Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Technical terms used in scientific writing Morphological and Semantic study

introduction presents and discuses about the Background of the study, Problem
statements, Research objectives,
Scope and limitation
of the study, Significance of the study and Operational
1.1 . Background of the study Human
being do not live in the objective world al one, nor alone in the world of social activity ar ordinarily
understood, but are very much at the mercy of
the particular language
which has become
the medium of expression
for their society.
The latter word lexically means a community of people living in a particular region and
having shared customs, laws, and organization.
according to Mac
Iver J.P. Gillin,
Society is a community
of people which having a continous interaction due to a specific tradition systems, and also tied up by a
feeling ofhaving similar identity.
Those statement then give an understanding
that society is a group of people which has
similar characteristics and
live goals and
tied up in
a specific tradition system.

People belong to certain group because they had c ertain purposes in their lives and they think this can be
reached if only by share their ideas and
powers in order to reach the personal goals in a community. That is why Sociologists
state that people
is social creature
which has desire
to Sapir in Wardhaught, An
introduction to Sociolinguistics, (new York: Basil Blackwell) 1986, P:212 Hornby,
A.S, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 1995, P:1128 Gillin in Dhohiri and Friends, Panduan
Belajar Sosiologi (Jakarta: Yudhistira) 1998, P:73 communicated, associated and having relationship
with another person, this is because
they need it in their live.
This then called as a social interaction.

The differences in the purposes and live goals make them tried to associated with another whose have the
similarity in the purposes and live goals,
this then make them belonging in
to certain community. The social interaction in this special community can be
done while the members having a deals in
using the language. Language grows and exist in society, that is why
Trudgil and many
other linguists stated
that language is
social phenomenon so
that it is
closely tied up
with social structure
and value system of society.

The above statements is about every society uses the language in the
way it’s social
structure and value
system in daily
Along society will use it’s
language differently from another society which has
it’s own characteristics. This
matter can be
seen if we paid close attention
to this example, Just like in the scientific community, the language that used on it is absolutely different from
another community, especially in the meaning.as
a study case,
the word table.
In ordinary community
this means a
furniture, while in the scientific
community this means
an arragement of numbers, words
or other item in columns and lines to show relation in brief .

Wardhaught state that
Language is both
an individual possession and social possession . The statement above shows that individual
or society has a possession to their own
language that differenciate them from another.
Maryati, Kun; Suryawati, Juju,
Sosiologi untuk SMAdan MA, (Jakarta: Erlangga) 2001, P: 55 The World Book Dictionary (USA, World Book
Inc) 2005.
Wardhaught, An introduction to
Sociolinguistics, (new York: Basil Blackwell) 1986, P:113 Just
like science, it has it’s
own terms that only
used in their
The terms that used in scientific
fields are differwith the usual people have, mainly in the meaning. The specific meaning
that brought in these specific terms purposed
to get a
maximum understanding with
a minimum explanation, so there is an additional needs
for another society members to understand
those special terms.

For various reasons the language
of the sciences sounds different from
the day-to-day language.
In line with
that, the big
problem is how people
on general status or different community could be understand about those terms. one thing which makes it
difficult forthe layman to understand a profesionally
trained person in the language
he uses. He
has acquired a technical language
that makes it
difficult for the
nonprofessional to interprete.
to this fact,
giving a much
attention to the
importence of knowing
the morphological process
and the semantic
contents of the scientific
language (technical terms) that used in the scientific writing is the main reasons for the writer to write a thesis
MORPHOLOGICAL AND SEMANTIC STUDY.” Practically, this research is
focusing to analyze the technical terms
that used in scientific writing through the morphological and semantic
approach. Morphology can
answer the problems
about the way how
is the words (here is the technical terms) are formed . Then, the writer Arthur, Crabtree, You and Law, (New York:
Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc) 1963, P: 5 combine it with the semantic theories to know
a deep understanding about the new
meaning that occurs as the effect of the words formation process.
1.2 Problem statements The problems of this study is formulated as
follows: 1.2.1. What word formation processes are used in the
technical terms found in the scientific
writing? 1.2.2. What word formation processes are mostly
happened in creating the terms? 1.2.3.
What new meanings are created after morphological processes? 1.3
Research Objectives The
Objectives of this study are defined as the answers to the problem of the study. This study is intends to present: 1.3.1.
The description of
the word formation
processes are used
in the technical terms found in the scientific
1.3.2. The description of the
word formation processes are mostly happened in creating the terms.
1.3.3. The
description of the
new meaning are
created after the morphological
1.4 Significance of the study However,
the English scientific
writing’s readers need to
have a special
method in understanding
the morphological process
and the semantic
contents of the
technical terms found
in scientific writing because from the technical terms are known
various knowledge in various subjects including
subjects which concern
with the development
of a language in the scientific writing.

English Literature:Technical terms used in scientific writing Morphological and Semantic study

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