Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:The Analysis on the Roles of Setting on Developing the Main Character’s Personalities of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This chapter discusses background of the
study, problem of the study, objective
of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study If we
look at today's phenomena, it seems that most of people consume the literary works just for spending their free
time or getting pleasure, and entertainment.
Actually, the purposes of reading literary works are not only that.
The writer of fiction wants to
help the readers to think about real life through reading the literary works.Olsen (in
Aminuddin, 2002: 61) states that a literary work is a valuable thing that is able togive
some values more than just for spending
free time or entertainment. More than two thousand years ago, the roman
poet Horace claimed that literature is
“sweet” and “useful”. Since then, literature has been traditionally understood, at least in Western cultures,
ashaving the dual purpose of entertaining and educating its audience (Fajardo-Acosta,
2001). Literary texts are constructed in
effect as objects of beauty of literature. Therefore apart of its rhetoric; a
device intended to strengthen the
overall persuasiveness and influence of the work on its audience.
There are many kinds of
literature. One of them is novel. According to Shroden (in Stevick, 1976: 13) novel is a
fictional narrative in prose of substantial length. A novel usually concerns with human
beings and often provides valuable message
for us through the given story. In reading novel, we not only get enjoyment, but also we are brought into a
vast, close and fresh relationship to life.
Novel as one of literary works
presents some interesting stories. A good story of novel is written by novelist who
always presentsintrinsic and extrinsic elements
to the readers by showing a detailed picture about how people act and feel in their life. A good novelist is able to
compose good stories by applying elements
of the novel (setting, characters, plot, point of view and theme). Hence, the product of writer's creation is perfect
Wellek and Warren (in Damono,
2000: 11) state that there are two approaches
in analyzing literary work, namely intrinsic and extrinsic approach.
Intrinsic approach is done when
the researchers separated the literary work from its society. In this approach, the literary
work is regarded has an autonomy and able
to be understood without having to relates it with its surrounding but with the
text of literary work itself. It can be
seen from its characterization, plot, setting etc. On the contrary, the extrinsic approach
is done by exploring the relationship existing
between the literary work and its surroundings including the author’s background and the reader etc.
In order to make life-like story
inthe novel, a novelist has to employ setting
in his or her story. Setting is the important part when the action happens.
Furthermore, it carries the
clarity of the story and gives information about plot, theme, and character. Describing setting
either place or time in story is vital because
setting reflects characters and embodied theme. Setting can also convey the emotional or psychological state of
characters. Settings often hold enormous roles in shaping a story. Whether it is a
horror, a romance, a science fiction or a drama, settings affect how the characters
emotionally felt, acted and thought throughout
a novel. The places where the story revolved around revealed weaknesses, strengths, flaws and venerability
within each individual character (online,
Indeed, although the setting
proposed toidentify the situation covered in the story, setting not only stated where, when
and howthe situation happened, it also
describes a tradition, character, social attitude and the people view that may be truly in the reality. Because of a literary
work is the representation of life.
Related to the explanation above,
thisstudy discusses about the role of setting
in developing the major character personalities in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princenovel by J. K Rowling. The
Harry Potter series has always been a
battle between hope and despair and the power oflove against the chilly blackness of hate. Rowling bring it to the
reader in a fantastic combination between
each element that built the story.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince, released on July 16, 2005, is the sixth novel in J. K. Rowling's popular Harry
Potterseries. This novel is the fastest
selling book in history. It generates over $100 million in sales on its opening weekend, outpacing even the
combinedtake of the top movies at the box office that same weekend. Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Princeset during Harry
Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts, the novel explores Lord Voldemort's past, and Harry's preparations for the final
battle amidst emerging romantic relationships.
In that way, I choose this novel
because Rowling provides the reader a story
that has moral tales about right versus wrong, self-sacrifice and friendship etc. and this novel is the fastest selling
more than another series. It indicates that the people around the world are more
interested in this novel than another.
Moreover, in this series Rowling
serve surprising story by murdering Dambledore,
a headmaster of Hogwart. Here, the setting is the important thing that supports the story more interesting
therefore generally to find the relation of the setting and the situation of the major
character is an amazing study in this novel.
Furthermore, based on the setting
of the story, the readers can evaluate or criticize this work bad orgood, or it can
determine and make the readers world view
of the story. Then, the unity of the whole element of story included the setting and other have a result the esthetic
value of the story.
The purpose of this study is to
find out the kinds of setting used in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Princenovel and the
roles of itin developing the major characters
personalities as revealed in the novel. So, the main point that will be discussed is about the setting itself and
related with the major character personalities.
Here, to show the map, I get many
relevance studies. One of them is from Eka
Yulianti’s thesis that talks and discuss about the character conflict. This
study found the dilemmatic and
complicated setting make the character personality arise (2003; 43). In the same theme but in the
different novel, R.O Arni in his thesis under
the title “ A Study on the Main Character’s Social Conflict in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stonealso gives
additional sources of the study. She talks about character too, but the finding mentions
that by emphasizing imaginational on
setting will make the natural esthetic value growth in the whole of the story.
In this case this study take place on
the position of the roles of setting that can makes new personality into the main character itself.

English Literature:The Analysis on the Roles of Setting on Developing the Main Character’s Personalities of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

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