Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Language style in Newsweek Magazine Advertisement

1.1 Background of the Study Study
of language has been discussed for over 2000 years by many linguists in the
world such how human being comes to have it, how they used in the society, and
how it change and develop are being included. It is because language appears to
be a unique human attribute that other species have not.
(http//linguistic study/ Academic
standards – Linguistics). Even language is a fundamental aspect in every human
activity either in social, political or economical. As Wardhaugh said (1985:
29) language is a fundamental aspect of human life. To communicate and establish
relationship with other, people use language as tool of their communication.
Thereby through language, human express their feeling, idea, thought, and
whatever exists in mind. It means whatever in our mind can be reflected by the
language we use. While language is not limited only in spoken it can be
expressed by written. There are two types of language which is used by human as
a means of communication, such spoken and written language. Spoken language is
an utterance in the form of sound. For example conversation, speech,
discussion, radio and television broadcast. Written language is an utterance in
writing form that can be found in magazine, journal books, newspapers, letter,
etc. The rule of language is not only as tool of
communication but also it is used as tool to persuade and influence people to
do something. Human used varieties of style in different situation in order to
get most effective attention from the listener. Even human use different style
either in social or in the politic and economic aspect. Guth (1975:1) said that
good speaker or writer will get a success on their aim depend on how well
people use a words, how they talk to other, what they say to a dissatisfied
person, and how well they understand what they are told to do. In other word he
argued that in making communication people have to use various way or stylistic
language to make our message receivable by other people.
While different culture, place,
sex, age, and work institution different style of language we use. For instance
to respect someone most Indonesian people used formal language (romo language)
when they communicate with them but it does not mean for Australian. They may
use simpler and more casual language to get more intimate or highly educated engineers
may find themselves learning the language variety of the working class in order
to communicate effectively with their employees. Other examples, language that is
used in education institution is difference while it used in advertising or business
level. It means that language that used in society different depend on the
situation, speaker’s intention, wants, need and desire. However,
Judith (1999: 155) sates that a primary way in which society differs in
communication style is in a preference for high-context communication or
low-context communication. High-context
communication style is one in which most of the information is either in the
physical context or internalized in the person, very little in the coded and
explicit meaning. In contras low-context communication is one in which the
majority of meaning and information is in the verbal code. This style of
communication is emphasized explicit verbal message. Some cultural group or
society might prefer to used high-context communication or low-context
Those all are depend on which the
speaker’s true intention, wants, need and desire. Sometimes it is not
appropriate to communicate with explicit verbal message when we in the formal
situation or we speak with uneducated person.
In some cases using language
style extremely importance to arrange our utterance to get more attractive and
effective, moreover it used in commercial purposes such in advertisement. Therefore,
a language variety is the characteristics of each human being. This statement
has been stated by Allah SAW in his holly Al-Quran surah Ar-ruum, 30
And among His Signs is the
creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and
your colors: verily in that are Signs for those who know.
It can be interpreted that Allah
create human with has different language, and color as characteristic each
other. Because language is significant
part of human life, it is important for each individual to know the language
and the style used in order to avoid miscommunication among individual.
The growth of technology,
knowledge and human’ intelligence language show more varieties. Because
language has a powerful influence over people and their behaviors. This is
especially true in the fields of marketing and advertising. The choice of
language to convey specific messages with the intention of influencing people
is vitally important.
Language show more persuasive,
creative, and imaginative to catches the people’s attention. Even, over the
years advertising has become more and more creative, which force many people to
do. Even advertisement language assumes can motivate and influenced people in
various situation. Essentially goal of advertising to persuade people to buy or
at least to take some step has successfully in every time. In other word
selecting the word in advertisement has big impact to make it commercial.
It is fact what has been said by
our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W that the power of language is sharper that knife. In
the Book of Ikhtilaful- Hadits rowahu
Abu-Daud, Muhammad S.A.W said @ A 1 * A
" A A B A C:
B Obviously, a successful advertisement must be
appropriate at creating beautiful image by means of creative language
expressions. At the same time advertisement language has own style in forming a
phrase or sentence, in which it very different in normal communication. One way
in which advertisers adapt language to
their own use is to take compound words and use them as adjectives. Examples of
these compounds which have become part of the English language are:
top-quality, economy-size, chocolateflavored, feather-light and longer-lasting.
But advertising language may not always be "correct" language in the
normal sense. For example, comparatives are often used when no real comparison
is made. An advertisement for a detergent may say "It gets clothes
whiter", but whiter than what? The real meaning of it just knows by the
writer or advertiser only. Moreover it is extremely importance in advertising
language noun to be used as a verb. For example "It's been
re-everything-ed" in this case the new verb is also prefixed and suffixed.
(http//en.wikiledia.org/wiki.language and advertising).
As a fact in the fields of
marketing or advertisement, it is true that language has great power to change
human’s behavior, thought, and life style.
Because it always emphasize certain actual
information arranged with different style of language. For advertising language
has a significance influence to the reader, it is important to analyze how
advertisers select language for its affective and directive uses. The unit
shows how language is used to stimulate consumer interest in a product and
often to mask the lack of extensionally verifiable information presented about
the product, advertising language contain of metaphor, personification,
hyperbole, connotation and good diction. As a result advertisement as a media
to sell a product frequently uses stylistic language in different ways. More
advertisement language often emphasize ambiguous message and language used is
not really true. For example in one of verbal advertisement the researcher
found the sentence “used this product
will make you easier to miss the stain in your clothes” sometime this utterance
is not really true.

English Literature:Language style in Newsweek Magazine Advertisement

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