Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on Cohesion in Short Poetriesof Robert Frost

This chapter discusses six
sections namely: background of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the
study, significances of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key
1.1 Background of the Study The
great schism between literary criticism and linguistic analysis has lasted for ages. That is caused each operates
at irreconcilably different levels.
According to Kalawole (1997:1)
literary criticism operating “on terms of value, purpose and aesthetics”, while linguistic
analysis considers phonemes, stress, syntax
and lexico-semantics”. Halliday (1976: 217), however, believes that it is part of the task of linguistics to describe
texts, withall texts that fall within the definition of literature, both prose and
verse, accessible to linguistic analysis. So, it is very possible to analyze linguistic
components in a literary text.
In addition, linguistic analysis
on literary texts has been widely accepted as an alternative way of deriving objective
and empirical interpretations of literary works of all kind. As Halliday (1976: 217)
declares, “The justification for the use
of linguistics method in literary analysis is that grammatical, lexical, phonological and
phonetic theory is relevant as it stands
and that descriptive statements made about literary text are meaningful only in relation to the total
description of the language concerned”.
Then, in Linguistics, linguistic analysis on
literary text is included in discourse
analysis. Discourse analysis means an attempt to find everything that creates the unity between and within a unit of
language in discourse. As Cook (1989: 6)
argues that, “the search for whatgives discourse coherence is discourse analysis”. Discourse analysis also means a
numbers of approaches to analyze written,
spoken or signed language use. There are two kinds of approaches in analyzing discourse, those are, contextual
approach and formal approach.
Contextual approach refers to
facts outside discourse that include the situation, the people involved, what they know and what they
are doing. Formal approach refers to
facts inside discourse that is usuallycalled by formal links. Formal links are occurred between clauses and sentences within
discourse to relate one element to the
other element in order to create a unity of meaning. It is also known by cohesive devices (Cook, 1989: 14). The ties
and connections of meaning among the
sentences which exist within a textare called by cohesion. It means that cohesion is one of several parts of discourse
analysis study.
Within a text, cohesion is one of
the criteria in considering that text can be regarded as a text or not. As Renkema (1993:
34) was stated that there are seven criteria
are given for textuality, that is, criteria that sequence of sentences must meet in order to qualify as a text. Those
criteria are cohesion, coherence, intentionality,
acceptabil;ity, situationality, informativeness, and intertextuality.
He also said that texture can be
defined as relations that must exist between and within a unit of language in discourse either
grammatically or semantically.
Moreover, cohesion can be a
primary determinant whether a set of sentences
do or do not constitute a text which has texture. Texture is what which differentiate between a text and not a text.
“A text has texture and this is what distinguished
it from something that is not a text. The texture is provided by a cohesion relation” (Halliday and Hassan, 1967:
Although cohesion is not enough
to comprehend a text but it cannot be ignored
that it can guide to coherence asa necessary element in comprehending a text. Coherence means the connections within
and between sentences in a text which
brought about by something outside the text. Nunan (1993: 59) believe that, “coherent texts are distinguished fromrandom
sentences by the existence of certain
text-forming, cohesive devices.” Itis also supported by Millard (2007: 2) that claims “cohesion as such can be
considered as a guide to coherence, a means to ensure, or simply, coherence and
There were some researches on cohesion use
Halliday’s and Hassan’s theory. Some of
them are the study on cohesion used in the Advertisements Published in the Jakarta Post which was
conducted by Alifatur Rohmah Agustine (2003).
A Discourse Analysison cohesion in Anton Chekhov’s Play “The Boor” was investigated by Khusnul Khotimah (2003).
And, the discourse analysis study on
cohesion in the Headline News ofVOAIndonesia was conducted by Innaha Rahmawati (2003).
All the previous researchers
above conducted cohesion analysis in written texts. Those are advertisement, headline news,
and play, in which all of them use communicative
language that easier to beunderstood by the readers. But in this research, the researcher will investigate the
cohesion in poetry, which is known as a
kind of literary work that rather difficultto be understood than the others due
to full of figurative language and
connotation words. Therefore, the researcher tries to analyze cohesion as one of efforts to reach
the exact meaning of the content of the
poetry as the poet meant. It means that the researcher is going to elaborate in
detail about the ties of cohesion which
occurred between the presupposing items and
the presupposed items within poetry inorder to be easy in understanding the poetry as the other previous researchers.
In addition, the researcherwants
to elaborate deeply about cohesion in written
text. In this case is poetry as a literary text. It is meant to give a contribution to the study of discourse analysis
in literary text.
Poetry is full of ambiguous
languages,so it is difficult to be understood and usually results many of interpretations.
The long and short of poetry that is measured
based on the numbers of the lines will also influence the reader difficulty level in understanding the poetry.
That is based on an assumption if the poetry
consists many of lines, for example more than thirty lines the reader will find many of ambiguous languages that can make
the interpretation far away from what
the poet meant. But, in short poetry, for example consists no more than twenty lines, the readers will find less of
ambiguous languages so the chance to gain
the right meaning as the poet meant isbigger. Therefore, the researcher takes short poetry as the subject ofthe study in
order to avoid misinterpretation of the cohesive
devices that is included on it. Due to in cohesion analysis the researcher should find the correct of the presupposing
and the presupposed items and what their
types and functions.
The researcher uses short
poetries of Robert Frost as the subject of the study. It is caused by he was oneof well-known
American poets. His work frequently drew
inspiration from rural life in New England, using the setting to explore complex social and philosophical
themes. Moreover, he is the only American
poet who had gotten four Pulitzer Prize. It is an American award regarded as the highest nation honor in print
journalism, literary achievements, and
musical composition. There are some of his best known poetries, among them are: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
evening”, “Fire and Ice”, “The Road Not
Taken”, “The Pasture”, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, “The Mending Wall”, “After Apple Picking”, “ The Birches”, and“The
Acquainted With The Night”.

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power. In line with this statement, Rahardjo (2004: 104) argued thatin most cases, the political leaders use
language as a social-political hegemonies.

English Literature:An Analysis on Cohesion in Short Poetriesof Robert Frost

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