Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on the Grammatical Mistakes in Reading Passages Of Primagama English Materials


This chapter covers the
background ofstudy, problems of study, objectives of study, scope and limitation, significance
of study, and definition of key terms.

1.1. Background of Study Human being cannot avoid making mistakes or
errors in their life. Not only what they
do but also what they say orwrite. According to Corder (1974: 20) everyone with no exception ever makes errors
or mistakes. It is because we live in an
imperfect world and consequently error will always occur in spite of our best efforts. In addition, Prophet Muhammad SAW
states in a hadits Means: “From Ibnu
Abbas RA that Rosulullah SAW says: “Actually Allah forgives the sin of my (Prophet Muhammad) follower that is
caused of mistakes and forget ness and
something insisted at him.” The Hasan hadits told by Ibnu Majah, Baihaqi and the other.” (Muhaimin, 1985: 61) The description in the previous paragraph and
hadits above shows how the errors are
important to be learned. It isbecause errors are considered to be a wrong response to the stimulus, which should
be corrected immediately after they were
made. Unless corrected properly, the error become a habit and a wrong behavioral pattern would stick in our mind.
In other hand, by learning these errors we
can improve our weakness to obtain the desired goals.

Due to the important of studying
errors or mistakes that are explained in the previous paragraph, this study conducts an
analysis on the grammatical mistakes in
reading passages of English materials. As we know, grammar is the system of structural rules which describes how
words combine with each other to form
sentences. It is knowledge which enables us to distinguish a well-formed English sentence from one which is clearly
ill-formed. Since sentence is the main element
to make one’s ideas understood by the others correctly.

Syntactically, there are two
types ofgrammar, they are; traditional grammar
and generative grammar. Traditional grammar is used to label the grammatical categories which have its origin
in the description of languages like classical
Latin and Greek (Yule, 1985: 70). Since there were well-established grammatical descriptions of these older
languages, it seemed appropriate to adopt the existing categories from these
descriptions and apply them in the analysis of languages like English. For example, The lucky
boys saw the clowns at the circus and
they cheered loudly.

While, generative grammar is a
formal grammar that can generate all the well-formed syntactic structures (e.g.
sentences) of the language and fail to generate
any ill-formed structures (Yule,1985: 81). This grammar has a finite number of rules, but capable of generating an
infinite number of well-formed structures.
For example, whatever rule yields the component that chased the cat in the sentence this is The dog that chased the
cat, will have to be applied again to get
that killed the ratand any other similar structure which could continue the sentence.

Those are, grammar or the skill
of constructing correct sentence is the basic
part of the study, not only in writing but also in reading. It is because reading is one of skills in language learning
that must be mastered and be the element
of language which has to be tested in order to know how far the language learners understand it.

In addition, the reading test
materials are the prior element to comprehend the further discourse. That is why the reading
materials are also interesting to be analyzed
especially on its grammar and usage. If there are any mistakes or error in the construction of sentence,it can influence
the readers’ understanding about the reading
passages on that test. Reading passage it self means a passage that is presented to the reader which they must read
either silentlyor out loud. Then a series
of questions are presented that test the reader's comprehension of this passage. Therefore, this study tries to
analyze the grammatical mistakes in reading.

Actually, analysis about
grammatical mistakes has been studied by some researchers before but it has not been much
explored. For this reason, the study tries
to discuss it further. Some of the researchers who have been discussed about errors, namely; Chamimah (2007) studiedabout
“Lexical Errors of English Writing
Written by the Students of The State Islamic University of Malang at AlHikmah
Al-Fatimiyah”. In her study, she focused on lexical errors that were made by the students of the state Islamic
University of Malang in English writing written. Maghfiroh (2007) studied about
“Grammatical Errors on English Students’
Thesis Writing of UIN Malang”. In her study, she focused on grammatical errors that were made instudents’
thesis writing on UIN Malang.

And Syarifatin (2007) studied
“Syntactic Errors in Argumentative Essays of The Students of English Letters and
LanguageDepartment of UIN Malang”. In her study, she focused on syntactic errors that
were made in argumentative essays of the
student of English letter and department of UIN Malang.

Based on the assumption above,
this study chooses PRIMAGAMA English
materials as the object of analysisnamely on its reading passages. As we know, PRIMAGAMA is one of well-known courses
that has been labeled by the society in
giving good contributing addition especially about lessons given in school such as English. Therefore, this study
proposes the title “AN ANALYSIS ON THE

1.1. Problems of Study Based on
the background of study above, this study focuses on “how grammatical mistakes are found in the reading
passages of PRIMAGAMA English
materials”, which is specified into the research questions below: 1. What
types of grammatical mistakes are found in the reading passages of PRIMAGAMA English materials? 2. What
is the dominant of grammatical mistakes occurred in reading passages of PRIMAGAMA English materials? 1.2. Objectives of Study Related to research problem which have been
stated, the purpose of the study is to
describe how grammatical mistakes are found in the reading passages of PRIMAGAMA English materials and on its
specifics are: 1. to identify the types of grammaticalmistakes
are found in the reading passages of
PRIMAGAMA English materials.

2. to describe the dominant of
grammatical mistakes that occurred in the reading passages of PRIMAGAMA English

1.3. Scope and Limitation The scope of this study is an analysis on the
grammatical mistakes. It focuses on
grammatical mistakes inthe reading passages of PRIMAGAMA English materials.

In order to make the study
manageableand avoid broadening discussion, this study has limitation. This study limits
itsanalysis in the grammatical mistakes in
reading passages of PRIMAGAMA English materials especially the items exercise that published on 2008 at items
material number 1 to 5 grade IX of junior high school and items material number 1 to 17
grade XII of senior high school.

English Literature:An Analysis on the Grammatical Mistakes in Reading Passages Of Primagama English Materials

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