Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams


This chapter presents background
of the study, research problem, objective of the study, scope and limitation,
significance of the study, and operational definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study In
linguistics, study about the sentence of languages is syntax. Yule (1996: 4)
defines syntax as the study of the relationships between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence, and
which sequences are well formed.
Furthermore, Gleason (1961: 128) states that syntax as the principles of arrangement of the construction formed by
the process of derivation and inflection
(word) into larger constructions of various kinds.

In addition, Chomsky (1966: 1)
states that syntax is the study of the principles
and process by which sentences are constructed in particular languages. Radford (1997: 1) also says that
syntax is concerned with the ways in
which words can be combined together to form phrases and sentences.

Moreover, Wekker and Haegeman
(1985: 5) define syntax as determining the relevant component parts of a sentence.

According to the definitions of
syntax above, it is concluded that syntax is the arrangement and relationship among
words, phrases, and clauses forming
sentences based on grammatical rules. Sometimes, the use of language will be
ambiguous which causes the meaning of
the sentence can not be understood easily. In this case, studying syntax is important since it studies how
sentences are formed and arranged based
on the grammatical rule. If people arrange the correct sentences, they can arrange a good writing and make good
communication. Furthermore, the hearers
or readers can understand the meaning of the sentence easily.

In this study, the researcher
selects Theory of Tree Diagrams to analyze sentences. Theory of Tree Diagrams is a
sentence analysis by using internal hierarchical
structure of sentences as generated by set of rules. There are some advantages of using Tree Diagrams. Bornstein
(1977: 48) states that a sentence is the
basic unit of syntactic analysis which is easier to see the parts of (phrases) and subparts (parts of speech) of
the sentence in a tree diagram.

Finch (1998: 107) states that the
advantage of tree diagrams is that they enable us to see at a glance the hierarchical
structure of sentences.

The researcher selects Holy Quran as the subject of this study. The researcher wants to know the structure of the
sentences of Quran because the Qur'an is
the central religious text of Islam. It is the glorious book of Moslems that is always relevant in all ages. Quran is used as a fundamental view for every Moslem in doing their activities. It has
a collection of Allah SWT revelation
that was brought down by Angel Gabriel (Jibril) to Prophet Muhammad SAW with the certain ways gradually
in about twenty three years.

Quran is not
only unique in the way in which it presents its subject matter, but it is also unique in that it is a
miracle in itself, in the sense that it could not be the work of humans. Quran has a perfect arrangement word and word choice. As Allah said in the Quran: “This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt to
those who fear Allah.” (Al-Baqarah: 2) Allah
also said, “…it is an unassailable Scripture. Falsehood cannot come at it from before it or from behind it. (It is) a
revelation from the Wise, the Owner of
Praise.” (Surah Fussilat: 41-42).

The Qur'an consists of 114 surah
in different lengths and has 6236 verses.
Surah Al-Waqiah is the fifty sixth surah in the Hol y Quran which has ninety six
verses. The surah describes when that inevitable revolution occurs and there is absolutely no doubt that it will
occur. It is about the doomsday or the
end of the world, how the world will be asundered. It also tells about life after death i.e., Jannah (Paradise), Jahannum
(Hell), and the accountability of mankind
on the Day of Judgment.

The researcher chooses Surah
Al-Waqiah since this surah is different from others in which most of the verses of
this surah contain of simple sentences. Whereas, the previous researcher such
as Rohmawati (2007), has investigated
Surah Yasin which contains all of the kinds of the sentence (simple, complex, compound and compound
complex sentence). Therefore, the
researcher is interested to analyze Surah Al-Waqiah as the
subject of this study. Qur'an
has been translated into many languages to understand the meaning and message, including English.
Rohmawati (2007: 2) states that all of
the translations of Holly Quran have grammatical rule. It contains
phrase, clause, and sentences. Each of
them must be in language as the structure in order to avoid misunderstanding between
translators and readers. It is very impossible
for the existence of translation without any structural f orm. In the structural form, the message can be accepted
easily and the intention can be understood

There are many English
translation of Quran, but the researcher chooses (Mohammed) Marmaduke William Pickthalls translation because his translation is more simple and understandable.
Under the service of the Nizam of
Hyderabad, Pickthall published his translation of the Qur'an, becoming the first English translation done by a moslem and
authorized by the Al -Azhar University,
referred to by the Times Literary Supplement as "a great literary achievement".

Based on the explanation above,
the researcher is interested to study a thesis
under the title A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams.

1.2 Research Problem According to
the background of the study above, the research problem proposed is “What syntactic patterns are found
in the English translation of Surah

ah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams?” 1.3 Objective of the Study Based on the
problem of the study stated above, the objective of the study is to describe what syntactic patterns
are found in the English translation of
Surah Al-Waqi

ah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams.

1.4 Scope and Limitation The
study focuses on analyzing the syntactic patterns in the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams proposed by Diane D. Bornstein. The researcher selects
the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by Marmaduke William Pickthall. In this study, the
researcher limits the discussion on
analyzing the sentence, noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase and adjective phrase
based on the surface structure of each

1.5 Significance of the Study The
findings of this study are hoped to be useful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of
this study are hoped to give contribution
or additional source about syntax especially how to analyze syntactic pattern of a sentence by using the
theory of tree diagrams.

Practically, the result of this
study is expected to be useful for students in State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim
of Malang especially in English Letters
and Language Department as a linguistic reference which assist them to understand and appreciate works
of linguistics, especially sentence
patterns in syntax. Furthermore, this study is expected to give contribution and information to further
researchers who are interested in doing similar
research in the same field in the future.

English Literature:A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams

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