Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Language Styles Used in Beauty and the Beast Fairytale

In this
chapter, the researcher discusses some importantpoints related to the area of the research. Those are background
of the study, research problems, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation, significances of the study, and definition of the key terms. 1.1
Background of the Study Language is a wonderfully rich vehicle for
communication. We can use it to convey
wishes and commands, to tell truths and lies, to influence our hearer, to vent our emotion, and to formulate ideas which
could probably never arise if we had no
language (Moulton in Hawgen and Bloomfield, 1975:3). The statement above clearly describes how language is really
important for society.
People use language to
communicate with other persons. To communicate means to transfer ideas from one person to the
others. If people do not have a tool to
communicate, every peoples activities and interactions would be stagnant.
Peoples activities also have been
made possible of the language existence in the society. Lado (1964:11) states
that language is intimately tied to mans feeling and activity. It is bounded
with nationality, religion and the feeling of self. It is used for working, giving worship, and play by
everyone, be the beggar or banker, savage
or civilized. Basically, the function of language is to
know and understand other peoples ideas.
Chaika (1982:1) states that language and society are so intertwined and it is
impossible to understand one without another. Koran, as the main source of Islamic knowledge also teaches us how to
understand other people. Al-Hujurât (The
Walls) Verse 13 said: Meaning: (49:13) O mankind! Lo! We have created you male
and female, and have made you nations
and tribes that ye may know one other.
Lo! The noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is knower, Aware.
Allah has described clearly how
He supposes us to know and understand other
people by communication. Besides, Allah shows how He creates male and female in different nations and tribes to know
each other. From this verse it can be understood
how God reveals the use of language and the relation between language and society.
The interesting thing in this
verse is that actually the verse does not describe about the language clearly, but it
implicitly describes that God creates human
beings in different nations and tribes. Automatically, different nation has different language.
Thus, from the statement above,
the researcher concludes that if there is no language in society, there will be nothing.
Wardhaugh (1986:1) states that language
is what the members of a particular society speak. Therefore, the relationship
between language and human or society is dependent. Wardhaugh (1986:1) further states that the definition
of language and society is not independent.
There are two kinds of language,
spoken language and written language.
Spoken language is anutterance
which is formed from sound, such as conversation,
speech, storytelling, discussion, radio, television broadcast, and etc.
While, written language is an
utterance which is formed in the written form, such as novels, comics, newspapers,
magazines,letters, books, journals, articles, and etc.
In expressing or delivering
ideasin both forms, spoken and written language,
people have and use their own style because itisrelated to thesocial aspect. Chaika (1982:29) statesthat style
refers to the selection of the linguistic forms to convey social or artistic effects.
Style also acts as a setofinstructions.
Other opinion comes from Keraf
(1984:112). He states that style is the ability and the competence to make a sentence in a good
In this case,Islam has taught and
clearly described in Koran (Al-Hujurât: 13)how
to avoid us from the problem of making relationship with other people.
The researcher has described how
God creates human in different nations and tribes. For example, in Java there are East
Java and Central Java. Most of them use
Javanese language but both of them have different style of Javanese language.
It proves how a language is
produced in different style although their languages are almost the same.
Considering the problem above,
the researcher enthusiastically focuses her study on the language style because style
forms communication in the right way and
determines how a social interaction will proceed (Chaika, 1982:20). In this case, style determines how a speaker speaks
and how the listener takes the meaning
of the communication in the right way; whether it is serious, humorous, dubious, or any other possible senses.
Chaika (1982) describes six
characteristics of style, those are: 1.
Style forms a communication system in its own right.
2. Style tells how to interpret a
3. Style forms a mini
communication system that works along with the language itself.
4. Style controls the interaction.
5. Style is so integral with
social function that interaction cannot run well if one does not speak with the right style.
The language style of spoken and
written language can be analyzed from different
point of view: words, grammar, and pronunciation (Chaika: 1982).
Furthermore, Keraf (1984) states
that language style can be analyzed based on the linguistic contexts which are divided into
word choice, tone, sentence structure, as well as direct and indirect meaning.
As stated above, people use
written language in expressing their ideas.
One example of written languages
that is created by human beings is a literary work. Literature is an art of writing to
express what someone feels and sees in their
surroundings. When discussing about literature, however, we always remember a special kind of language that
differs from the ordinary discourse from which we conduct our daily affairs. The
creation of literature is humans unique activity in order to show his or her endless
desire to express, to share, and to understand
his or her experiences.

English Literature:Language Styles Used in Beauty and the Beast Fairytale

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