Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:Hemingway’s Life Portrayal As Reflected In His Short Story, The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber

1.1.  Background of the study The title of this
thesis is “Hemingway’s Life Portrayal as Reflected in His  Short Story, The  Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”. It
talks about life  portrayal, Hemingway,
and the short story, The Short Happy Life of Francis  Macomber. It means this thesis deals with
analysis Hemingway’s life portrayal that  was reflected in his short story, The Short
Happy Life of Francis Macomber.
 Talking about life, in this world people have
their own life and different think  about
it. Life is not only consists with happiness, sadness, cheeriness, or weakness  but it talks about all of them. In life,
people are not only experiences in easiness and  simplicity but also in troubles and hardship. ally,
people would like to avoid the  troubles
and hardship. They don’t know that in the process of solving the problems,  the soul acquired various experiences and
learn many different lessons. The  experiences
and lessons are nourishment for the soul’s growth.
 People who want to tell about the story of
their own life experiences to other  people
have different way. First, it tells by using oral communication between the  owner and listener. The second, it tells
through their works such as novel or short  story. It happens because ally the works
reflect the author’s life experiences. And  to know it, analyzing more detail is needed,
because not all the author reflects their  own life experiences in their works.
works like novel and short story are part of narrative and the kind of  literature. Actually, novel and short story
almost have the same meaning; they talk  about
characters that will be made a conflict. The difference is a novel has so many  characters but in short story, character is
less because short story only focuses on the  events that will made a conflict. The Short
Happy Life of Francis Macomber is one  of
the examples of short story and part of narrative.
 In literature, it’s also known a term which is
called Characters. Character  plays a
pivotal role in a novel, short story and all kind of literature. In short
story,  character as well as plot, theme,
and setting. The character guides readers through the  story, helps them to understand plots and
themes. There are two kinds of character.
 They are round characters and flat characters.
Round characters are the characters  that
have so many characteristics but it will be called flat characters if they only
have  one characteristic. The round and
flat characters will be major and minor characters.
 The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber is
one of literary works that was  made by
Ernest Hemingway, an American author and journalist which has  economical and minimalist writing style. As an
author, Hemingway has his own style  in
writing his works, they are; cutting out unnecessary words from his writing,  simplified the sentences structure, and
concentrated on create objects and actions.
 Hemingway as the author written the short
story, The Short Happy Life of  Francis
Macomber, when he and his wife went on safari to East Africa and It was  published in 1936. It is one of literary works
that deals with the life of the author  itself.
  In the
short story, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, there are so  many things that show the reflection of
Hemingway’s life portrayal as the author.
 And it reflected in round and major
characters, Francis and Margaret Macomber.
 Hemingway’s life portrayal that reflects  in Francis Macomber character are;  Hemingway’s activities in fishing and travel,
Hemingway as a sportsman and about  Hemingway’s
African safari with his wife. Then, Hemingway’s life portrayal that  reflects in Margaret Macomber character is
about his love life experiences. And as  the
last, Hemingway’s life portrayal that reflects in both of the characters
(Francis  and Margaret Macomber) is about
the causes of Hemingway’s death, both of them  (Hemingway and Francis Macomber) were dying by
a gun. Actually, there is not  only
Hemingway’s life portrayal that was reflected in the story, but also about the  setting when Hemingway had been written it.
Hemingway’s wrote it when he was in  East
Africa and the story also told about a marriage couple that had spent their  holiday in East Africa.
 Wellek and Werren declare that there are two
ways to analyze literary work;  they are
intrinsic and extrinsic approach. In this thesis, analyzes will be made on  Hemingway’s life portrayal that had been
reflected in major characters in The Short  Happy Life of Francis Macomber. So in this
thesis, the writer focuses on the  character
as intrinsic analyzes because character will use to know about the  reflection. And for extrinsic, the writer will
analyze about the life of Hemingway  itself.
All of them will be analyze by using descriptive qualitative method.
analyzing Hemingway’s life portrayal as reflected in his short story,  The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber, is
really interesting, because it will be  found
the reason why Hemingway writes it and the process. Besides it also will be  found about the facts of Hemingway’s life,
such as about his family’s background,  career,
hobbies, marriage, and about his progress of morality and emotion.
Problem of the Study Based on background of the study, the problem that
the writer wants to  analyze in this
thesis is; i.  How is Hemingway’s life
portrayal reflected in The Short Happy Life of  Francis Macomber? 1.3.  Objective of the Study Related to the
problems of the study, the objective that the writer wants to  reach is: i. To find out and explain about
Hemingway’s life portrayal that was reflected in  The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.
Scope of the Study In this thesis, the scope of study is limited on the
leading characters, Francis  and Margaret
Macomber (Macomber’s wife). Francis Macomber reflects  Hemingway’s life activities in fishing and
travel, Hemingway as a sportsman, and  about
Hemingway’s African safari with his wife. Margaret Macomber reflects about   Hemingway’s love  life experience. And both of them (Francis
and Margaret  Macomber) reflect about the
causes of Hemingway’s death.
Significance of the Study The study of Ernest Hemingway’s life portrayal
through his works, The Short  Happy Life
of Francis Macomber is important especially to those who take deep  interest in analyzing the authors life through
his/her life. Besides some objective  above,
there is also some significance as follows: Theoretically  : This study is expected to contribute
something useful to the readers  who want
to understand and appreciate literature in general and the  work of Ernest Hemingway in particular. It is
also expected that the  readers will know
about Ernest Hemingway’s real life.
: This study can be used as a reference by people who are interested  in analyzing the author’s life portrayal that
was reflected in his/her  works by using
his/her works.

English Literature:Hemingway’s Life Portrayal As Reflected In His Short Story, The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber

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