This chapter presents the background of
thestudy, problems of the study, objectives
of thestudy, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of
the keyterms.
1.1 Background of the Study In any conversation, the addressor (the
speaker or writer who produces the utterances)
does notrealize that sometimes theydisobey therules when speaking to addressee (the hearer or the reader who
recipient of theutterances). Accordingl y, there happened misunderstandingin a communication.
To avoid this, thespeaker and the hearer
or the writer and the reader share a cooperative principle. This says: “Make
your conversationalcontribution
such as required, atthe stageat which occurs bythe accepted purpose or direction of talk exchange in
which you are engaged”(Grice, 1975: 45).
Generallyspeaker follows allrules
of cooperative principle referring to maxim.
At one timethey will be
deliberatelyflout one or more maxims. When this happens, the listener or thereader must assumes that the
speaker’s or the writer’s words implicate something or implied meaningrather than their
literal meaning of utterances .The meaning
derives from deliberatefloutingand deliberatelybreaking a conversation while still being cooperative. Itis called floating
maxim, is a particularlysalient wayof getting an addressee to draw an inference and hence
recover an implicature (Grundy,2000: 78).
13 It means the information is more than needed,
so the listener mustconclude it by themselves.
In the contrary, sometimes thespeaker and the listener violated the situation to inform their addressee of the extent to
which they areabiding itis called hedging maxim. (Grundy, 2000: 80) Grice (1975) has described cooperative
principleswith its four conversationalmaxims
which speakers areto fulfill in conversation. The maxims are outlined as follows: a). Maxim of quantity: make your contribution as required for the current
purpose on theexchange and not more.
b). Maxim of quality: try to
make your contribution onethat is true,
don ’t say what you believe to be false
and don ’t sayfor which you lackadequate evidence.
c). Maxim of relation:
berelevant, to the aims of the conversation.
d). Maxim of
manner:beperspicuous, avoid obscurityexpression, avoid ambiguit y, bebrief; avoid
unnecessaryprolixity, be orderly.
Maxims occur in communication.
Communication in drama has some similarities with ordinarycommunication. It makes use of
languageas media and of context in which itoccurs. Character utterances in a drama
constitute of a verbalcommunication, at least two of them. Theyplay the rules of the speaker
sendingmessageand in turn, hearers receiving
the massage. Itwould seem interesting to studydrama using adiscourse anal ysis approach that is studying the
languagefor communication used bythe characters of drama. Therefore, studying whether
theyfloat the maxims of the cooperative principle is significant.
14 This studychooses a drama as the objectthe
analysis. Drama is a piece of writing to
be performed bythe actors. Itis an expression of reallife thatuses spoken and
written forms of languagein dialogues,
with two important aspects in everyplay. They are: a substance or discourse of the playand the
performanceof the play. Analyzing, criticizing, and investigating a playon thestage or the
acthave been conducted for some time. Most of them referred to the second element of the
playthat is performance. Hence, this study refers to the languageand in the play, not its
The drama chosen is “The Death of
a Salesman”. The choice is made on the basis of its language uniqueness. Thelanguage
of “The Dea th of a S a
lesman”has symbolic and in part
expressionistic, it challenges the American values concerning success held
bythe aging Will y Loman, who is here
given individual as well as universal dimensions. Arthur Miller as the mutualplaywright was awarded the
Pulitzer Prize in 1949 for TheDeath of a
Salesman. He has cometo be considered one of the greatest dramatists in the
history of the American Theatre, and his
plays, a fusion of naturalistic and expressionistic techniques, continue to be widel yproduced.
Some researchers have conducted
their studies in same fields are Roekhan (1992) conducted research on the use of the
conversational maxims in Iwan Simantupang’s songs, Djatmiko (1993) studied the Shakespeare
’s Othello and found the maxims.
Tambunan (1999) investigated
theapplication of cooperative principle in pop novels as reading materials for the students of senior
high school. Allof the researchers above have notfocused on maxim. Therefore, the language
of drama which has maxim floutingis interestingto
15 1.2
Problems of the Study Based on
the backgroundof studyin above the research problem are: 1) Howis the maxim of qualityflouted? 2)
Howis the maxim of quantityflouted? 3)
Howis the maxim of manner flouted? 4)
Howis the maxim of relevanceflouted? 1.3
Objectives of the Study Based on
the problems of the study, the objectives of the studyare to find out the answers of: 1) How
the maxim of quality is flouted; 2) How the maxim of quantityis flouted; 3) How
the maxim of manner is flouted; 4) How the maxim of relevance is flouted; 1.4
Significance of the Study This
studyhas the purpose to give morecontribution on discourse aspect in theoretical or practical significance.
Theoretically, the resultof this
studyis expected to give contribution in understanding the theoryof floatingmaxim as
the elementof discourse studies.
Practically, the result of this
studyis expected to give direction for other researchers or future researchers and the
teachers who willconduct the research on the same field especiallyin understanding the
theoryfloatingmaxim as the element of discourse
studies in detail.
16 1.5
ScopeandLimitation This studyis a
discourse anal ysis which focuses on analyzingfloatingon the Death of a Salesman script which is madeon the
basis of Grice ’s theoryof maxim. This studydoes
notdealwith other element such as the rhetoricalstrategies, hedging, speech act, etc.
1.6 Definition of the Key Terms 1.
Maxim: principles that govern human interaction involving language, to
act cooperativel yin conversation atthe
stage at which itoccurs.
2. Flouting: the breaking of maxim
intentionally, which the listener understand that thespeaker deliberatel y break a maxim. Both
are awareof it.
3. The Death of a Salesman: awritten drama by
Arthur Miller taken from USA illustratingthe
life of ordinarypeople in 1928.
4. Discourse study: a discipline devoted to the
investigation of relationship between
form and function in verbal communication.
5. Arthur Miller : one of the leading American
playwrights of the twentieth century.
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