Minggu, 02 November 2014

English Literature:The Analysis Of Tenses Used In Lee Child’s Novel Gone Tomorrow

Background of study  Language is
an important communication tool for people. By using  language, people can inform many things and
express what they want to show of  their
feeling. Language are different between one region with another: each of  them is different in grammar, not only in
writing but also in speaking.
  Language is the supreme means offormulating
and expressing thought.
 Human communicate by producing sound orthe
combination of words which  represent the
object ideas and emotion of human thought.
 From the above definitions, we may conclude
that the main function of  language is to
communicate to others. A good communication between someone  and others can be achieved if they are able to
use language perfectly.
 English has always been associated with
grammar. Grammar is very  important role
to form a pattern  of good sentences. By
understanding and  mastering the tenses,
we will be able tospeak English fluently. A tense is a  grammatical category that locates a situation
in time, to indicate when the  situation
takes place. The tenses are present, past and future. The description of  the time will change the form of sentence.This
change of the time called tenses.
 Example:  Bobby goes to school every day ( simple
present tense)  He saw a good film last
night (past tense).
 I shall go to Jakarta tomorrow (future tense).
language used in the novel to present the tenses and the exact  meaning of the language. And the tenses in the
novel plays the important rule in  the
sentence in order to make the reader understand the idea of its contains.
 Moreover, its novel there are types of tenses
used such as present simple tense  (simple
present tense), past tense, future tense, and past future tense.
 Based on the above explanations, I will
analyze the use of tenses in the  novel
because it is very important to influence our skill in English more deeper.
 Besides, I want to know how often the tenses
are used in those novel.
 2. The Problems  The problems that writer would liketo
investigate are as follows :  1)  How many tenses are there used by the author
in the novel  2)  What are the dominant tenses used in the
novel by the author  3. The Scope of the
Study The writer restrict subject only about tenses. The tenses will be be  explained in more details. There are many
things in English to be discussed. But  in
order to make the readers not be confused. I just limit the study on the tenses
 found in the Lee Child’s Novel Gone
Tomorrow:  1) Present simple tense  2) Past tense  3) Future tense     4. The Purpose of the Writing  The Purpose of writing this paper are:  1) To Analysis of Tenses used in Lee Child’s
novel  2) To find sentence tenses used in
Lee Child’s novel  3) To fulfill the
requirement to get a diploma certificate in English study program  at the of culture studies, University of North
 5. The Method of Study The method was applied
for this writing is the library research. To  complete this paper, the writer will collect
all the required data from the Lee  Child’s
novel was published in the United States by Dell, New York (2009). So  it means the data are written in the novel.
 In order to get the percentage of tenses that
mostly occur in the Lee  Child’s novel,
the following formula from Nawawi (1991: 150) will be used:  X= Number of tenses  Y= Total number of all data  N= Percentage of the tenses  X  x
100% = N Y  

English Literature:The Analysis Of Tenses Used In Lee Child’s Novel Gone Tomorrow

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