Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Dysphemism Used in Hostel II” Movie


1.1. Research Context The main function of
language is as a tool of communication and for establishing the relationship with others.
People can understand what other people mean through the language they use in

Kramsch states that “Language is
the principal means whereby we conduct our
social life. When it is used in the contexts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways. The
speakers view their language as a symbol
of their social identity. The prohibition of its use is often perceived by its speaker as a rejection of their social group
and their culture ”.

Language is a part of culture,
without language, the culture of society would never develop and is materialized . When someone speaks, it is impossible for him/her to be free from the elements of

s culture as the owner of the language. So, all of language speakers will
always connect with the elements of society

s culture because language events are culture events.

Language becomes unpleasant when
language expressed not as its main function
and violates the moral code as the concept of culture. Wardaugh tells Claire Kramsch, Language and Culture, (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 3.

Mudjia Rahardjo, Relung-relung bahasa.
(Yogyakarta: Aditia Media, 2002), 42.

Ronald Wardaugh, Introduction to
Sociolinguistics: Fourth Edition, (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2002), 237.

about the usage of certain languages that
cannot be said in the particular condition, based on the statement below.

Language is used to avoid saying
certain things as well as to express them.
Certain things are not said, it is not because they cannot be, but because „people dont talk
about those things; or, if those things are talked
about in very roundabout ways. In the
first we have instances of linguistic taboo
; in the second we have the
employment of euphemism so, it is as to
avoid mentioning certain matters

In sociolinguistic area, this
study includes the scope of Taboo and Euphemism.
Wardhaugh states that taboo means one
way in which a society expresses its
disapproval of certain kinds of behavior believed to be harmful to its member, either for supernatural reason one
such behavior is held to violate a moral

The languages that break the rule
of taboos can be avoided by euphemism. A euphemism is used as an alternative to a
dispreferred expression, in order to avoid possible loss of face: either one

s own face or, through giving offense, that of the audience, or of some third party . The dispreferred expression maybe taboo, fearsome, distasteful, or for some other
reason have too many negative connotation
to execute speaker

s communicative intention on a given

Taboo is the prohibition or avoidance in any
society of behavior believed to be harmful to its members in that it would cause them anxiety
embarrassment or shame.

Euphemism is an alternative to a dispreferred
expression, in order to avoid possible loss of face: either ones own face
or, through giving offense that of the audience. Ronald Waurdhaugh, An Introduction to
sociolinguistics. (New York: Blackwell Publishers, 1986), 230.

Keith Allan and Kate Burridge, Euphemism and
Dysphemism: Language used as Shield and Weapon,
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 11.

The development of language not only goes on
the better usage. But now, it tends to
break the rules of taboo. The opposite of euphemism that also break the rule of taboo is dysphemism. Whereas euphemism
seek to soften the impact of some
horrific event or taboo subject by indirect language and calming metaphors, dysphemism are direct, metaphorical, or
gruesomely physical.

Based on Allan and Burridge ,“dysphemism is an expression with connotations that are offensive either about
the denotatum or the audience, or both,
and it is substituted for a neutral or euphemistic expression for just that reason. It is used to talk about ones opponents, things one wishes to show disapproval, and things one wishes to be seen
to downgrade”.

The using of dysphemistic
utterances or expressions in the public and formal situation has bad effects for society.
Dysphemism which is said by someone with
anger or dislike facial expression is kind of an insult, humiliation, and, disapproval for addressee. Those impolite
utterances will break the communication
between speaker and addressee, even make mischief among them.

In Islamic perspective,
dysphemism is clearly forbidden. As Allah says in An-Nisa ayah 148
of the Holy Quran below: “God frowns
upon bad utterances,
(what said) frankly
except by man
who as injustice. God was The Most Heard again The
Most co-signature”.

Keith Allan and Kate Burridge, Euphemism and
Dysphemism: Language used as Shield and Weapon,
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 2.
Allah dislikes a bad speaking,
such as mockery, dirty words, and talking about badness others is true and Moslem people
are not allowed to do that.

Dysphemism is expressed in
anywhere whether in reality or in entertainment
world. In the past, we may rarely find dysphemism showed in TVs programs, but now we
can find it easier in movie, novel, and song lyric. Likewise language expresses in dialogue of a movie is
necessary to give attention because it can
be one of the powers to affect the public sense.

Actually, many movies today
consist of dysphemism in some contexts just to make the film more interesting to be
watched. This fact is found in many entertainments
of American movies like comedy, action, horror, and thriller movie. Mostly, they are colored by some
dysphemistic words, phrases, and utterances.
Dysphemism phenomena that are found in some thriller movies support the scenes of the characters in the

“Hostel II” is one of American
thriller movies that contains many dysphemistic
words, phrases, and utterances. This movie is written and directed by Eli Roth in 2007. The dispute or polemic
that happened among the characters in
this movie is caused of the usage of dysphemistic words, phrases, and utterances. In this movie, we can find many
scenes about the character with anger or
dislike facial expression tries to downgrade or humiliate others by using harsh
words, utterances, and expression. So, the researcher can see the gesture,
facial expression, body movement of the
characters clearly while doing the conversation in the movie.

English Literature:Dysphemism Used in Hostel II” Movie

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