Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Oppression to Women in Shirley Conran’s Crimson (A Feminist Literary Criticism)


1.1 Background of the Study No
body knows why women always have lower position than men. Before nineteen century, women do not have the same
education like men, have no right to
vote in general election, have no chance to join the parliament, and women have no chance to work in publics area. Men
hold almost all position of political and
economical power. Women just stay in the place without door and window.

They can not actualize
themselves. The assumed norm in many societies is for women to be in charge of domestic labor and
childrearing while men engage in more
public concerns. This condition made women never exist as perfect human being.

Gradually, many women realize
this unfair condition. Women made a movement
to protest the inequality. They try to make resistance for breaking male domination
in the world. This struggle movement came from the women superiority idea, named feminism. „Feminism taken from French language „feminisme’ found by socialist philosophy
Utopian Charles Fourier in nineteen century.
The English term used firstly in 1980 to show women struggle in getting same chance with men (Cavallaro, 2001: 201).
Feminism grows up to catch more fundamental
womens problem.

However, this feminism idea not
only protest about woman chance in public
areas (like the vote right in general election), this idea also deconstruct more essential problems (like why woman could
not being the leader of family).

Feminism according Aquarini
described as the ideology that has great ideas; to deconstruct women oppression of gender
inequality, to identify the root of women submission, and to free women from the male
domination. So it is the ideology to make
some change for womens life (Priyatna, 2006: 22). It tries to
change world perspective about
women. Even there have been under estimated image of women as the second sex.

Feminism gives a commitment
intensively to defense womens right in social justice, politic economy, education and
professional chance. It defenses the demand
toward sexual autonomy and reproduction rights, the protection from physical
and physiological insulting, language domination, and deconstruction and representation of feminine (Cavallaro,
2001: 201). So this great ideology focuses
on one thing, giving a better life for women.

It is in line with Humm said in
his feminist encyclopedia that feminism is the basic theory of women struggle movement.
It has a principle objective to understand
of women oppression through race, gender, class, and sexual oriented.

Feminism is the reaction and
attitude of person to change women oppression (Humm, 2007: ix). Through
feminism ideology people will be showed the imbalance of women life. Feminism
realizes people (whether men or women) about
the oppression toward women.

Feminism, according to Michael
Ryan is ideology that asks why women have
played a subordinate role to men in human societies. It is concerned with how womens live have
changed throughout history, and it ask what about women experience is different from mens, either as result of an essential ontological or psychological difference or as a result of
historical imprinting and social construction
(Ryan, 1997: chapter 6). Feminism explains why woman always oppressed by man. It may be caused by many
roots of woman oppression, such as Ryan
said that it caused of ontological and psychological difference, social construction or other things.

Feminism and feminist movement
help women to have better life in the imbalance
social construction. Solve oppression in public and private social life.

However, the oppression toward
women not only happens in social life but also happens in literary world, like what happen in
real life, in literary world women is always
being object. Sugihastuti and Suharto said that in the literary work story, a man loved a woman because she was beautiful,
attractive, event sensual. Man ignore
other qualities that occured to the woman (Sugihastuti and Suharto: 2005, viii). It is one example of women oppression
in literary work. Men appreciate women
only from their beauty and sexuality.

The phenomena of women oppression
in literature has been historical problems
for women. Women writer never appreciated like men in literary world.

Even the numbers of women writer
is so little. Most of great writers who have big contribution in literary world are men. That
is why women never important for literary
growth, so the birth of feminist literary criticism is the reaction of women oppression described in literature. Feminist
literary criticism has the purpose to read
and examine male domination toward female in literary world. Ryan said in his book, feminist literary criticism studies
literature by women for how it addresses
or expresses the particularity of womens lives and
experience. And it studies the
male dominated canon in order to understand how men have used culture to further their domination of women
(Ryan, 1997: chapter 6).

Feminist literary criticism wants
to read the male domination canon as a symptom
rather than description. It also wants to understand why women were always oppressed by men and why this gender
inequality pattern happened in literature.
Feminist literary criticism is concerned with the creation of a counter of women writers excluded from the male
domination in literature. It undertakes an examination of the relations between the
representation of women in literature and such social and historical issues as
sexuality, the family, patriarchy, and law.

Mario Klarer said that feminist
literary theory starts with the assumption that “gender difference” is an aspect which
has been neglected in traditional literary
criticism and, therefore, argues that traditional domains of literary criticism have to be re-examined from a
gender-oriented perspective (Klarer, 2004:91).
So if gender difference is being the aspect of oppression to women in literature, feminist literary criticism wanted
to show that there were two difference sexes
that should have equal right.

Moreover, feminist literary
criticism as a counter of male domination in literature can be applied in many kinds of
literary work; even there was opinion that
feminist literary criticism should be applied in feminist literary work.

Feminist work here means the work
should has content of women struggle to break
male domination. However, the writer has different idea about this.

Feminist theory here is a tool to
read and to criticize literary work. It starts with the assumption that literary work filled with
male domination canon. So, it is possible
to criticize some literary work using feminism, even has not content of women

s struggle.

� k � < hK� �i� Objective of the Study Based on the
problem of the study stated above, the objective of the study is to describe what syntactic patterns
are found in the English translation of
Surah Al-Waqi

ah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams.

1.4 Scope and Limitation The
study focuses on analyzing the syntactic patterns in the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams proposed by Diane D. Bornstein. The researcher selects
the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by Marmaduke William Pickthall. In this study, the
researcher limits the discussion on
analyzing the sentence, noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase and adjective phrase
based on the surface structure of each

1.5 Significance of the Study The
findings of this study are hoped to be useful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of
this study are hoped to give contribution
or additional source about syntax especially how to analyze syntactic pattern of a sentence by using the
theory of tree diagrams.

Practically, the result of this
study is expected to be useful for students in State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim
of Malang especially in English Letters
and Language Department as a linguistic reference which assist them to understand and appreciate works
of linguistics, especially sentence
patterns in syntax. Furthermore, this study is expected to give contribution and information to further
researchers who are interested in doing similar
research in the same field in the future.

English Literature:Oppression to Women in Shirley Conran’s Crimson (A Feminist Literary Criticism)

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