Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:A Comparative Study Between Legislative and Executive Indonesia Official Speeches (Based on their Flouting and Hedging Maxims)

This chapter delivers the discussion about
background of the study, statement of the
research problem, objective
of the study,
scope and the limitation of the
study, significant of the study,
definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Language
is the important
means of communication. We
use language to deliver
our massage from the addresor to addresee,
speaker to listener. Language is
also used by people to transfer their ideas, when we talk, we try to convey the
listener about we are talking, how
informative the topic delivered, well
founded, relevant, and perspicous these
masagges are.
Searle (1969) said: "All
linguistic communication involves
linguistics act. The
unit of linguistics
communication is not,
as has generally
been supposed the
symbols, words or sentences or
even the token of the symbolsor rather than the production or issuance of the symbols words or sentences
is the performance of the speech act. To
take the symbols, as massage, is to take itas a produced or issued taken".
Wardaugh (1992:13)
states that language
involves a system
of arbitrary vocal symbols of human communication.
Communicationrequires the presence of cooperative principles,
by these principles,
the speaker can
make the social agreement possible without complete agreement
on all sides of an issue.
Communication must
requires the cooperative
principles. Dealing with cooperative
principles, Grice purposes some maxims.The maxims are phrased as if
they were prescriptive
rules, but this
is not how
they are intended.
Grice in Renkema
(1993:11) had additional
comments concerning the
Cooperative Principle. First,
the maxims are
only valid for
language use. Second,
there are esthetic
or social points of views.
Grice suggests the maxim “be
polite”. Third, overabundance
of information does
not necessarily have
to mean that
it is this maxim
that is being violate, since it can also be seen as a waste of time and energy and
thus as a
violation of some
efficiency principle. Fourth,
some maxims are rather
Grice’s point is that people
generally intrepret utterances on the assumption that
the speaker is
following these rules.
In discourse studies,
the cooperative principles and its maxims are often referred
to as they provide a lucid description of how
listeners can distill
information from an
utterance even though
that information has
not been mentioned
out right (Renkema,
1993: 11). So, conversation or
communication as well
as speech can go
on smoothly if the
cooperative principles are used.
The appropriate
communication can be
analyzed by using
discourse analysis. Discourse
analysis is the
study of how human
use language to communicate
and in particular, how adresses work onthe linguistic massages in order
to interpret them.
Discourse analysis as
the frame work
deal wuth the language
users intend to convey, then has essentualrole in the study of language (Brown and Yule, 1983: 9).
Dealing with discoure analysis,
there are two kindsof text, spoken text and written
text. Spoken text
is dealing with
the verbal communication, where
the speech as a form
of action and words
as instruments with which actuon
can be performed (Renkema, 1993: 7). Then, written
text deals with printed record which has
function to permit communication overtime and space beside shift language from the oral to the visual domain. Such as
notice,text book, newpaper and etc.
This research
focused on the cooperative principle and
its maxims toward Legislative and Executive Indonesia Official
Speeches. As Grice explained four maxims
of cooperative principle as maxims quality (be true), maxims quantity (be brief),
maxims relevance (be
relevant), and maxims
manner (be clear)
as explained by
Cook (1989: 29).
When some person
communicate not totally accurate but seem to informative well founded
and relevant, although the speaker quotes
the information from other person, the maximwill be hedged. The maxims are flouted when the speaker violates some
maxims in producing the utterence in the form
of rethorical strategies
such as tautology,
metaphor, over statement, under statement, rethorical question, and
irony (Grundy, 2000: 76-77). In here, the researcher tries to analyze, this speech using
discourse analysis. Discourse is also a
symbol because it refers to reality and it also asymptom because a speaker or writer is trying to express something trough
The effective
speech must be
applied when we
want to transform
our massage to the adressee. In
this thesis, the researcher tries to analyze the maxims used in Legislative and Executive Indonesia
Official Speeches.This speeches are interesting that can
be taken by
other people as
the insurance in
explaining the Indonesian
infrastructure and the
text is focused
in inviting the
investors to be Indonesian
partners, to take advantage of the huge
opportunity to invest in and to prosper
together within Indonesian.
The speech can be understood,
when the speaker concerns with the effective communication
which contains cooperative
principle and its
maxims. Many researches are accomplished relating to
discourse study since it refers to the use of language
in the society.
Discourse studies is
very important, they
give many information about the current existence and
development of the use of language.
The form
of discourse study
ranges from spoken
or oral discourse
to written discourse. The large form of discourse studies
givehuge change to everyone who is interested
to do research in this field.
Furthermore, this research has a
relation to the previous study on the same field. Zakiyah (2001) performed her research
on Flouting and Hedging maxims in Mr.Pecut
column on Jawa Post. Considering the reason above, it is very important for the researcher to conduct this research to
focus on the type of flouting and hedging maxims
on the written
text of Legislative
and Executive Indonesia Official Speeches So,
based on the
phenomena above, it is urgent
to investigate maxims flouted and hedged in Legislative and
Executive Indonesia Official Speeches.
1.2 Statement of The Problem 1.
What are the
maxims flouted on
Legislative and Executive
Indonesia Official Speeches? 2.
What are the
maxims hedged on
Legislative and Executive
Indonesia Official Speeches? 1.3
Objective of The Study 1. To describe the maxims flouted in Legislative
and Executive Indonesia Official
2. To describe the maxims hedged in Legislative
and Executive Indonesia Official

English Literature:A Comparative Study Between Legislative and Executive Indonesia Official Speeches (Based on their Flouting and Hedging Maxims)

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