This chapter presents background of the study, research
problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and
limitation, and definition of key terms.
1.1. Background of the Study Poetry
analysis is a process of investigating a poem's form, content, and history in
an informative way,
with the aim
of heightening one's
own and others'
understanding and appreciation of the work.
The words poem
and poetry derive from the Greek
poiçma (to make) and poieo
(to create). That is, a poem is a
made thing: a creation; an artifact. One might think of a poem as, in the words of
William Carlos Williams, a "machine made of words". Machines
produce some effect, or do some work. They do whatever they are designed to do. The work done by
this "machine made of words" — a poem —
is the effect it produces in the reader's mind. A reader analyzing
a poem is akin to a mechanic taking apart a machine in order to figure out how
it works. (
analysis/july 24, 2006) Like poetry itself, poetry analysis can take many
forms, and be undertaken for many different reasons.
A teacher might
analyze a poem
in order to
gain a more
conscious understanding of how
the poem achieves its effects, in order to communicate this to his or her students. A writer learning the craft of
poetry might use the tools of poetry analysis to expand and strengthen his or her own mastery. And,
(perhaps the best use of poetry analysis), a reader might use the tools and techniques of poetry
analysis in order to discern all that the work has to offer, and thereby gain a fuller, more
rewarding appreciation of the poem.
Poetry on
the structure context
can be distinguished in
the two parts,
first; surface structure, second; deep structure. Both structures
can be approached with
textual analyze to interpreting a
poem. Poetry in the research field is a sign. Ferdinand de Saussure explains
sign as utility of two fields that can not be
separated, signifier + signified =
sign. (Piliang, 2003: 285) Talking
about poetry we can also describe that a sign and message will produce meaning.
There is term about meaning;
words do not mean, people mean. John Locke said; there is nothing in the mind except what was first in the
sense. (Jalaludin, 2000: 40). Analyzing
poetry is an activity which has
concerned of describing
words. It is given assumption
that is worthwhile. Actually, literature consists of three branches; prose,
drama, and poetry. Drama or play deals
with acting and some dialogs, prose consists novel and short story, poetry is the poet that embody in appropriate
a beautiful language or high though, imagination, and emotion (Kennedy,1983:20).
The researcher in this research
deals with the surface structure and deep structure. Deep structure is a linguistic level proposed by
generative grammarians as necessary competence of language. Deep structure is similar to surface structure that is a grammatical
description, but much closer to the idea of underlying logical
expression of semantics. (Chomsky: 1950) Meaning is also found in poetry. This
means that language is thought and activity. There is a close relationship between the word in
one line and the line of the poems. However, there are other aspects of meaning which are not derived
solely from the meaning of the words used in phrases and sentences.
Message is
something that expresses
spoken or written
piece of information
and expression. In
expressing, message is
important part of
poems. Every poet
has certain characteristics in his/her work. Chaika states
the message is more efficient than having to encode that information at the outset or continually
during a conversation. So every poem always has a message
to give the reader
more understanding how the
content actually has in
that poem.
(Chaika,1982: 36).
Poetry in relatively short is
compared to prose, however it consists of many components which are interdependent. The interdependent
components are basically divided into two groups.
The first is surface structure as
the method of approach a poem, its diction, rhyme, the art, and sentences. The second is deep structure to
find the content or meaning of the poem, and theme (Fananie: 2000; 56). There are many types to
analyze poetry, but the researcher uses both surface structure
and deep structure to research the Sutardji Calzoum Bachri poems. The
uniqueness of his poems is the freedom
of his words. Because of these reason the researcher uses Sutardji Calzoum Bachri as the object of
the study. The researcher
had chosen five poems
from O, AMUK, KAPAK book, the poetry are contents: Tragedi Winka & Sihka, Mantera, Walau, Hemat, Kapak. 1.2. Research Problems Based on the background
of the study, the problems of this study are: 1. How are analyze structure used
in the O, Amuk, Kapak poems? 2. What kinds of structure are used in the O,
Amuk, Kapak poems? 1.3. Objectives of the Study In line with the statements of
the research problems above, the objectives of the study are as
follow: 1. To describe how analyze structure are used
in O, Amuk, Kapak poems.
2. To know the kinds of structure
used in the O, Amuk, Kapak poems.
1.4. Significance of the Study The
result of the research will give a good contribution. Therefore, it will have two significances, both theoretical and practical.
Theoretically this study is intended to give obvious description about
the surface and deep structures,
therefore, specific applied structuralism theory for analysis the poem of O
Amuk Kapak. This study maybe valuable
for those who want to deeper their knowledge’s in literature and a study of intercultural exchange. Practically,
it is also hoped that this research has practical significance for learners of foreign language learning especially English
language. The result of the study is expected to be useful for the poetry readers and the other
researchers: 1. For poetry readers; the researcher hopes that the result of the
research is able to enrich their
knowledge. 2. Other researchers; especially who are
interested in studying structuralism, this research will as a reference for other researchers
method studying of poetry analysis and literature approaches.
1.5. Scope and Limitation That study concentrates on the surface structure
and deep structure the poems are used in poetry "O AMUK KAPAK" by Sutardji
Calzoum Bachri This study
is intended to do analysis
on poetry, elements of
poetry, structuralism of poetry
analysis, figurative language, meaning, tools for poetry analysis, but the
researcher scope and limitation on
structuralism, structuralism has covering in the surface and deep structure.
This research is covered from O, Amuk, Kapak
poetry. The title number of poems are Tragedi Winka & Sihka, Mantera, Walau, Hemat, Kapak.
Which is becomes the object of the study.
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