancy or AIDS, and are presented as cautionary tales. Although
Beatrice Sparks always presents herself as merely the discoverer and editor of the
diaries, records at the U.S Copyright Office show that in fact she is listed as the sole
author for all but two of them (www.answer.comAccessed
on March, 06, 2007).
Based on the discussion above, the researcher
is interested in analyzing the novel It
Happened to Nancy. The researcher analyzes this novel by using psychological approach based on the theory of
motivation by Abraham Maslow because the
novel depicts psychological condition of the main character to struggle in the society. The reseacher uses the theory of
motivation by Abraham Maslow, because the
theory is appropriate with the discussed topic.
Maslow's hierarchy of human needs is a theory
in psychology proposed in his 1943 paper
” A Theory of Human Motivation”, which he subsequently extended to include his observations of man's innate
curiosity.His theory contends that humans meet 'basic needs', they seek to satisfy
successively 'higher needs' that occupy a set hierarchy. The diagram of Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs is represented as a pyramid, with
the more primitive needs at the bottom. The basic concept is that the higher needs
in this hierarchy only come into focus
once all theneeds that are lower down in the pyramid are mainly or entirely satisfied.
Growth forces create upward movement in the hierarchy, whereas regressive forces push
prepotentneeds further down the hierarchy.
Maslow build up the pyramid to
show that human needs physiological, safety, love/belonging/social, esteem and self
actualization satisfaction in their life.

English Literature:Psychological Analysis of The Main Character of It Happened To Nancy (Based on The Theory of Motivation)

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