Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Emma Bovary’s Suicide in Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary


1.1 Background of the Study It is
difficult to find
a clear definition
about what literature
is, because there are some definitions from different
people about what literature is. Literature is
a work which
is close with
people in the
world. According to
Teeuw, (1983a:65) text cannot be
separated from others texts or in the other word text in a literary work will shape a unity. In literature, message can be
reached if the reader can understand a
literary work well. Scott (1962:123)
states that literature is not created in vacuum; its work is not simply of
person but the authors fixed in time and

In other word, it can be briefly
stated that literature always has its tendency.
Literature is written to struggle for certain purpose. Thus, literature explains phenomenon in our surrounding.
Literature also invites our emotional and
intellectual involvement. By reading literary works, a reader will find out many conflicts which are experienced by the
character. It means that readers use their
emotion and intellectual to know how the character handles and solves their problems or conflict.

Literature is a piece of
expression writing and oral which expresses and communicates feeling and human attitude into
literary work. We can find much kind of
works which contain anything that can be found in our life. That statement is accordance with Wellek and Warren (1993)
who say that literary critics see literature
as a product of humans creativity in form of written or
oral. According to Luke in Literature, Reading
Fiction, Poetry and Drama (2002:21), stories (novel) draw the readers into
their worlds and engage us with their
power of their invention. They provide us more than immediate interests of something happen and more than pleasure of
imagination. Literature covers anything
in our environment such as, social, economy and psychology and shortly we can use some criticism to criticize and
analyze the literary work.

To analyze the literary work we
can use psychological criticism.

Psychological criticism is a
method to analyze the literary work by using theories of psychology to analyze the characters in a
literary work. By using psychological criticism,
we know what character do and experience and we can relate them into the character

s life.

Psychology comes into literary
criticism in two ways, first through investigation
of the act of creation and second through psychological study of particular authors to show the relation
between their attitudes, states of mind and special qualities in their work. Whether their
works are good or bad, it can only be decided
on a proper theory of literary values adequately applied to the works (Daiches: 340-341: 1974).

Roekhan (1990:88) states that
psychological approach sees literary work as psychological activities. Psychology also
states that literature is a mirror of peoples psychology. Literary work is considered as psychological phenomenon which reflects psychological aspects of the
characters in literary work. Basically, literary
psychology is based by three approaches. First is textual approach which analyzes psychological aspects of the
character. Second is a pragmatism-receptive approach which analyzes psychological aspect
of the reader which is shaped after reading
a literary work; and the process which is experienced by the readers.

Third is expressive approach
which analyzes psychological aspect of the writer when she or he created a literary work.

Wellek and Warren (1990), and
Hardjana (1985:60-61) also states that psychological
approach has four possibility research. First is research about the writers
psychology as their type or privacy. This study learns about art psychology. The researcher attempts to reveal
the condition of the author when created
a literary work. Second is research about the creative process which has relationship with psychology. This research
relates a creative process on psychology
and how the authors psychology during make a
literary works. Third is about research
laws in psychology which is applied in literary work. In this field, the
analysis is aimed directly in theory of psychology, such as psychoanalysis in a literary text. Fourth is
the effect of psychology to the readers.

This research refers to the
aspects of psychology pragmatic of the text to the readers. Shortly, it can be concluded that
psychology research is more concern in functioning
human mind.

Here, the space of my research
belongs to the textual approach which analyzes
psychological aspect of the character from the novel and uses the theories in psychology science. As a human
being, psychology is part of our soul.

Psychology is close with our characteristic;
it can be healthy and unhealthy.

Anything which happens in our
life is partly influenced by psychological aspect and also other cases.

In addition, there are some
branches of psychology science to be learnt, namely politic psychology, law psychology and
socio psychology. The branch of psychology
I use in my research is socio psychology. Psychology science divided into two parts first is general psychology and
second is particular psychology. One of
the kinds of particular psychology is socio psychology. “Particular psychology disentangles and explains about humans activity; especially its activity in social condition and the meaning of social condition
situation according to each individuals”
(W.A Gerungan, 2002: 29).

Since sociology science and socio
psychology science are very close, there is statement which states that socio
psychology is a branch of sociology science.

Actually, psychology has
relationship with sociology and on the contrary. As we know that human are not able to undo
themselves from their social or environment.
Social condition is partly influenced by the growing people

s attitude beside by
their psychology and characteristic. Social condition shape who the people are
and what will they do for themselves and their social (family and society). In socio psychology, there are some
main material to be explained, such as
the relationship between human and each other, human

s life in
their group, shaping of social
norms: and the rule of the group in individual

s growth.

According to Emilie Durkheim, a famous
sociologist from France, he (1858-1917)
argues that actually there are two kinds of mind, group mind and individual mind. It is formulated first time
by Emilie Durkheim. He explained that the
characteristic of individual is not important, but the characteristic of
society where the individual lives is
more important and show who they are. On the other hand, to learn about the characteristic of
individuals, no need to learn about their demeanor, but we just learn about sociology of
their socials environment where they
live. We can analyze the individuals from sociological aspect and then we are going to find their characteristic

English Literature:Emma Bovary’s Suicide in Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary

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