Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of The Translation Of Cultural Terms In The Subtitling Of “Memoirs Of A Geisha” Movie

 1.1 Background of the Study Indonesia, the
rich country, has many varieties of cultures, customs and  languages. That is why many tourists come to
Indonesia. Many tourists are interested  in
studying cultures in Indonesia like the customs and languages. The tourists
know  that every area or region in
Indonesia has its own customs, cultures and languages  which is different from others. However, from
the all of the varieties, the most  important
thing of the varieties is the language.
Language as a means of
communications has been used by human beings for  thousands of years. Language is used by humans
to communicate to each other, to  express
their thought, feeling, or ideas either in spoken or written language. It  conveys one message in human mind into
utterances. Saussure (1915:16) states that  language is a system of sign that express
As human being, people always
feel curious about everything that happen in  this world like news, gossip, and
entertainment. People can do it by reading  magazines, newspapers, and by browsing
internet. And nowadays, many scientific  and
non – scientific books are translated into Bahasa Indonesia, such as text –
book,  novels, articles, etc. So without
the ability to master foreign language, the people still  difficult get the information. Finnally, it
can be a problem for the people to read and  to understand it. Therefore, the way to solve
this problem is to translate foreign  language
into local language that called translation.
Translation work is a complex
task. It requres competency in both languages;  the source language (SL) that is the language
to be translated and the target language  (TL), the language into which it is to be
changed and also the cultural background of  both languages.
Translation means transferring
the meaning of SL into TL (Larson 1984:3)  whereas Catfortd (1965:1) defines translation
as the replacement of textual material  in
SL by equivalent textual material in TL. 
And the last, according to Larson  (1984:2) cites “Translation, then consists of
studying the lexicon, grammatical  structure,
communication situation, and cultural context of the SL text, analyzing it  Universitas Sumatera Utara in order to
determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using  the lexicon and gramatical structure which are
appropiate in the TL and its cultural  context.”
Every language has different style or ways in conveying ideas or messages.
Adapting Sapir, Blount (1974:120)
cites, “No two languages are ever sufficiently  similar to be considered as representing the
samesocial reality. The worlds in which  different
societies live are distinct world”. In Indonesia language, the word beras,  padi, nasi, gabah, only have one equivalent
word in English, that is rice. How about  the word sarung in Indonesia language should
be translated in English? The society  in
Britain or the other countries might be do not recognize the object. In this
case, the  translator should know the
appropriate words for the cultural adjustment to the  cultural words.
The most important thing to take
into account by a good translator, the  meaning
which is being transferred must be held constant. And it will not be  succesfully transfered if the translator
neglets the cultural adjustment from the SL  into the TL.
As Hartley (1982:191) says,
“Communication between members of different  cultures is possible because of an underlying
sameness of human experience the  world
over and human’s ability to adjust to new modes of behaviour.”  From the statement above, it is obvious that
language  is a large and  significant role in the totality of culture.
The differences between cultures bring  about
difficulties in the process of translating from one language into another that
is  divergent and unrelated.
In translating, there is the
terms “context of culture” must fully clear to the  hearer or reader to understand a language
(Bronislaw 1999:72) and Bassnet  (1999:126)
believes that translation must take place within a framework of culture.
There is a tight relationship
between translation and culture. If the translation is  related to culture, the translation is not
simply matter of seeking other words with  similar meaning. Simply, when the translator
wants to translate a text, the translator  can not translate it directly. The translator
has to analyze it first before reconstructing  it into TL. So, translation and culture are
Universitas Sumatera Utara The
word ‘culture’ has some meanings. For some people, it refers to an  appreciation of good art, song, food, and
literature. Tylor (1871) says that culture is  “that complex whole which includes knowledge,
belief, art, law, moral, custom, and  any
other capabilities and habit acquired by man as member of society”.
Newmark (2000:1) defines culture
as “the way of life and its manifestations  that are peculiar to a community that uses a
particular language as its means of  expression”.
Whereas Gohring (1995) says that culture is one need to know to judge  where's people behavior conform or deviates
and in order to make one's own  behavior
conform to the society.
Based on those definiton of
culture above, it can be conclude that every  society has own culture, which is different
from each other. The scope of the culture  is very complex. The culture covers all the
human need. The speech, behavior,  thought
are influenced by culture and it is clear that understanding of culture enable  individuals relate to other people from
different place. The expression of culture can  be seen from the behavior, norms, values, and
belief of people. Therefore, the people  can
learn the culture of certain society.
In understanding culture, the
cultural terms should be understand. According  to Kotter (1992), which formally defines
culture as a whole pattern of behavior that  is reflected in social life, religion, art,
and institutional as well as all the result of the  human mind and work on an entity certain
people. Meanwhile, Koentjaningrat  (2000)
provides systemic understanding of a whole culture of ideas, actions, and  works of the context of a society that is used
as a human being by means of learning.
Culture has three categories or
forms, namely: Firstly, culture as a complexity  of ideas, values, norms, and rules. Culture
form in this context is a form of cultural  ideal rights are abstract. Example of this
culture form is a system of cultural values,  norms, laws, and regulations such manner.
Secondly, culture as a complex activity pattern of human behavior in society.
Culture form in this context is reffered to as a  social system consisting of human activities
that interact, hang out, and the basis of  certain behavioral pattern of governance. The
second form of this culture more  concrete
because it can be observed and documented. Thirdly, culture as objects of  human handiwork. The third manifestation of
this culture is a culture of physical and  culture is the most concrete, such as
buildings, temples, artifacts, houses and others.
Universitas Sumatera Utara This
thesis works on cultural terms in the subtitling of “Memoirs of a Geisha”  movie. The writer chooses this movie because
in the subtitling of “Memoirs of a  Geisha”
movie is found some words that is not translated by the translator. Subtitling  is a secondary or explanatory title, as of a
book or play, a book title repeated at the  top of the first page of text and one or more
lines of text, as a translation of dialogue  in a foreign language, appearing ally at the
bottom of a film or video image.
The problems that is found in the
subtitling of “Memoirs of a Geisha” movie  is when the writer sees the subtitling of the
movie, the writer sees there are some  words
that is not translated by the translator. The translator does not get the  equivalence of those words. Finally, the
translator uses the strategies of translation  and the cultural categories in the translation
studies. The strategies of translation and  cultural categories of cultural terms are the
main discussion of this thesis.

English Literature:An Analysis Of The Translation Of Cultural Terms In The Subtitling Of “Memoirs Of A Geisha” Movie

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