Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts in Barac Obama’s Inaugural Speech


In this chapter, the writer wants to discuss
the background of the study, statement
of the problem, objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and the definition
of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Speech act is part of utterance, (Hudson,
1980:110). In addition, Renkema (1993:3)
states that illocutionary act has close relationship between utterance and act. It means, when people say something to
others,they also accomplish certain kind
of act and concerned expression to them. For instance, when someone wants to drink, he thinks about how to say it to
others about a glass of water which includes
asking for a glass of water and ordering someone to drink a glass of water. In this case, the speaker does not only
do something to himself, but he also requires
something to others.

In performing speech act, someone
usually directly performs an illocutionary
act in his or her utterances. The illocutionary acts are about accomplishing some communicative purposes in
performing speech act utterance.

Talking about the kinds of speech
act speaker can perform three different kinds of speech acts: they are locutionary act,
perlocutionary act, and illocutionary acts.

According to Renkema (1976:22)
“Every human being performs speech act, then the respond of the listener can be either direct
orindirect act and the action includes
illocutionary act”.

Illocutionary acts are the real
actions which are performed by the utterance,
where saying equal doing, as in betting,plighting one truth, welcoming and warning. According to Renkema (1993:21),
illocutionary acts are the acts which
are committed by producing and utterance; by uttering a promise, a promise is made; by uttering a threat, a threat is
made. The illocution is the focus attention of speech act (Renkema, 1993:23).

According to Austin’s preliminary
informal description, the idea of “illocutionary
acts” can be captured by emphasizingthat “in saying something, we do something”. For example, “I sentence you to
ten years imprisonment”. This sentence
is become an action because the speakers says a word to decide the punishment to the prisoner. Then, it can be
concluded that sometimes someone uses
word not only to say things but also he or sheuse it to do things. It means that when someone says something, it has some
action behind it.

In this study, the writer really wants to know
about the illocutionary acts are used
from Barac Obama in his inaugural speech. The writer chose Barac Obama’s inaugural speech as source of the
data. Barac Obama’s inaugural speech is
interesting speech to be observed because of some reasons. First, it is one of
the most popular inaugural speeches in
2009. Second, this inaugural speech deals with the study about the illocutionary acts.
Third,this inaugural speech has many illocutionary
acts which are expressed in many utterances.

To analyze the Barac Obama’s
inaugural speech, the illocutionary acts theory of Searle is chosen because it provides
fivemain categories of speech acts, namely
Assertive, Directive, Commissive, Expressive, and Declaratives. Then, this research focuses on those five types of
illocutionary acts.

There are several writers who
have studied about illocutionary acts, for example Winarsih (2002) who focused on the
illocutionary acts used by medicine vendors
in the Malang Town Square. She found that the illocutionary acts are viewed as the utterances by means of which
speakerscommunicate their feelings, attitudes,
beliefs, or intention with respect to some events or stubs of affairs, including the utterances which were produced
by themedicine vendor in the line with
his goals to attract the customers and to sellhis goods.

There are also tree persons who
have studied about illocutionary acts which
used the same data. First, Handayani (2004) investigated illocutionary acts used by transsexual people in Malang. Second,
Zen (2007) with his research, “Discourse
Analysis of Bush’s Speeches on DemocracyIssue through Illocutionary Acts Theory”, and Wildan (2008)
with his research, “A Study on Illocutionary
Acts Used by The Main Characters in The Boor”, all of them found four kinds of speech acts: assertive act,
directiveact, commissive act and expressive

The next researcher is Chamimah
(2006), she examined illocutionary acts used
by mentally retarded students in Yayasan DarulUlum Jombang every day.

She found that the mentality
retarded students in Yayasan Darul Ulum Jombang are used illocutionary acts in the form of
directive act, commissive act and representative
act. The representative mostly performed is assertive. This illocutionary act analysis is fulfilled by the
felicity condition, namely preparatory condition,
sincerity condition, prepositional condition and essential condition.

Then, Indriawati (2008)
investigated Illocutionary Acts used by “Indonesia This Morning” presenters on Metro TV, she
found that there are four types of illocutionary
acts, those are representative, directive, commissive, and expressive.

The result the presenters do not
use the declarative acts in this research. She also found that the presenters also used four
functions of illocutionary acts that based on the social purposes: competitive,
convivial, collaborative and conflictive. The most frequent functions of illocutionary acts
are used by “Indonesia This Morning”
presenters on Metro TV are collaborative.

From the previous studies above,
it hasn’t been found a researcher who is interested in observing the illocutionary acts
which expresses in inaugural speech.

Because of this reason, this
study is conducted by the title Illocutionary Acts in Barac Obama’s Inaugural Speech.

1.2 Problem of the Study Based on the background of the study above,
the writher investigated the following
problems: 1. What types of illocutionary acts are used on
BarackObama’s inaugural speech? 2. What
functions of illocutionary acts are used on Barack Obama’s inaugural speech? 1.3 Objective of the Study Concerning with the problems above, the objectives
of the study are: 1. To describe the types of illocutionary acts
are used on Barack Obama’s inaugural

2. To describe what function of illocutionary
acts areused on Barack Obama’s inaugural

1.4 Scope and Limitation This study is descriptive qualitative study
concerning with illocutionary acts are
used Barac Obama in his inaugural speech on January, 2009, it taken from

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts in Barac Obama’s Inaugural Speech

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