Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:A Syntactic Analysis on the Sentences Found in ‘Dora the Explorer’


1.1 Background of the Study In this modern
era, television is not something luxurious. In our country, it has been a usual tool. Almost in every
house we can see this tool. Besides that, all
people from every
level, poor people,
old man until
children, can enjoy programs from this device.

Many people
enjoy watching television.
It is because
there are many kinds
of programs offered by every channel, for instance, news, film, quiz, and many
other interesting programs.
A regret thing
is that sometimes
watching television makes someone
lazy in doing other activities. Even, most children prefer watching TV than studying.

Nowadays, there are many
television programs for kids that exactly are not suitable for watching by the kids. The
commission of Indonesian Broadcasting (KPI) and
some researchers state
that there are
many television programs
special for kids
which contain violence
and sexual element (Kompas, July th 2008).

Ing on
Kompas online also
wrote that TV
programs which is
good for children
are not only
amusing but also
giving more benefit,
like education, giving
motivation, evolving confidence
of the child,
and planting positive values in life. In this term, parents have a
big responsibility in choosing what programs
are good for their children. Another
duty of the parents is accompanying them when watching television to control
and give some explanation about the

One of programs which are special
for kids is cartoon film. Cartoon film is
a film offer imagination for the viewers group of children. Unfortunately the imagination
they enjoy „sometimes

often illogic. It
does not educate
in stead mislead or even make the children misfortune.

Nevertheless, there
are some cartoon
films which is
educated. One of them is
„Dora the Explorer. This
film tells about
a child who
is curious, brave, and animal lover. It interested about
four-year old children. The method of
giving message is simple and innovative, covered in various stories so that interact
the interest of
the children. It
also gives understanding
or concept about
many things, for
instance forms, colors,
numerals, words, animals, plants, etc (Abdullah, 2009).

In terms
of linguistics, „Dora
the Explorer is originally
created for teaching language. In its original country,
United States, „Dora the Explorer is
created to teach
basic Spanish for
pre-school children. Therefore
in each episode,
Dora solves a
problem based on
specific words and
phrases in conversational Spanish, which pre-schoolers
learn as they solve the problem with
her. These words and phrases include a variety of basic nouns, adjectives, and commands, such as "azul" for
"blue", and "cuidado", which means "watch out" (

Educators believe that introducing a second
language to a child before the age of 6
or 7 is an important factor in his/her ability to achieve fluency. For many of our pre-school viewers, Dora is their first
encounter with a foreign language. As such,
the show
might teach them a little Spanish and
make them curious
and interested in
learning more, or
simply make them
aware of and
comfortable with foreign
languages. For our
Spanish-speaking pre-school viewers,
seeing Dora use
Spanish might encourage
them to take
pride in being

(Valerie Walsh Valdes) Unfortunately in
Indonesia this film
is often shown
on Indonesian. On some
episodes, even on Indonesian version or English (original) version, still inserted
some sentences on
Spanish, so that
the series are
often used as a media to learn those languages. However, this
is a good film for education.

Francis (1958: 5-6) states that
speech must be learned. Each individual member
of the race must experience in himself the task of learning language from other humans, with or without their
conscious assistance. Cartoon film is one
example of unconscious assistances.

However, children
cannot directly understand
about the language.
It needs process. It might be
started with a simple sentence. Megginson (2007) wrote that the most natural sentence structure is the simple sentence. It is the first kind which children learn to speak.
Then, considering that “Dora the Explorer”
as a media
for teaching language,
it must be
identified whether the conversation
consist of simple sentences or not.

In analyzing
that case, that
is a field
of syntax. On
oxford dictionary, syntax
means the arrangement
of words and
phrases to create
well-formed sentences. In
addition, syntactic structure is combinations of no more than two lexical
words, with or
without function words.
And study this
syntactic structure of
the sentences especially
in „Dora the
Explorer cartoon film,
I would soon discover that
they are not all alike either in the parts of speech that make them up or in the structural meanings
that they convey (Francis, 1985: 291).

researcher even has
analyzed in this
field by the
title Syntactical structure
analysis on the
translation of surah
„Abasa in the
holy Quran (Faricha, 2008).
However, the data
of this research
are verses of
a Surah in Quran.
While, my data of this research are sentences that produced by a main character
in cartoon film
that used as
a media of
learning language for children.
I assume that it will give different contribution for linguistics.

1.2 Research Problems Based on
the introduction explained
above, I formulate
the research problems as follows: 1. What kinds of syntactic structures are used
in the sentences used in „Dora the

? 2. How are those
syntactic structures applied in Chinese boxes? 1.3 Objectives of the Study Based on
the research problems
stated above, the
objectives of this research
are as follow: 1. To describe types of
syntactic structures are used in the sentences used in „Dora the Explorer


2. To apply those syntactic structures in
Chinese boxes.

1.4 Scope and Limitation The scope
of the research
is a main
character of “Dora
the Explorer” cartoon
film. Besides, this
research is limited
on syntactic analysis
of the utterances used by the main character of “Dora
the Explorer”. In addition, this cartoon is
bilingual English-Spanish, but I just
focus on English

The data which have been observed
are in the form of sentences. However, I analyzed
only sentences or
part of sentences
which are in
the form of 1) Subject + Predicate, 2) Verb + Object, 3) Verb
+ Complement, and 4) Head + Modifier. Since
this film is
in the form
of series which
consists of 111 episodes, I
just focus on
episode “Catch the
Star” in order
to get a deep
understanding about
the research. Then,
this research discusses
syntactic analysis based on

s theory.

English Literature:A Syntactic Analysis on the Sentences Found in ‘Dora the Explorer’

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