Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Morphological Study on Word Formation of ERP Software Terms in www. wiley. com

This chapter presents the topics as follows
background of the study, problems statement,
objectives of the study, significance ofthe study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the study In the end of this year, computer technology
has increased. Because of it, technology
is very closely related to communication. Its differences happen in collecting,
sending, saving, and processing
information. Later,it makes people easily in getting information quickly and accurately.
Another opinion about the
increasing of informationtechnology is as Sawyer and William (2003: 2) has said: Say goodbye to the personal computing era,
“writer’s technology journalist Kevin Maney”.
Just on the horizon is the era that comes next – the personal information era. You could also call it the era pervasive
computing personal information era.
The world is moving on beyond
boxy computers that sit on desk or even on laps.
We are entering a time in which
handheld computers,two-way wireless pagers, and beefed-up cell phones (not to mention
terminalseverywhere-libraries, airports,
cafes) will let you access information anytime anywhere. And not just general information but your personal information
the electronic correspondence, documents,
appointments, photos, songs, money matters, and other data important to you.
The statement above shows that technology has
provided the information in every time
with many ways. Computer is also one instrument of media in communication, which makes human more appreciate not only
about the information but also knowledge in the earth. In addition, information can
open mind about anything that we found in this world.
Accordingly, this study argues that technology
development create language with more
evolution and modern use. Therefore, increasing language in technology era is
one of the phenomena that ought to be
considered in part of linguistics or student studies about language.
This study discusses about the terms in IT
(Information Technology) which has developed
in this time. IT also gives us many things not only information but also knowledge. Then, people never satisfied with
science and always increase their knowledge
which is related to their study. It is inaccord with what our Prophet Muhammad SAW said that two desires of human
beings which never make them satisfied
are science and wealth desire (Shihab: 2008, http//erzal.wordpress.com ).
In addition, our God said in Holy Qur'an Means:
Then high above all be Allah the true
king. And be not in haste (O'Muhammad
SAW) with the Qur'an before its revelation is completed to you, and say “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge”.(Surah At
Thaha: 114) (Al-Hilali: 2008, http//noblequr'an.com/translation).
According to the verse above, our God ordered
us to get knowledge and study gradually
to obtain our purpose; this includes developing the study on IT terms.
One branch of linguistics that becomes topic
will be discussed in this study is morphology.
Matthews (1974: 3) says that morphologyis a term for that branch of linguistics which concerns with the forms of
words in different uses and constructions.
This branch of study is about the
word form in which there is interrelationship among words. It means that morphology contains form
and word then they create of the meaning in language.
Actually, morphology consists of inflection
and word formation. The term ‘wordformation’ is dealing with formation of
words. It means that the word has some of processes in making a new word. This study
used theobject of ERP software terms because
it gives us the new words and form of wordswhich the words rarely used in another cases. So, the word formations are
found enriching us in our vocabularies especially
in software terms.
The process on how the words form
terms especially the software terms becomes the topic of this study. In this case, the
softwareterms are priority chosen in business applications software. So, this study gives
the example to prove the word formation process
such as "unloading". The word "unloading" from the original
word “load” with adding prefix un-and
suffix –ing. “Unloading” is a noun using prefix un-and suffix –ing which include in prefixes and nominal
suffixes. From the example, we can conclude that a noun combines by prefixes un-and suffix
–ingbecomes noun as usually used to indicating
absence of the process. In another case,the word “Just-in-time” has not meaning “at that time” but “approach to
achieving in manufacturing. From this example, we can conclude that the words appear as
metaphor then, it makes special in this study.
In fact, there are some morphological studies
which different material and subject with
this study. For example, the study of MuhammadIhsan (2005) entitled "A Morphological Analysis on Banjar Language used
in South Kalimantan" and the study of Mu'alifatul Zuhriyah (2005) entitled "A
Morphological Study on Javanese Compound used in Blitar". Both of them study about
morphological analysis with using the dialect of South Kalimantan and Javanese. They offer the
explanation about the form of words which
Ihsan focusing studied on affixation, reduplication and compounding, while Zuhriyah studies about formation of
compounding andthe meaning are created in dialect of Javanese. Moreover, the study of Asrotul
Ifafa (2007) entitled “Patterns of Word Formations
in Comic Series Issued in the Jakarta Post” concerns with types of word formation in Jakarta Post using George Yule's
Based on the explanation above, this study
analyzes the word formation process of
software terms using Ingo Plag's theory. Therefore, the title of this thesis is
“A Morphological Study on Word Formation
of ERP Software Terms in www.wiley.com”.
1.2 Problems Statement Based
on the background of the study above, the general point of this study is on how the word formation of ERP software terms
in website is www.wiley.com. The following
research question cover: 1. What are the types of the word formation of
ERP software terms in www.wiley.com? 2.
Which type of the word formation is mostly used? 1.3 Objectives of the Study The
study which has purpose to describe the word formation of software terms in www.wiley.com, and it is specified: 1. to
describe types of the word formation of ERP software terms in www.wiley.com.
2. to describe the type of the word formation
that is mostly used in ERP software terms.
1.4 Significance of the Study The
findings of this study were supposed to give theoretical and practical contribution on the area of morphology.
Theoretically, the findings of the study were expected to be useful and give new information
about morphology studies and particularly
in enriching the study of word formation in English especially in software terms.

English Literature:A Morphological Study on Word Formation of ERP Software Terms in www. wiley. com

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