Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Deixis on Moses and Al-Khidhr Story in the Translation of Surah Al-Kahf by Marmaduke Pickthall


There are five parts of the study
in this chapter, namely; background of the study, problem of the study, objective of the
study, significance of the study, scope
and limitation, and definitions of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Analyzing
the sentences or utterances can be approached through discourse analysis. Brown and Yule (1983: 9)
specify the meaning of discourse analysis
as the study of how human used the language to communicate and in particular addressees work on linguistics
messages in order to interpret them.
According to Renkema (1993: 1)
discourse study is a discipline devoted to the investigation of the relationship between form
and function in verbal communication.
Verbal communication relates with spoken language, while written language is appeared in the form of
texts. Therefore, discourse is different from text. Discourse focuses on process, while
text focuses on language production.
Furthermore, discourse analysis studies the use of language in discourse, the mannerin which the content of
any subject is organized and given linguistic
expression. The aim is to reveal the processes by which a piece of language in interpreted as discourse (Boey,
1975: 117). Therefore, in studying a language
discourse analysis plays an important role to identify what may occur in the interpretation process.
1 Deixis is a little part of discourse analysis
which studies reference. The word deixis
comes from the Greek adjective deiktikos meaning ‘pointing, indicative’. Deixis is the marking of the
orientation or position of entities and events
with respect to certain points of reference (Finegan, 2004: 201).
Meanwhile, Grundy (2000: 23)
states that deixis is the indexical property of a closed class consisting of demonstratives
which their reference is determined in relation
to point of origin of the utterance in which they occur. In addition, deixis refers to the extra linguistics context of
utterances or sentences, such as: who is speaking, the place or the time of speaking,
the gesture of the speaker, and the current
A deictic expression is an
expression which refers to the personal, temporal, or spatial aspect of an utterance.
The meaning depends on the context in which
it is used. Generally, human use a deictic expression, such as: I, you, now, that, there, etc to indicate something in the
immediate context. Therefore, a study of
deixis is always interesting for it is a little part of a discourse analysis
where a language (spoken or written
language) and a context are inseparable as well as bound tight together.
There are five types of deixis
proposed by Levinson (1992: 68) namely person
deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis that illustrate the complexities arise. An
appreciation of these complexities will indicate
how involved and unexplored the phenomenon of deixis really is and how the philosophical approaches to indexical can
handle only a small proportion of these
2 In accordance with the previous phenomena,
this research focuses on deixis theory
because it provides the basic theory of how people use a language in written or spoken which emphasizes on the use
of word functions.
Moreover, learning the Holy
Qur’an is a must. Therefore in this research, the Holy Qur’an is selected to be analyzed.
Qur’an is a means of communication and
information in the form of written text. Qur’an is also used as the
clarification of everything that need to
the interpretations to understand what our God means and to get right meaning. Moreover, it is also
a divine guidance from Allah SWT for the
humanity by means of the prophet Mohammad SAW that contains ethical messages, laws, and belief by giving the
principal basics of the problems then Allah
SWT commands to explain the basics completely to prophet Muhammad SAW (Shihab, 1992: 33).
Besides, Qur’an is a guidance
holy book creates the history. In the Qur’an the word “history” is meant “story” in the
sense as the explanation of history events
that is faced by the prophets (Suryanegara, 1995: 22). Meanwhile, Suryanegara (1995: 26) also said that the
essence of history is a change. The history
change that will occur is the event repetition that is formulated in the Qur’an and patterned in 25 events of prophetic
history. The pass event is not a dead
past but it is the event still living in the present. Therefore, it is
important to learn about the prophet
stories because the stories in the Qur’an are not only a historical data but also a narration full of
religious symbols such as ‘ibrah, maw’izhah,
hidayahand irsyad (Setiawan, 2005: 31). The aim of looking to the past is to understand the future, because of
reading the prophetic history events means
the humanity will get the rightness.
3 In conjunction with the phenomena above, the
researcher is motivated to choose the
English translation of holy Qur’an to be used as the data sources. The researcher selects the marvelous story in
surah al-Kahf to be analyzed by using deixis
theory because deixis is used to point thing in order to make clear what Allah means in the Holy Qur’an because to
understand the meaning needs to the interpretation.
Furthermore, surah al-Kahf in the
translation of Holy Qur’an published by Marmaduke
Pickthall is used as data sources of the research because it uses unique language and archaic style and contains
the type of deixis. Surah al-Kahf (the
cave) is the eighteenth surah of Holy Qur’an that has 110 verses and categorized as Meccan surah. It is named by
Al-Kahf that is the cave and ashab-ikahf that is the sleepers of the cave. The
two names (Al-Kahf andashab-i-kahf) are
taken from the story in the v. 9 to v.26 of surah Al-kahf in which about the sleepers in the cave in a long sleep. Besides,
there are marvelous stories that contain
I’tibar that is useful for the human being such as: Moses and al-Khidhr, and Zul-Qarnain Meanwhile, the researcher is interested in the
story of Moses and alKhidhr to analyze because this story gives some messages.
This story is about the meeting between
Moses and al-Khidhr. Allah commanded to Moses to increase his experience and look for the teacher who
was the wisest and cleverer than him because
he considered himself is the cleverest because of he was a prophet. So, he met al-Khidhr as the teacher. Al-Khidhr taught
him the three experiences and because of
those Moses understood and realized that there were many things were not known yet by him in this life (Hamka,
1984: 155).
4 Additionally, it is about the publisher of the
holy Qur’an as the data sources to be
analyzed. His complete name was Muhammad Marmaduke William Pickthal or well known as Marmaduke Pickthall.
He was an intellectual British Muslim
and Qur’anic translator who was born in 1875 and died of coronary thrombhosis on May 19 1936 in a cottage in the
West Country; he was laid to rest in the
Muslim cemetery at Brookwood. He was a Christian but moved to become a Muslim. Besides, he was a novelist,
journalist, headmaster, and religious and political leader. Pickthall roamed to many countries
in the east and published his Qur’an
translation (The meaningof the Holy Qur’an) when he became a functionary under Nizam’s administration from
Hyderabad. His translation became the
first English translation of Qur’an that was done by a Muslim and recognized by Al-Azhar University in Egypt.

English Literature:Deixis on Moses and Al-Khidhr Story in the Translation of Surah Al-Kahf by Marmaduke Pickthall

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