Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Analisis Peranan Sektor Industri Kecil Kacang Sihobuk Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat


This chapters
present background of the study,
problem of the
study, object of the study, scope
and limitation, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study This
study is concerned
with discourse markers.
Discourse marker is a word
or phrase that
marks a boundary
in a discourse,
typically as part
of a dialogue.

to Schiffrin, that
discourse markers as
sequentially dependent elements
that group units of talk. Discourse markers have function in relation to enduring talk and text.

In other word, that discourse markers could be
considered as
a set of
linguistic expressions comprised
of members of
word classes as
varied as conjunctions
such as “and”,
“but”, or interjections
such as “oh”, adverbs “now”, and “then”, and
lexicalized phrases as like “you know” and “I mean”.

Furthermore, the fundamental point of view
concerning with the discourse markers is
that, discourse markers such as “well, but, “oh” and “you know” are sets
of linguistic items
that function in
cognitive, communicative, social,
and textual domains. According to
Fraser Discourse markers are practical
markers WWW.Discourse marker - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia.mht 3103 2009.

Schiffrin, D. 1987b. Discovering the context
of an utterance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 11.

which provide a remarks to show
the way of an utterance indicates how the speaker
intends basic message
to relate to
the previous discourse.

discourse markers are
used as pointer
of chronological discourse in social interaction.

Schiffrin explains that,
the important thing
of the analysis
on discourse markers
is to know
how speakers and
hearers jointly integrate forms, meaning, and actions to make
overall sense out of what is said.

Then, Schiffrin
also states that
discourse marker is a
linguistic device in
which speakers use it to indicate
how the approaching unit of speech or text relates to the current discourse situation.

With the description above, the writer of this
research describes accurately the markers
that uttered by
James Bond in
“Casino Royale” movie.
The writer selects and determines “Casino Royale” movie
as theobject of this research for some reasons.
first, “Casino Royal”
movie is very
different from other
movies, because the manner of
speech in the dialogs of “Casino Royale” movie involves some
linguistic frameworks or
linguistic uniqueness. The
form of linguistic frameworks
in “Casino Royale”
movie can be
shown in the characteristic of language uses
that were uttered
by James Bond
in movie’s dialogs,
in which James
Bond used British
language as daily
formal language, because
it is the characteristic
of British people that use their language to present their identity.

In this movie, the characteristics of language
usedby main character are more dominant
and more influence
because in this
movie James Bond as
main Fraser,Bruce.1990.An
Approch to Discourse markers.Jurnal of Pragmatics.p.


5 Ibid.p.383.

Schiffrin,D.1994.Approch to Discourse.
Cambridge:Blackwell publisher.p.46 http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/cs6/rom.html
character has important role and higher
position then others.

It is just like what Van
dijk said that language can
influence hearer atis
used by people that
have authority, so
by means of
language the main
character have power
to change purpose and others personality characters.

However, when we talk to some body else, we
producethe meaning full word that become
the ways in communication when we convey
his or her idea, intention, feeling and
so on. In this case, I show the way of communication which occurs between speaker and hearer in social
interactions. when speaker delivers something,
he uses the term called “marker of information management such as marker
of responses as
like “well”, discourse
connectives for example
“and”, “but”, “or”, marker of cause and results, example:
“so” and
“because”, temporal adverb for
example “now” and
“than”, information and
participation like “you know”, “I
mean”. They have
an important role
in signaling connectivity
in discourse is how we should
account for the textual unity of discourse.

There are some researchers who analyzed field
Wouk examines the use of Indonesian discourse
marker “kan” in
conversation. I get
an input that
actually discourse marker “you
know” in English is similar to the discourse marker “kan” in Bahasa Indonesia.

Jucker examined the discourse marker “well” in
this paper. He stated that in Sperbar
and Wilson’s relevance theory, the discourse marker “well” could be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanticism Van dijk.1999. language and power. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.p.44 R.
Horn, Word Gregore.2004,2006. The Hand Book of Pragmatics. Blackwell publishing

9600 Garsington rood, oxford ox4
2DQ, UK.p.222.

Wouk. Solidarity in Indonesian conversation:
the discourse marker kan by Fay Wouk.

University of Auckland seen as a signpost that constrains the
interpretation process and the concomitant background
selection. This analysis
covers five more
or less distinct
uses of “well” as a marker of insufficiency, a mark of
insufficiency to indicate that the previous
utterance needs to
be modified or
qualified, a fact
threat mitigates a direct
command, as a frame, indicator of topic change or introduce direct reported speech, as a delay device a speaker is not
sure howto respond or continue. I put this
paper as one of the related studies since I also intend to examine discourse markers, especially “well”. Actually, there is
no absolute theory which states the ‘correct
Indonesian translation’ of the discourse marker “well”. However, through Jucker’s
study and other
related theories he
can analyzes the
discourse marker “well” in Bahasa Indonesia through its
characteristics Based on
the explanation above,
I am interested
in analysis discourse markers used by main character in “Casino
Royale” movie. For several reasons first,
there is no
researcher who analyzes
discourse markers used
by main character “Casino Royale” movie. Second, the
differences between the previous research and
present research is
that, in my
research, I use
Shiffrin’s theory to analyze
discourse markers, so in the end this research may have different findings with previous research. Third, the previous
studiesware only analyst marker “you know”
“well” and “kan” in Indonesian language. But in my research analyze how implicit meaning of markers used and I also
analyzeall discourse markers used.

Jucker. 2003. The discourse marker well: a
Relevance Theoretical Accunt by Jucker A. H.Justus Liebig University In all types of speech, we may find some
words thatfrequently regarded as “verbal
garbage” by many people.

do you get
on with this
fellow hart? I mean
he is
a nice fellow normally, but he is a hell of a big head in
some ways you knowReynard.” The word
“you know”, “I mean”, “oh”, and
“well” in the utterances above are
several examples of the “verbal garbage”. It isvery easy to find those words in
one utterance, but some times, it is
difficult to recognize what the meaning of such kind of word. As a result, many people
belittle theexistences of those words, and they
often do not
think that those
words belong to
the language. In
fact, the existence
of discourse markers,
the language term
to call the
words as “you know”,
“I mean”, “oh”, “well”, and others.

Based the explanation above, I interested to
analyze discourse markers that occur
within dialog between main character of “Casino Royale” movie.

Schiffrin, D. 1987. Discourse
markers.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Barbr Majcenovic King. 2007, Gender and
Communication, University of Maribor.p.133.
1.2 Problem of The Study The research is conducted to find the answer
of research problem “How are the
discourse markers used by James Bond as the main character of “Casino Royale” movie”? 1.3
Objectives of the Study According to
the research problem
above, the objective
of this study
to find out the discourse markers
utterances used by James Bond in “Casino Royale” movie and what is the message content of that

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study This research focuses on the James Bond’s
utterances that is included into discourse
markers in “Casino Royale” movie. Becauseit is impossible analyzing all the utterance used by James Bond in
“Casino Royale” movie.

1.5 Significance of the Study The
significant of this
study is intended
to develop acknowledge
of the writer it self and reader in the study of
discourseanalysis, especially focusing on discourse markers. Practically this research
is generally purposed as guidance for some
one who is interested
in making paper
or journal of problematical human
interaction. In addition this study is
expected to give a beneficial contribution and relevant reference for the next researcher who
willanalyze the same case.

Definition of the Key Terms I. Discourse markers: Discourse marker are words and phrases which
function to link segments of the
discourse to one
another in ways
which reflect choices
of monitoring, organization and management exercised by the
speaker.15 The types of discourse
markers are below: 1.1 Marker of Information Management is the
marker usedas exclamation or

1.2 Marker
of Response is
a marker used
in the first
utterances which faction to reject, cancel or disagree.

1.3 Discourse
Connectives is used
to coordinate ideas
and continue a speaker’s
action in spoken language.

1.4 Markers of Cause and Results
are used to mark idea units, information states, and action.

1.5 Markers of Temporal Adverb
are times deictic toconvey a relationship between the time at which a proposition is
assumed to be true, and the time at
which it is presented in an utterance.

1.6 Information and Participation
is to forewarn upcoming adjustments and encourages
addresses to think
about the comprehensibility of what
has just bee said.

Choxter, Ronald & Michael McCarthy.(2006)
Cambridge Grammar of English “A Comprehensive

Main character: Major
character is in
a work of
fiction that encounters
argument and is changed
by it. Round characters tend to be more fully developed and described than flat, or static, characters.

Casino Royale : Casino
Royale movie was
directed by Martin
Campbell and it is the
twenty-first film in the James Bond
series. “CasinoRoyale” was released on 16 November 2006.

Ginny Wiehardt. (2009) http:// fictionwriting
about. Com/creating_character/27622/1/.p. 01.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents the review of the
related literature which includes the concept of
discourse and discourse
analysis, discourse markers,
the concept of discourse markers,
marker of information
management, Marker of
Response, Discourse Connectives,
Markers of Cause
and Results, Temporal
Adverb, Information and
Participation and the last review is previous of the study.

2.1 Discourse Analysis Discourse
analysis concerns about
the study of
the relationship between language and the contexts in which it is used.

It can be in the form of written text and spoken data whether formal or
informal. Meanwhile, according to Brown and
Yule, the analysis of discourse means the analysis of language in use.

Then, Schiffrin (Quoting
Stubbs statement) said
that discourse analysis
consists of attempts
to study the organization
of language above the
sentence or above the clause,
and therefore to
study larger linguistic
unit, such as
conversational exchanges or
written texts.

English Literature:Analisis Peranan Sektor Industri Kecil Kacang Sihobuk Dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat

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