Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:The Study of Morphemes Used in National Examination's Reading Comprehension Texts

This section includes background
of the study, research problems, objectives of the study, significance of the
study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms. Each
of the items is discussed clearly as follows.
1.1 Background of the Study Language
is a social phenomenon: it is a means of communication between individuals
(Boey, 1975: 3). It also brings them into relationship with their environment.
Language, therefore, socially learned behavior, a skill that is acquired as we
grow up in society. It is a very important means of communication in the social
interaction. Through language, human being is able to express ideas, opinions,
suggestions, and actions. Language itself has linguistic and literary aspects.
Linguistic aspects include morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, and
sociolinguistic. On the other side, poetry, prose, and drama are branches of the
literary aspects of language.
Morphology as one of the branches
of linguistic aspects gives many contributions to the wide range of linguistic
studies. Part of knowing a language is knowing its morphology (Fromkin, 2003:
76). It means that the knowledge of language implies knowledge of its
morphology. While Morphology itself is the study of internal structure of word,
and the study of the rules by which words are

formed. The study of
morphemes and their arrangement in forming word is called Morphology (Nida,
1982:1).Related with Morphology, words
are an important part of linguistic knowledge and constitute a component of our
mental grammar (Fromkin, 2003: 69). We can learn many of words in a language.
Without words, we would be unable to convey, to express our thought through
language. Because every word in every language is sometimes composed of one or
more morphemes, so we must understand well about morpheme.
Morpheme is the smallest unit of
language that carries meaning or serves the grammatical function (Finnegan,
2004: 579). Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit (Plag, 2003: 20). For
example the word unhappy = not happy, disagree= not agree. Maker=someone who
make. It is really important to study because morpheme combine to form words
and words combine to form larger units; phrases and sentence.
Morphemes are categorized into
two classes: free morphemes and bound morphemes (Matthews, 1986: 59). A free
morpheme can stand alone as an independent word such as the word tree, give,
happy, very. A bound morpheme cannot stand-alone but must be attached to
another morpheme. Both derivational and inflectional morphemes are bound forms
and are called affixes. Derivational morphemes which use to derive words are
either prefix or suffix. Some common prefix (added to the beginning of a stem)
in English are re, dis- , un, Im, in, pre, and act. While common suffix (added
to the end of stem) in English are -ly-, -ness, y, er, ity, ation, full, able,
and ment. Nevertheless, in English, the

inflectional morphemes
are all suffixes. There are only eight of them in English such as: -s, - ed, -
ing, - en, - s-, -'s-, -er-, and –est. In language use, morphemes are often found in
language communication either spoken or written language. We can find the
spoken language in our daily conversation, speech, and dialog. While, written
language, we can find it in narration text, magazine, newspaper and others
reading texts.In this study, the writer takes
the National Examination's reading comprehension text as the object of the
research, because UN (National Examination) is a part of the educational
process in Indonesia. The education department judges that National Examination
is needed to evaluate the result of the education process. This activity aimed
for all of the students from each level of education begin from the elementary
level, junior high school, and the senior high school. English is one of the
lessons, which are tested in the National Examination. There are listening and
reading sections on the National Examination's English question. And most of
them are dominated with the reading text.
This study is very important to
be discussed because to master a language, a knowledge we need to understand
the small unit of language. It is called word.
Allah SWT teaches our prophet
Adam A.s the first time is the name of things (words). He also chooses Adam
than angles as the leader in the world because of Adam A.S knew and understood
well the name of things. As Allah said in the holly Qur'an S.Q al-Baqaroh: 31 He
taught Adam all the names of everything; then presented them to the angels, and
said:" Tell me the names of these if you are so truthful." They
said:" Glory be to you: we have no knowledge except whatever you have
taught us. You are the Aware, the Wise!" He said:' Adam, tell them their names"
(Q.S Al-Baqaroh: 31) The verse above explains that Allah teaches our prophet
Adam A.S the names of everything. Syaikh Abdurrahman says in his book Tafsir
As-Sa'di that Allah teaches Adam the name of things and whatever is named with
its named. It means that Allah teaches Adam the words and the meaning of the
words start from the little one until the big one (2007: 102). And Syaikh
Shafiyyurrahman in Tafsir ibnu kasir says that beside Allah teaches the names
of things, He also teaches the characteristic and the function of things (2007:
Based on the explanation above,
we can say that Allah teaches Adam A.S the first aspect is words. It means that
teach him the name of things, the characteristic of the thing and the function
of it. Beside it, Adam A.s is taught the name of things to show that Adam A.S
deserves to be a leader in the world because he knows the name of things around
The other side, this study is
necessary to be discussed because to understand the reading text
comprehensively, the reader, especially the students have to know the words
form and the meaning of each word. However, it is inefficient if we look for
the meaning of each word at the dictionary. While, in reading texts we have to
meet many words either the difficult word, unfamiliar word or complex
word. Unfamiliar words and also the difficult words
mostly become the big problem for the readers of the English text. And the
writer also often faced this problem
in reading and comprehending the reading text. Djiwandono (2002:1) says that
the big problem that is frequently faced by the readers when they read the
English texts and learn English is unfamiliar words and difficult words.
therefore, to minimize those
problems, by identifying the words of the texts used morpheme theory is
expected can help to solve it. From this case, the writer is interested in analyzing
the morphemes focusing on bound morphemes used in National Examination's
reading comprehension texts.
The previous researchers who have
studied about this topic are Muhammad Ihsan (2005), who conducted his study on
Morphological Analysis on Banjar language used in South Kalimantan. In his
study he analyzed morphology which was focused on the characteristics of
morphology terms like affixation, reduplication and compound used in Banjar
language in South Kalimantan. And Wedia Destariana (2006) who investigated A
Morphological Analysis on Affixation used in a Song of Songs Holly Bible. She
focused her study on word formation used in A Song of Song Holly Bille. But,
here the writer explains that this study is originally different from the
others, because in this study the writer analyzes morphemes focused on bound
morphemes used in National Examination's Reading Comprehension Texts.

English Literature:The Study of Morphemes Used in National Examination's Reading Comprehension Texts

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