Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis on the Persuasive Technique Used in DRTV Advertisement


1. I. Background of the Study Allah said: “And
though We should send down the angels unto them, and the dead should speak unto them, and We should gather against
them all things in array, they would not
believe unless Allah so willed. Howbeit, most of them are ignorant. (Al-An’am: 112).

Allah has created different
creatures in this world. They are from different categories; angel, gin, devil, and human
being. In this life, angel is lofty creature and devil is blamable creature. Angel always
invites human in goodness whereas devil is the opposite of it. It is because angel or
devil has good method in convincing human being. Especially devils, they are terrific to
persuade human being with precious word
in ears that actually it is lie.

In real life, human being is also
terrific to persuade others. It can be seen from the fact that there were many falsehoods in society caused by human
behavior. It is because human have good
capability in convincing others to do as what their purpose is. On the other
words, human have good capability in persua sion.

Persuasion is derived from Latin
―persuasio, means ―to persuade, ―persuasive (adj)”
(Palapah in Sunarjo, 1983: 32). It is defined as a process of communication between speaker and listener. In
this process, there is a purpose from the
speaker to persuade the listener (Groller Webster International Dictionary
2000: 708). Persuasion, in
communication, needs stimuli from
speaker to get response from listener.
As Hovland and friends quoted by Arni (1992: 2) communication is the process by which an individual transmits
stimuli (usually verbal) to modify the behavior
of other individuals. In addition, Keraf (2004: 118) defines persuasion as an art of verbal with the intention to assure
someone to do something appropriate with the speaker’s purpose for this moment or the
present time. Therefore, we can conclude
that persuasion is a communication process to persuade others using stimuli to get the response from listener.
Furthermore, in persuasion, there is no viol ence or coercion in taking decision.

In persuasion, good rhetorical
utterances are being the important thing (Bermann, 1981: 239). Rhetoric in Plato’s view
is the art of winning the soul by discourse.
Discourse is the use of language in speaking and writing in order to produce meaning. In persuasion, the most
primary thing is a skill to reach an agreement
of a listener to a speaker. It is a process to convince the listener to believe
what the speaker has desired. Therefore, reasoning and credibility that the
speaker uttered are never being
separated things for the audience (Hart, 1989: 117). Besides that, the character of the speaker, as Keraf
(2004: 121-122) suggests, character is one of the factors that should always be
considered in persuasion, because
persuasion will be success if speaker
has good character and high credibility. Then, controlling audience’s emotion ( Aristotle, 2005: 1). So,
the speaker must consider those aspects if
he or she want s to persuade the listener successfully. Persuasion
is used in many sections; such as politics, social, commercial, etc.

Therefore, persuasion needs
language for communication because the purpose in persuasion process is to persuade others to
interpret and follow the message.

Moreover, persuasion is called as
a part of Discourse Analysis, and Discourse Analysis concerned with the language used for communication and how
addressee worked in linguistic message
in order to interpret them (Brown and Yule, 1983: 1).

One of the areas that use
persuasive technique is advertising. Advertising is a form
of communication intended to persuade audiences (viewers, readers or listeners)
to take some actions. It usually
includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the
consumer s, to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume that particular
brand. In promotion, the advertiser should introduce the product by using label, pack,
and slogan; make the product different from
others; bind the consumers with the product and engagement; and present the advertisement words with the identification,
differentiation, association, and repetition.
The purpose of this is to tell the consumer s the owner of the product and to make them easier to remember the product.
Therefore, the advertiser should identify and make good advertisement before advertise
their products or services.

Advertisement needs a certain
language to get the sympathy from the consumers.
The language that is used must be
suitable with the consumers. Ogilvy in Weilbacher
(1984: 193) argues that ―if you try to persuade people to do something or to buy something, it seems to me that you
should use their language. It means
the language they use every day
and also the language in which they think. So, the advertisement matter should have
high creativities language and strong imaginations to make the advertisement more interesting.
Besides, the language of advertisement contains
illustration and special power to persuade and to control the consumer s’ behavior.
Then, it is used correct diction in order to convey the message of advertisement correctly.

Advertisement is one of
communication media that uses written or
oral language to send its messages. In
advertisement, the advertiser informs the products or ideas by using media and the advertiser has
to pay the media because of renting on the
space and time. Television becomes the most ideal media for the advertisers to advertise their products because the wide
usage of television. In society, television becomes the first choice to entertain people
because television is more int eresting than
other mass media and also television provides both sound and visual, so people can enjoy the real life more than other mass
media that are limited by single dimension
of sight or sound. While in advertisement area, television has some advantages. According to Jefkins (1994: 110)
advertisement in television has several advantages;
(1) It is realistic for the viewers; it is caused by the effect of
visualization that combines the colors, sounds and actions. (2) It is easier to
address the society. (3) There are many
repetitions of advertisement on television. Television is often called ―King of the
advertisement media since the people like to spend more hours for watching television per day than paying
attention to any other media.

Television advertisement is one
of the powerful and effective ways of communicating
sales and marketing messages to consumers. Arens (2005: 3-4) stated that as marketing function, advertising is the
structured and composed non personal communication
of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about
products (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through media.

Furthermore, advertising as a
communication media needs to present an advertisement
to its target audience. Therefore, it needs a channel, like radio, television advertisement, and newspaper
advertisement, and so on. It is needed as a media to promote the product; inform the
advantages of the product; the price of the product cheaper than the other products; and
the place where the consumer can get the

From the explanation above, this
study focuses on the use of persuasive technique
in television advert isement . This study takes this topic because it intends to investigate about the types of the persuasive
techniques and how the persuasive techniques
are used in television advertisement. Furthermore, the results of this study are expected to give a contribution in
Discourse Analysis on persuasive technique in advertisement.
There are some researchers that
studied about this topic. They are as follow: Sukirno (2003) focused his study in persuasive
words/phrases as used in the Jakarta Post
Advertisement. Nurul (2007) studied on the Discourse Analysis on the education’s advertisement on the street
banner. In this case, she focused on the diction and persuasive technique. Fakhruddin
Abbas (2008) focused on the use of persuasive
technique by Barack Obama in his political speeches in the 2008 USA presidential primaries. The last, Zainiyah
A’yun (2008) who focused on technique of persuasion used in advertisements presented by
SCTV presenters used Keraf and Renkema

The above researchers researched
about persuasive technique in political speeches,
street banner, and newspaper. There is one researcher , namely A’yun who researched about persuasive technique in
advertisement presented in television. Her object is diffence with this research is on
the type of program presented in the television. Whereas, this study explores about type of
the persuasive techniques and how the
persuasive techniques are used in television advertisement or DRTV Advertisement. DRTV is stands for ―Direct
Response Television. It is a direct response television that has been a popular
method for advertising products for more than 20 years and the reason why it is still
being used today is because it is effective.

Of course, not all products are
going to be successfully marketed through this medium, but those with mass appeal almost
always are. As long as the product has high quality and mass appeal it should
perform well in a direct response TV campaign.
DRTV is beneficial for both buyers and sellers; therefore it continues to be a popular marketing technique. One benefit of
DRTV is the consumers can buy the product
immediately. After seeing the contact information on the screen, the consumer can pick up the phone or log on to
the web address and make the purchase.

This is instantly gratifying and
it ensures the consumer to receive the exact product he or she
is interested in. In DRTV campaign that
we can see in television or
internet, it must use great persuasive
technique to convince the viewers. It uses not only good design but also good rhetoric. DRTV uses
direct, competent, and convinces language in its advertisement. So that’s why DRTV
exists for more than 20 years and
trusted by consumers. From those reasons, this research focuses on persuasive
techniques used in DRTV Advertisement.
In DRTV promotion, it focuses not only on one object but also in some objects. For example; kitchen
and bar, automotive, health & beauty, hand phone, fitness, etc. This study focuses
on kitchen and bar because most of the consumers
of DRTV are women and they are very selective in purchasing their money. So, the presenters of DRTV must use
creative, interesting, and good persuasive
rhetoric. Besides that, the result of kitchen and bar advertisements can be watched directly and there is very little
lying. Therefore, those advertisements are more trusted by the consumers than other
objects in DRTV Advertisement .

The last, starting from the
reason that persuasive technique is very important in daily life, especially in advertisement
area, then, there are not many researchers that have researched about persuasive
technique in television advertisement. This study focuses on persuasive technique in DRTV

1.2. Statement of the Problems Based
on the background of the study above, the study focuses on the following problems.

1. What are the persuasive
techniques used in DRTV Advertisement? 2. How are the persuasive techniques
used in DRTV Advertisement? 1.3. Objectives of the Study According to the
problems of the study, the objectives of this research are: 1. To describe what
the persuasive techniques used in DRTV Advertisement are.

English Literature:A Discourse Analysis on the Persuasive Technique Used in DRTV Advertisement

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