Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis of Bush s Speeches on Democracy Issue through Illocutionary Act Theory

In this
chapter, the researcher discusses some important points to clarify the area of the research; that is background
of the study, research problems, objectives,
significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.
1.1. Background of The Study The work of the Swiss Linguist, Ferdinand de
Saussure that figured out the distinction between langue and parolebecomes one
of the most credible linguistic
findingsfor recent years. Langue as a system of language in use fits out the role of parole as
what is said or written by human being
(Fairclough. 1989: 20). This famous work invites people who concern on the field of linguisticsto broaden
aninvestigation on language inboth its
internal and external features.
From view of the fact, language
holds and replaces many significant roles
in societys life. In other word, language takes a part in almost every space where human participate in such
interactive events, such as in the field
of politic, education, economic, cultural, and so on. Language exists together with the need of humanto communicate.
From this idea, it can be inferred that
aninvestigation of language grows broadly along with the growth of human civilization.
In accordance to this point, Whorfian
Hypothesishas purposed the idea that
language and culture are inextricably things, one cannot be interpreted or understoodwithout another one
(Wardhaugh. 1986: 212).In conclusion,
language as a part of societybecomes the basic idea in developing an investigation of language.
Since language stands in line
with the development of human civilization,
consequently there are possibly realities and problems. In accordance to this idea, Rahardjo (2007: 75)
concluded Heideggers argument that without language, human are not able to
think and understand realities in their
social life. Oktavianus (2006: 3) strengthened this previous idea by quoting Finochiaros
argument that the function of language is for communication and interaction.
Referring to Finochiaros argument
on the fundamental function of language,
from the very beginning, Islamic teaching has been illustrated how the communication should be. Koran as the
main source of Islamic teaching clearly
discusses the way the God communicates with His angels as it is written in The Cow(Al-Baqarah) verse
30-36; [2.30] And when your Lord said to
the angels, I am going to place in the
earth a khalif, they said: What! wilt Thou place in it such as shall make mischief in it and shed blood, and we
celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy
holiness? He said: Surely I know what you do not know.
[2.31] And He taught Adam all the
names, then presented them to the angels;
then He said: Tell me the names of those if you are right.
[2.32] They said: Glory be to
Thee! we have no knowledge but that which
Thou hast taught us; surely Thou art the Knowing, the Wise.
[2.33] He said: O Adam! Inform
them of their names. Then when he had
informed them of their names, He said: Did I not say to you that I surely know what ghaibin the heavens is and
the earth and (that) I know what you
manifest and what you hide? [2.34] And when We said to the angels: Make
obeisance to Adam they did obeisance,
but Iblis(did it not). He refused and he was proud, and he was one of the unbelievers.
[2.35] And We said: O Adam! Dwell
you and your wife in the garden and eat
from it a plenteous (food) wherever you wish and do not approach this tree, for then you will be of
the unjust. Even though the pattern of communication
between the God, Angels, Adam, and
Shaitanthat clearly pictured in the five verses above happened in the heaven before the creation of the
world, it can precisely be used as the
basic idea in observing the pattern of communication of human being in the real world.
What is interesting in those five
verses is that God tells the angels about
the creation of Adam and angels complain by giving a prediction to convince their argument. Another point is that
God commands the angels and Shaitanto
obey Adam, consequently they do unless Shaitan. From these five verses, it is clearly found that
there are some verbs which contain an
act at the same time such as informing, complaining, arguing, commanding, and refusing that recently
established and developed in the theory
of speech act. If it is, there are hundreds or even thousands illocutionary verbs that can be found in both
the Koran and the prophet saying which
then lead the readers to the conclusion that basically communication also becomes the main concern of
certain belief and religious matter.
In this case, Islamic teaching
has given a clear guidance in reaching out
mutual understanding to avoid problems of communication that might be arouse because of the involvement of an
action of sending and receiving messages
among language users.
Considering that problem, the
researcher enthusiastically intends to understand
social reality appeared through language by applying discourse analysis theory, because it views language as
social practice determined by social
structures (Fairclough. 1989: 17).It means that reaching out a mutual understanding in communication should
combine an understanding of both
internal linguistic feature and external social setting of certain utterance.
In accordance to the involvement
of both social condition of productionand
social condition of interpretationin discourse analysis, it views a single and group interaction at
once.In spite of the fact that normally
there must be linguistic production and interpretation in such communicative events, the researcher does not
observe an object with direct stimulus
from the speaker and direct response from the hearer at once such as a conversation or dialogue, since
the way the speaker produces linguistic
signal containing messages and the way the hearer interprets those messages do not merely happen
only in the direct conversation between
two persons. The term of linguistic production and interpretation in a broader sense can possibly
occur in indirect conversation delivered
by two or more people. Let us see how public speech (Talk given to an audience) works with
no direct response from hearers. From
this point of view, the researcher intends to see how certain speech delivers messages. This
study concernson the analysis of speech, a product of spoken language. Some linguists have established
theories concerning with how speech
contains an act at the same time and how such an utterance can be meant broaderthan what physically performed,
as what has been discussed above about
the nature of communication between God and Adam in the Koran. When God asks Adam to tell names, He
does an act of commanding at the same
Factually, there might be an
intention coming from the speaker while conversing or speaking. In accordance
to this point, Rahardjo (2007: 48)
quoted Habermas that language is self-interest of its users. A selfinterest can
be many things including power (needs for esteem according to Maslows need hierarchy). Still, according
to Hikam in Rahardjo (2007: 48) language
recently becomes not only a neutral medium of communication but also a representation of
such importance, strategy, and space for
power. In line with this statement, Rahardjo (2004: 104) argued thatin most cases, the political leaders use
language as a social-political hegemonies.

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis of Bush s Speeches on Democracy Issue through Illocutionary Act Theory

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