Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Flouting and Hedging Maxims Found In Opinion Column of the Jakarta Post


This chapter consists of background of the
study, statements of the problem,
objectives of the study, scope and limitation, significance of the study and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Sometimes,
in communication, people do some strategies to make their conversation goes safe. They are flouting and
hedging maxim. Both of those strategies
found in almost of our daily conversation, but occasionally we do not realize it.

Theoretically, in communication,
people should apply the Cooperative Principle
that is reflected in the four maxims of conversation; they are the Maxim of Quantity, the Maxim of Quality, the Maxim
of Relevance and the Maxim of Manner.
Therefore, the Cooperative Principle and the Gricean Maxims are not specific to conversation but to interaction as
a whole. Grice, who proposed those maxims,
said that people should obey those maxims in order to have an effective communication without any miscommunication. In
fact, sometimes people deliberately
flout and hedge the maxims but it does not lead to miscommunication.

Flouting a maxim is a particular salient way
of getting an addressee to draw an
inference and hence recover an implicature (Grundy, 2000:78). Grice puts to flout a maxim is to contravene it deliberately
and openly (de gruyter, 1984: 36).

There are all sorts of reasons to
flouts a maxim. Sometimes, one is faced with
a clash of maxims and chooses simply to drop one, sometimes one is not in a position to say what the maxim requires, or is
obliged to say something that the maxim
forbids. When someone flouts maxims, they do some rhetorical strategies.

They are tautology, metaphor,
overstatement, understatement, rhetorical question and irony.

Another linguistic term which can
be choice in communicative strategy is hedging.
Collins draws hedge as “if you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, you do
something which will protect you from it, if you hedge or hedge a problem or
question you avoid answering the question or committing yourself to a particular action or
decision” (Markkanen, 1997: 3). The examples
of hedge are perhaps, seem, might, and to a certain extent (Markkanen, 1997: 5).

Meyer (TESOL, 1995: 2) states
there are three reasons why hedges are used, they are: threat minimizing strategies used to
signal distance and to avoid absolute statements,
strategies to accurately reflect the certainty of knowledge and politeness strategies in the social interactions
and negotiations between writers and

There are four maxims which can be flouted and
hedged. As Grice explain as cited by
Grundy ( 2000:75) these maxims of cooperative principle are maxim of quantity (be brief); this maxim is concern
with the amount of information which we
expect from any conversational exchange (Finch: 1998:165), maxim of quality (be true); this maxim expect us to say
only what we believe to be true and have
supported evidence (Grundy, 2000: 74), maxim of relation (be relevant); this maxim expect us to make relevant conversation
(Grundy, 2000: 74), and maxim of manner
(be clear); this maxim expect us to avoid obscurity, ambiguity, and unnecessary prolixity. Detailed enlightenment
will be explained in chapter two.

According to Cook (1989:31-32)
there are times when meaning derives from
deliberate violations. It can be happen in many ways. Quality flout, when communication degenerates into lying, or
simply breaks down altogether.

Quantity flout, when we say more
than we need to mark a sense of occasion or respect; and when we say less than we need,
perhaps to be rude or blunt. Relation flout,
when communication turns into signal embarrassment or a desire to change the subject. Manner flout, when the
information shared makes ambiguity, or it is violated either for humor.

Hedging usually occur in many
cases straightforward politeness applications.
Quality hedges may suggest that the speaker is not taking full responsibility for the truth of his utterance
(Goody: 169-170). Quantity hedges, which
give notice that not as much or not as precise information is provided as might be expected (Goody: 172). Relevance
hedges, it is caused by the sensitivity of
topic changes as impositions on hearers face,
such changes are often done off record
(Goody: 173). Manner hedges, used to redress all kinds of FTAs, for instance insults (Goody, 176).

The examples of flout maxim are I
try to call a hundred times, but there was
never any answer (Overstatement), who cares? (Rhetorical Question), war is war (Tautology) Harry’s a real fish
(Metaphor), A: What do you thing of Jeremy? B: Nothing wrong with him (Understatement),
John’s a real genius; after John has
just done many stupid things (Irony). Whereas, the examples of hedging maxim are smoking damages your health and thats all there is to it (quantity), smoking damages your health for sure
(Quality), the point is that smoking damages
your health (relation), and put plainly, smoking damages your health (manner) (Grundy, 2000: 79) University
students have been investigated the discourse analysis study.

Nurul Afiati (2007) entitled the
flouting and hedging used by the main characters in “Bend it like Beckham”. She found that (1)
flouted maxims in form of exaggerated
statement when they were overtly broken by the main characters utterance of “Bend It
like Beckham” such as tautology, metaphor, overstatement, understatement, rhetorical question and irony.
(2) Maxims of quantity flouted when the
utterances are overstatement. (3) Rhetorical question in the main characters utterance
do not use “wh” question or it is ungrammatically, however it is rhetoric because of its intonation.
There were also some data that hedge the maxims. Most of them are hedging maxims of
quality, because there are many data
which show doubtful statement. Besides, it also found hedging maxims of relation and manner because the utterance is
expressed in long drawn way and has relation
each other. Moreover, the researcher also found some utterance which are abide maxim of quantity, because the data
fulfilled the data is informative as it required
and the other maxims also fulfilled the character of its maxims.

Achmad Mochammad (2008) entitled
“A comparative study between legislative
and executive Indonesia Official Speeches (Based on their flouting and hedging maxims)” found that the executive and
legislative official often used metaphor
in their speeches but the researcher finds the maxim hedge and flouted in metaphor, overstatement, tautology,
understatement, and rhetorical question in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono speech. In the second
speech by Imron Cotan, the researcher
finds the maxims hedge and flouted in metaphor, overstatement and understatement. In the legislative speeches,
the researcher finds the maxims hedge and
flouted in metaphor and overstatement. In this case, the researcher finds the executive officials violated the maxims more
than the legislative did.

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Calibri;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;mso-bidi-font-family:Calibri'>s struggle.

� k � < hK� �i� Objective of the Study Based on the
problem of the study stated above, the objective of the study is to describe what syntactic patterns
are found in the English translation of
Surah Al-Waqi

ah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams.

1.4 Scope and Limitation The
study focuses on analyzing the syntactic patterns in the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams proposed by Diane D. Bornstein. The researcher selects
the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by Marmaduke William Pickthall. In this study, the
researcher limits the discussion on
analyzing the sentence, noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase and adjective phrase
based on the surface structure of each

1.5 Significance of the Study The
findings of this study are hoped to be useful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of
this study are hoped to give contribution
or additional source about syntax especially how to analyze syntactic pattern of a sentence by using the
theory of tree diagrams.

Practically, the result of this
study is expected to be useful for students in State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim
of Malang especially in English Letters
and Language Department as a linguistic reference which assist them to understand and appreciate works
of linguistics, especially sentence
patterns in syntax. Furthermore, this study is expected to give contribution and information to further
researchers who are interested in doing similar
research in the same field in the future.

English Literature:Flouting and Hedging Maxims Found In Opinion Column of the Jakarta Post

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