Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Gratitude Expressions and Gratitude Responses of Male and Female Characters in Rachel Getting Married Movie


1.1 Background of the Study Gratitude has much in common which usually is
used in daily life. It is the feeling of
being grateful or the desire to express one’s thanks (Hornby, 1995). We often hear people express gratitude to other.
For example, a boy will say “thank you”to
his friend because he helped that boy. In other hand, a girl will say “no thanks”to refuse her partner invitation to go
to restaurant for eating together because
she has a promise to eat with her boy friend. Furthermore, this expression can be expressed in different ways depend on
the reason of the speaker. It can use positively
or negatively according to a person’s purpose. Because it contains politeness, this expression also brings impact
to both the speaker and the hearer.

They may have a good relationship if it is used positively.
In contrast, it may break a relationship
if it is used negatively.

The expression of gratitude is expressed to other people or
to a condition which makes the speaker
shows her/his psychological state of being thankful (Searle as quoted by Aijmer, 1996:34). The
expression is shown most often to express
speaker’s deep feeling when he/she is in happiness or relief. It is to show speaker’s emotion of appreciation. Searle
added that an expression of thankfulness or gratitude or appreciation is included
speech acts of thanking which is done after receiving help or something from other
(Aijmer, 1996:34).

In addition, people will express gratitude when they have
received or will receive kindness from
other people. Thank you very much for your helping can be expressed after the speaker was already helped
in preparing his/her car. In other side,
the expression can be used before the speaker get help from the hearer that the
hearer will purpose help the speaker. Therefore, (Searle in Aijmer 1996:35) stated
that it is kind of speech acts in which the speaker expresses to the hearer when the past or future acts benefits the

Because gratitude expression is uniquely good expression
that is positive emotion, it motivates
the benefactor do the good things or make a good relationship with other (Algoe & Haidt,
2008). In the case the benefactor has given
advantage for recipient, who is benefited should appreciate him/her by expressing gratitude. It is as reciprocity
which in the next time will creategood relationship
among others because in gratitude, there are: feelings of honor, feeling of appreciation, mutually require, and
the modesty but there is no boasting and
egoism. Therefore, thankfulness is the reflection of mutual need. Furthermore, gratitude which is expressed by the speaker
can stimulate the hearer to do the good
things more and more. In conclusion, it can be said that expression of gratitude stated by Cicero (as quoted by
Linley, 2003) is the greatest of goodness also the mother of most kindness. Both the
benefactor and recipient will get good impact
of gratitude expression. Therefore, they will live in harmonies. It is believed that people who often show their
gratitude will have life which is more fulfilling,
meaningful, and productive (Linley, 2003).

Coulmas in Harlig (1981) said that gratitude is expressed
because the speaker wants to pay his
indebtedness after receiving help from other.

Indebtedness motivates the recipient of the aid to avoid the
person who has helped them, whereas
gratitude motivates the recipient to seek out their benefactors and to improve their relationship with them.

In pragmatics, Leech (1983:104) stated that expressing
gratitude is indicated as a
non-threatening convivial speech acts which can show politeness by using some strategies maximizing its
illocutionary force (its politeness). So gratitude makes the human relation better but
it depends on the speaker’s intention and
situation. It depends on how the speaker show gratitude whether it is used positively or negatively.

In relation with social life, gratitude expression is always
related to politeness because it shows
the level of politeness of the speaker when delivering conversation. It depends on the speaker in
expressing gratitude to whom he/she speaks.
Aijmer (1996: 33) wrote that functionally, thank you/thanks is analyzed on the speech acts level, as a politeness
marker and as an element organizing the discourse.
Impolitely expressing gratitude (thank you, thanks, thank you so much, and others) sometimes will make the negative
effect to the human relations between
speaker and hearer, and it also can cause a negative response from the hearer.

In addition,
gratitude expression has social function that can make the relation between the speaker and hearer closer.
According to Coulmas (as quoted by
Aijmer, 1996: 67) kind of favor or object of gratitude or benefaction is very important to establish the degree of
gratitude. Here, the type of favour or benefaction
can influence a person to say ‘thank you’ not a deep thanks or a simple thanks. For example, the gratitude
expression that we produce when we are saved
from a terrible accident must be different from the gratitude expression that we use to respond a simple compliment.
Benefaction of gratitude is related to the level of material or immaterial things.
Furthermore, a person who expresses gratitude ‘thank you’, according to Goffman
(as cited by Aijmer, 1996:79) to respond
it, we can use you’re welcome, that’s all right, think nothing of it, it’s okay. It shows that gratitude makes one and
others are getting closer.

In expressing gratitude, both speaker and hearer must fill
the felicity condition. Moreover, in
expressing gratitude is related to FTA (Face Threatening Acts). Expression of gratitude shows the
speaker indebtedness to the hearer so that it is included a face threatening acts; thus
threatening the speaker’s negative face (Eisenstein
and Bodman in Aijmer, 1996). Thus the very nature of gratitude expression which can engender feeling of warmth
and solidarity among interlocutors
stands as well to threaten negative face.

There are some functions of gratitude that people usually
use in different way. It because
different reason in different situation, and condition of the speaker. It has been mentioned that gratitude
is a positive emotion therefore it has positive
function. Nevertheless, the function of gratitude expression cannot be described only in terms of illocutionary force
since thank youand thankshave function
that seems to violate the role for the use of the illocutionary forceindicating
device. Eisenstein and Bodman (as cited by Aijmer, 1996:51) noted that thank you actually can be used in
different term which is used ironically such to accept or reject an offer and signal the
conclusion of the conversation.

Based on the explanation above, it is very important to
analyze gratitude because we will know
the intention of the speaker in expressing gratitude whether thank youused
positively and negatively or ironically. It has different function of accepting or rejecting an offer and closing
conversation. Therefore, the researcher is
interested in analyzing gratitude expressions and gratitude responses on howthe
use of gratitude in the conversation and
to know what the function of gratitude that
they have used.

In expressing gratitude, male and female will give different
way in expressing and responding
gratitude. As Baron and Arliss (as quoted by Wardaugh, 2002: 315) stated that the way of
women’s speech is different from men’s.
This statement gives information about the characteristic of women and men in how they serve conversation word by
word or sentence by sentence.

Therefore, the researcher is interested in analyzing
gratitude expressions and responses on
how the use of gratitude by male and female in the conversation.

Furthermore, gratitude is another-focused emotion that
occurs after people receive help. It is
specifically experienced if people perceive the help they receive as valuable to them, costly to their
benefactor, and given by the benefactor with benevolent intentions rather than ulterior

Then, the researcher is interested in analyzing gratitude
expression and gratitude responses of
different gender because gratitude is another focused emotion that male and female have different in
expressing emotion. According to politeness
strategies, different gender will have different strategies in delivering gratitude. Therefore, it is very important to
know how male and female produce gratitude
in conversation. Kashdan (2009) has researched on Gender Differences in Gratitude: Examining Appraisals,
Narratives, the Willingness to Express Emotions,
and Changes in Psychological Needs. He found men expressing gratitude is less familiar and more
discomforting compared with women.

In addition, Johansen (2008) has investigated on A
Comparative Study of Gratitude
Expressions in Norwegian and English from an Inter-language Pragmatics and Second Language Acquisition
Research Perspective. He found Norwegian
appeared to be similar to the American responses in a length than those of native speakers of Norwegian (or
British English). However the responses
given by Norwegians in English were generally longer than both the Norwegian responses and the native-English
responses. Farnia and Sulaeman (2009)
have investigated An Inter-language Pragmatic Study of Expressions of by Iranian EFL Learners – A Pilot Study. They
found in Iranian and American respondents
use the same type of strategies in responding to the fourteen item questionnaires; however, they differ in the
frequency of these strategies use.

Based on the previous study above, the researcher focuses on
gratitude expressions and responses of
different gender. It is to know the difference between male and female expression in
gratitude and to know the function of the gratitude expressions and responses. In other
side, the previous researchers above compared
gratitude expressions in a different language from different notion.

Furthermore they used descriptive-quantitative or
descriptive-qualitative research in
analyzing the data while the researcher of this study used descriptive qualitative.

In that case, the researcher analyzes this research used
Hymes’ theory to know both male and
female expression. Ten functions of Hymes’ theory of gratitude expression is more understandable
and complete than Bodman’s theory of
gratitude that he serves only eight functions of gratitude expression. The overplus of Hymes’ is it has either positive
or negative expression of gratitude.

Therefore, the researcher prefers Hymes’ theory to Bodman’s
theory to analyze gratitude expressions.
In addition, the researcher used Coulmas’ theory for gratitude responses since there is no theory
which is more suitable and understandable
for this study.

Moreover, the researcher analyzes gratitude expressions and
gratitude responses used by male and
female characters in “Rachel Getting Married”movie.

This analysis is based on the way how all characters used
gratitude in their conversation because
every person is different in delivering gratitude. It also depends on the situation and the condition
since it is in the conversation analysis that is analyzing the phenomena of talk
interaction among people in the movie.

Additionally, the researcher chooses Rachel Getting
Marriedas the data because using this
movie is more understandable than using a written text such novel. This movie relates to the analysis
because there are various kinds of gratitude
expressions that are expressed by both male and female characters.

Every character has his/her own style to express gratitude;
it depends on the context and condition,
to whom he/she speaks. And others of course will answer the expression of gratitude such there is
someone says thank youand the hearer will
respond you are welcome, don’t mention it, etc.

Finally this research will analyze “GRATITUDE EXPRESSIONS
MARRIEDusing Hymes’ theory of gratitude expression and Coulmas’ theory of gratitude response.

1.2 Statement of the Problems As the explanation of the description above,
this research focuses on the following
questions: How are gratitude expressions and gratitude
responses used by male and female
characters in Rachel Getting Married? What are the function of gratitude
expressions and gratitude responses used by male and female characters in Rachel
Getting Married? 1.3 Objectives of the
Study By knowing the problem above, so the objective
of the study is to describe the way
gratitude expressions and responses are used by male and female characters in Rachel Getting Married. It is to
know whether the similarities or differences
of gratitude expressions and responses used by male and female in Rachel Getting Married, this study is to know
what the function of gratitude expressions
and responses were used by both characters.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study This
research focuses on the utterances which contain gratitude expressions and gratitude responses. To limit
this research, the researchertakes gratitude
utterances from eight characters in the Rachel Getting Marriedwhich are taken place in the Paul’s house/ Buchman’s
(bed room, living room, yard, and kitchen),
Abby’s house, rehabilitation place, Community Center Meeting Room, and clothing boutique. Because it focuses on
difference gender, the researcher takes
three women and five men to be analyzed in the Rachel Getting Married.

1.5 Significance of the Study Significant of this study is hoped to be
beneficial both theoretically and practically.
First, the result of this study is intended to be able to enlargethe views on the use of gratitude expressions and
gratitude responses. It is also hoped to open the new insight of gratitude expressions
and gratitude responses that is shown by
the characters of Rachel Getting Marriedto enrich the teaching and learning in Discourse Analysis area especially
in speech acts theory and pragmatic approach.

Second, the result of
this research is intended to be beneficial for the reader especially the students of English
Department to give valuable contribution about gratitude expressions and gratitude
responses. They are hoped to know and understand
the various kinds and the functions of gratitude expressions and responses in order to know the messages then
use them affectively. Finally, they are
hoped to know how to analyze gratitude using Hymes’ and Coulmas’ theory in the movie.

Furthermore, the
result of this study is also expected to be useful for teachers and lecturers in giving their
students broader knowledge on the study about
speech acts and pragmatics especially illocutionary acts which focus on gratitude. They also can use this research as
an example how gratitude expression and
gratitude response are applied in the movie. Moreover, they can find the valuable finding of gratitude expressions and
responses application in Rachel Getting
Marriedrelated to meaning, context, and communication in the Characters’ conversations.

Finally, this study
can give more information for the next researchers who are interested in taking the same area. They
can use the result of this study as a reference to study about gratitude
expressions and responses proposed by Hymes’ and Coulmas’. In addition, they can use this
research as comparison and direction that’s
as previous study for their future research. Therefore, they can make differentiation between this research and
their future research.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms Gratitude It is also called thankfulness, or
appreciation. It is a positive emotion attitude
in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. It is the feeling of being grateful
or the desire to express one’s thanks
(Hornby, 1995).

Gratitude Expression
It is produced when the speaker get help
from the hearer or the hearer do something
for the speaker. It is to show speaker’s appreciation after receiving an act which benefits her/him.

Gratitude Response It is produced to respond the hearer when the
speaker gets expression of gratitude
from someone who has been helped.

FTA (Face
Threatening Acts) Some acts
intrinsically threaten face.

Rachel Getting
Married: This movie is lingering
tensions clash with new hopes in director Jonathan Demme’s ensemble drama set during an idyllic
wedding that threatens to descend into
chaos with the appearance of the bride's estranged sister.

RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents
some theories that are related to this study. The discussion covers pragmatics, speech acts
theory, gratitude: gratitude expression and
gratitude response, politeness strategy and previous studies.

2.1 Pragmatics Pragmatics
is the study of the relationship between linguistic forms and their use. Using philosophical approach
towards phenomena of sign, Renkema (1993:21)
described pragmatics as the study of acts. It is the study of the use of signs. In addition, pragmatics deals with the
relation of signs and people who use them.
Furthermore, pragmatics has been mainly focused on the communicative use of language conceived as intentional human
action. Finally, pragmatics is not a
part of the production and understanding speech acts and their appropriateness in a given situation (Cheng, as cited by
farina & Sulaeman, 2009).

Cheng explained that
pragmatic is related to speech act which deals with the utterances (Brown and Yule, 1983: 27). It
means that when the speaker intends to
act at times and places, he or she uses a language. Pragmatics also depends on the context when it is dealing with the
utterances because when speaker saying something,
it has more meanings. However, the intention can be understood by using the context.

In expressing the
intentions, we use word or utterances. Words can be used to differentiate something, whether the
speaker uses to show appreciate or merely apologize and congratulate which depend not
only on the literal meaning of one’s words
but what the speaker intends to do with them, and the institutional and social setting in which the linguistic
activity occurs in their life. For example; the speaker may intends to express something when
other people help him/her, he/she so,
they will say “thank you” and the hearer will answer or response depend on the existence of a social practice of expressing
or responding gratitude. Austin emphasized
the importance of social fact with respect to the class of speech acts namely illocutionary acts (Wardhaugh, 2002).

2.2 Speech Acts Theory Austin
in his monumental book entitled “How to Do Things with Words” formulated speech acts theory (Cook 1989:35)
which up to recent period is used to create
some popular scientific works which can develop further research. Not only Austin’s theory but also Searle’s theory which
is developed from his teacher’s through
his book “Speech Acts” is made for some linguistic works.

Cummings (2005:6)
valued that Austin’s views on language have great influence in philosophy and linguistic. He is
the first one who has an idea that language
can be used to perform actions. Furthermore, Stubbs (1983:147) said that Austin described some utterances as
actions but not statements or question about
some information. Austin
said that many different things which can be performed by words.

People named things with different words such as to label
part of body like eyes, nose, lip, etc
and to call people with different name like Alfis, Linda, Tika, Qurun, etc. In addition, they use words in daily
activity to differentiate something and usually
to show their feeling, emotion, and idea.

Austin in Stubbs
(1983:152) stated that utterances can perform three kinds of act such as locutionary acts, illocutionary
acts, and perlocutionary acts. He explained
that locutionary acts is performing act of saying something.

Illocutionary acts are performed in saying something. While,
perlocutionary acts produce some effects
on listeners. Specifically, illocutionary acts can be used performatively. In addition, Austin said that
utterance can be understood if it consists
of three components above.

2.2.1 Locutionary Acts A locutionary act is part of speech acts
level. The term equally refers to the surface meaning of an utterance.
According to Austin (as cited by Cook, 1989:35) a speech acts is incomplete without three
kinds of act, locutionary acts, illocutionary
acts, and perlocutionary acts which should be analyzed using those three kinds of act.

The production of utterance, according to Renkema (1993:22)
is a locutionary acts which is
approximately important in uttering a certain sentence with certain sense and reference. It includes
the actual utterance and its ostensible meaning,
comprising phonetic, phatic and rhetic acts corresponding to the verbal, syntactic and semantic aspects of any
meaningful utterances.

In addition locutionary is also described as an act of
saying something (Devitt and Hanley,
2003). The function is to characterize such common situations such where the speaker says one thing but not
speaking literally. In short, the speaker
says is what the speaker means and what the speaker says something do not mean to anything else. It only has one
meaning which shows the speaker’s purpose.

2.2.2 Illocutionary Acts According to Austin illocutionary acts is the
communicative purpose of an utterance
(Brinton, 2000). It is the use to which language is being put, or what the speaker going to do with his or her
locutionary acts. The illocution also serve a prerequisite for the achievement of the
intended perlocution.

addition, the illocutionary acts is an act which is used to communicate with other (Hornsby as quoted by Tsohatzidis,
1994). Illocutionary acts are used to
make a purpose of someone to be understood by other people or the hearer. The speaker uses utterances to convey his/her mean
in order to be understood by the hearer.
In conclusion, when a person communicates to others uses utterances namely illocutionary acts. By illocutionary
acts, we can communicate or interact with
other easily. Finally, illocutionary acts will be successful when the claim of validity is acknowledge by the addressee
(Habermas in Renkema, 1993). In other word,
illocutionary acts of the speaker can be successful when the hearer has understood to what his/her saying.

1.4 Markers of Cause and Results
are used to mark idea units, information states, and action.

1.5 Markers of Temporal Adverb
are times deictic toconvey a relationship between the time at which a proposition is
assumed to be true, and the time at
which it is presented in an utterance.

1.6 Information and Participation
is to forewarn upcoming adjustments and encourages
addresses to think
about the comprehensibility of what
has just bee said.

Choxter, Ronald & Michael McCarthy.(2006)
Cambridge Grammar of English “A Comprehensive

Main character: Major
character is in
a work of
fiction that encounters
argument and is changed
by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than flat, or static, characters.

Casino Royale : Casino
Royale movie was
directed by Martin
Campbell and it is the
twenty-first film in the James Bond
series. “CasinoRoyale” was released on 16 November 2006.

Ginny Wiehardt. (2009) http:// fictionwriting
about. Com/creating_character/27622/1/.p. 01.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents the review of the
related literature which includes the concept of
discourse and discourse
analysis, discourse markers,
the concept of discourse markers,
marker of information
management, Marker of
Response, Discourse Connectives,
Markers of Cause
and Results, Temporal
Adverb, Information and
Participation and the last review is previous of the study.

2.1 Discourse Analysis Discourse
analysis concerns about
the study of
the relationship between language and the contexts in which it is used.

It can be in the form of written text and spoken data whether formal or
informal. Meanwhile, according to Brown and
Yule, the analysis of discourse means the analysis of language in use.

Then, Schiffrin (Quoting
Stubbs statement) said
that discourse analysis
consists of attempts
to study the organization
of language above the
sentence or above the clause,
and therefore to
study larger linguistic
unit, such as
conversational exchanges or
written texts.

English Literature:Gratitude Expressions and Gratitude Responses of Male and Female Characters in Rachel Getting Married Movie

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