Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:Ghosts In The Society Of Karonese

1.1 The Background of Study Indonesia is one of the country in Southeast
Asia,comprising more than 17.508
islands. It has many of ethnic groups, every ethnic groups has a specific culture and the system of belief. One of
traditional aspects in our national culture is the religion and the system of belief. In the
real life,the aspect has many functions which
are concerned culture values and concerned with the other aspects of culture like Politics,Social Matter,and Economic.
The diversity of culture in
Indonesia can be seen from many customs, religious, ethnic groups, roles, and
relationship between individuals. The Batak ethnic groups consists of five sub-ethnic groups,
there are Toba Batak, Karo Batak, Simalungun
Batak, Pakpak Dairi Batak and Mandailing Batak. Each ethnic group has many similarities and differences with the
other ethnic groups in their languages, cultures,
traditions, habits, ceremonies, and the roles for all are to unite the similarities and differences caused by
history, geography and religion.
Nowadays, as we know many of
ethnic groups still believe in their traditional belief although they have the religion.
Based on the above statement, the
writer is interested in discussing about the ghosts in the society of karonese that is one
of the system of their belief.
1.2 The Scope of Study To make
this paper effectively arranged,the
writer limited the scope of writing.
Karo land is a very large land, that is why the writer limited the topic. The writer only writes about the Ghosts in
Kecamatan KutaBuluh Simole, around of the writer’s village.
1.3 The Objective of Study In
this paper, the writer wants to know more about the ghosts in Karo land,the type of ghosts, why the karonese worship to
the ghosts, for what they do it, etc. The writer hopes by writing this paper can raise
our religion and the system of belief. I as the writer also remind all the people,
especially the reader of this paper never worship to the ghosts because we have the religion and
we only have one god, Tuhan Yang Maha
Esa, no one the other 1.4 The Significance of Study Some of significances that
we can find in this paper are : 1)The
readers will know about the ghosts in Karonese Society.
2)The readers will know the type
of ghosts.
3)The readers will know why the
karonese worship and maintain the ghosts.
4)The readers will know for what
they maintain the ghosts.
5)By knowing about the ghosts, it
make us to increase our belief in one god, that is Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
1.5 The Method of Study In writing this paper, the writer applied
three methods of study, there are library
research, that is by collecting some books that related the topic discussed; field research, by asking some informants who
know about this topic, the writer interviewed
and discussed with them; and the last the writer browsed some references in internet for further information. All of
the methods were really helpful in finding and selecting important information that
supported the writing of the paper.

English Literature:Ghosts In The Society Of Karonese

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