Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:Claims of Policy in Editorial Column of The New York Times” Newspaper


This chapter elaborates on the background of
the study, research problems, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study and operational definitions of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study A claim or proposition can be defined as
thesis statement, in which the writer
wants to prove his expressed opinion or his idea. It means that the expressed opinion or idea is something that is
debatable, or it is not yet fixed as a truth.
Here, claims of policy, that certain condition should exist, needed to give a suggestion.

Basically, claims of policy are
the one of three principals of claim, besides claims of fact and value, conveyed by
Rottenberg. As the name suggest, claims of policy advocate adoption of policies or
courses of action because problems have arisen
that call for solution (Rottenberg, 1997:58). This statement relates with the verse of Holy Quran (QS. Al-Baqoroh: 185): “Allah intends every facility for you; He does
not want to put to difficulties” The
verse above explains
that God always
gives a solution
for every problem. He does not want to put the
difficulties without ease. Therefore, claims 2 of
policy appeared in argumentative essay to give the suggestion for the readers about the issues happened.

The term and concept of claims of
policy are rarelyexplained deeply when the
students of English Letters Department in Islamic State University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang study argumentative
essay. Therefore, the students may not
know this term and concept. Whereas, it is important for the students to be more critically to the writers’ argument and
they can also study about the rhetoric in
writing classes.

In the claims of policy, the
writer expresses a sense of obligation or necessity. Almost always should, must, need,
ought to, got to, and have to are implied
in the claim, a specific term refers to theway of how a writer proves his idea, as the modal verbs that convey a sense
of obligation and necessity. For example,
cell phones should be banned in all classrooms.This statement appears because many of students bring cell phone and
sometimes used it when the class began.
Consequently, it makes the students less of attention to the teacher explanation. Therefore, this policy creates in
order to solve that problem.

In term of academic writing,
claim is used in argumentative essay. It is essential and significant. It can be a tool
for distinguishing between what is true and
what is false, what is valid and what is invalid, in the claims of politicians,
newscasters, advertisers, employers and
employees, parents and sibling, and any of
whom may be engaged at some time in attempting to persuade the reader to accept a belief or adopt a course of action
(Rottenberg, 1997:8). While, according 3
to Clouse, there is no absolute right or
wrong sidebecause an argument essay is written
on debatable issue. In fact, all sides of the issue are likely to have some merit (2004:384).

The kind of issue that can be
argued logically is one based on an opinion that can be supported by evidence such as
facts, examples, the opinion of experts, or logical reasoning (Smalley, Ruetten, &
Kozyrev, 2000:282). In example, talking
on a cellular phone while driving is so dangerous that it should be made illegal. This issue will be more convince the
reader if the writer gives some evidences
like the data that show the numbers of accident caused by using cellular phone when driving. Therefore, the reader will
agree with the opinion given by the
writer and believe with what writer says.

To defend the claims of policy,
the writer has to convince the reader by offering data to prove that present conditions
are unsatisfactory. Then, insert the data
that necessary to refer the values that support the claim in order to persuade the reader that solution will solve the
problem. Inaddition, the more convincing the evidence, the more convincing the argument
and the more likely readers will agree
(Clouse, 2004:382), for example: Claim :
The states should adopt the new rigorous standards Support : The same states and organizations that
cooperatedon the standards need to
cooperate on a new and innovativecurriculum The claim above will be valuable
and accepted by the reader if there is supported by some evidences, it can be facts,
interpretation or opinion. Without evidences, the readers do not believe and agree with what
the writer said.

4 Several studies on claim have been done
previously.Walid (2007) identifies the
used of claims of policy on opinion column of The Jakarta Post in term of politics policy using Whelson’s
theory. Hefinds that the most of the writers
used funnel type of introductory paragraph and explicitly stated his claim in introductory paragraph. In defending the
claim, most of the writers use evidence
in type of opinion to convince the reader that their claim is true. He does not employing the solid data, moral
consideration and common-sense reasons to defend the claims of policy and showing the
opposing argument to the reader on his
analysis. Whereas, that point will be more persuades the reader to accept the claim.

In other side, Yuniati (2007)
conducts the researchin the same field but different topic. She analyzes claims of fact
in opinion sections of The Jakarta Post.
By using Rottenberg’s theory, she shows that the writers present their claims by stating the evidences or supporting
sentences such as fact, example, inference, statistic, quotation and opinion. While, the
existence of the supporting sentences is clear to defend the claim or to influence the

Hidayati (2007) also analyzes on
claim of fact in the opinion section of Tempo
Magazines. She finds that the methods used bythe writers of argumentative article on Tempo Magazines in
introducing their claims of fact are funnel
and turn about.

Due to the fact that the previous
studies only concerned with claims used in
opinion column, this research takes the claims of policy in editorial column as
5 the subject of research using Rottenberg’s theory.
Editorial column is chosen because
editorials are a special kind of opinion writing in which argumentative essays designed to show opinion leadership.
Editorials may be written by a variety of
people, but they are approved by the editorial board. Their purpose is to urge readers to follow a course of action advocated
by the leadership of the newspaper.

(Kershner, 2005:27). In editorial
column, the editors usually use claims of policy to give suggestions in responding the crucial
issues. Therefore, the reader can catch
what the editors want to prove and how they prove it. In addition, the readers also can give a value whether it is a
good media or not.

Besides, the letters to the
editors are powerful feature of newspaper discourse. They are designed to convince
readers of the acceptability of a point of view and to provoke them into an immediate or
future course of action (Richardson,
2007:148). As a result, I really interested in observing editorial column rather than another column on the

I chose The New York Times
Newspaper as source of the data, because according to, The New York
Times is well-known with its editorial
with a columnist like Paul Krugman, Thomas Friedman, Gail Collins, and others. The language that used by the
editors have a big influence to the reader
not only in America but all over the world. Furthermore, The New York Times has legendary editorial’s writing and
some ofeditorials success to win Pulitzeraward
which only given in America as the appreciation of journalism field.

' � / p hK� �i� rah Al-Waqi

ah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams.

1.4 Scope and Limitation The
study focuses on analyzing the syntactic patterns in the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by using Theory of Tree Diagrams proposed by Diane D. Bornstein. The researcher selects
the English translation of Surah Al-Waqiah by Marmaduke William Pickthall. In this study, the
researcher limits the discussion on
analyzing the sentence, noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase and adjective phrase
based on the surface structure of each

1.5 Significance of the Study The
findings of this study are hoped to be useful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of
this study are hoped to give contribution
or additional source about syntax especially how to analyze syntactic pattern of a sentence by using the
theory of tree diagrams.

Practically, the result of this
study is expected to be useful for students in State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim
of Malang especially in English Letters
and Language Department as a linguistic reference which assist them to understand and appreciate works
of linguistics, especially sentence
patterns in syntax. Furthermore, this study is expected to give contribution and information to further
researchers who are interested in doing similar
research in the same field in the future.

English Literature:Claims of Policy in Editorial Column of The New York Times” Newspaper

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